Title: Key SocioEconomic Issues Impacting National Economic Resilience
1Key Socio-Economic IssuesImpacting National
Economic Resilience Competitiveness
ASLI - SEDAR Roundtable Discussion
- by
- Datuk Nicholas S. Zefferys P.J.N.
- Governor Past President American Malaysian
Chamber of Commerce - President CEO Applied Consulting Engineering
Sdn. Bhd. - Director Southern Bank Berhad
- 14 January 2006
Requires 7 Avg. Annual Growth (some years
higher-others lower)
The march towards Comparative Advantage And Jobs
9th Malaysia Plan (pending)
Anticipate steady but unspectacular
growth (as reflected in Budget 2006)
33rd Qtr 2005 Economic Results
- GDP growth _at_ 5.3 (v. 4.4 2nd Qtr) led by
Svcs. Mining - Exports up 7.5 (v.28 in 04) led by EE (6.8
growth 84 of all exports) - Deficit0.6 of GDP (est. 3.8 for year)
- Inflation tending higher price increases in
chicken, petrol, other - Monetary policy tracking with expansion) lending
rate increased to curb inflation - Ringgit appreciating slightly curbs imported
Building a solid economic foundation
4The Malaysian Model
Socio-Economic Dualities
45 Non- Muslim
55 Muslim
State-owned Enterprises/Jobs/ Education
Private Enterprises/Jobs/ Education
Separate yet integrated economies complimenting
each other Two interactive societies
living/working side-by-side
5The Dual Tracks of Malaysia
Syriah Law Priority School seats 30 Entitlements
Bumi Track
Civil Law Vernacular Schools Global Mobility
Non-bumi track
NEP/NDP/Affirm. Actn. Party Dominance Govt/Bus
Bumi Track
Social-contractEconomic survival Niche strategies
Non-bumi Track
6Where the tracks lead?
This? or . . . This?
Joint but balanced, and stronger development
Separate, protected -- but lesser development.
- To Be Regionally Competitive - Drive Mission
Critical Development - Grow the Economy - Meet
Regulatory Social Obligations
Above Surface Goals
Driving Forces Below The Water Line
Leadership Collaboration CEO PM MOF
II Khazanah Nasional PNB EPF LTAT LUTH
Both address structural reforms
8GLC Transformation Manual
- Enhance Board Effectiveness
- Strengthen Directors Capabilities
- Enhance GLIC Monitoring Management
- Improve Regulatory Environment
- Clarify Social Obligations
- Review Revamp Procurement
- Optimise Capital Management Practices
- Manage Develop Leaders Other Human Capital
- Intensify Management Practices
- Enhance Operational Improvement
9Khazanah Transformation Plan
- Phase 1 Launched 29 July 2005 by PM
- Develop Goals Initiatives
- Phase 2 (Aug. 05 - Dec. 06)
- Execution of initiatives
- Phase 3 (2-5 years from now)
- Materialisation of sustained benefits
- Phase 4 (5-10 years onwards)
- GLCs transform into regional champions
10Moving from . . .
Jaguh Kampung
To . . .
Jaguh Dunia
. . . not just in trade, but also investment
Borne of poverty reduction wealth
redistribution goals As well as preparation
for Globalism.
Perceptions? Realities?
British Legacy - Downgraded Malays -
Intellectual caldron of isms)
Malaysian Legacy Strong Government Central
Government decides market winners losers?
12PM Abdullahs Presidential Speech
- On The Malay Struggle
- WE want to become an advanced nation.
- (The rest of the world) will not formulate
policies to help Bumiputras. - The global economy does not recognise quotas it
will not allocate special projects for
Bumiputras. - The global economic lexicon only acknowledges
terms such as competition, competitiveness,
productivity, innovation, creativity,
originality, excellence and efficiency.
13Paradigm Pliancy (A Model for Change) The ability
to stretch the mind and break out of the box!
Existing Paradigm (A)
Breaking out of the Box (B)
Stepping into a New Domain (C)
Entitlements Affirmative Action
Equal Opportunity Meritocracy
14New Course
Old Course
Changing course or tacking yields a
short period of turbulence as the sail is reset
to a new course and the wind fills the sail
propelling it on its new direction.
A turning point?
Malaysia has a demonstrated pragmatism for doing
the right things.
16Keadilan Supreme Council
The Edge Nurihsan Majid
- Unanimously approved an economic motion to
replace race based NEP with a New Economic
Agenda - Seeking an ideal of universality
- A racial approach is inadequate to deal with
complex socio-economic inequality in Malaysia
17Keadilans New Economic Agenda
The Edge Nurihsan Majid
- Emphasis on justice for all Malaysians
eradicating poverty regardless of race - Narrowing the gap in rural urban development
- Provide training education to all Malaysians to
face a K-based economy - Promote entrepreneurship for a stronger small
medium sized enterprise backbone of the economy
18Keadilans New Economic Agenda
The Edge Nurihsan Majid
- Promote a delivery system which is worker
business friendly, that inculcates accountability
openness for more sustainable development - Ensure government intervention is limited
strategic by forging positive partnership with
the private sector that empowers economic actors
for a growth-based economy and - Forge a positive economic strategy to compete in
a globalised economy.
19A Paradigm Forward?
Moving From Entitlements To Equal Opportunity
Moving From Govt. Run Business To Private
20Xie Xie
Terima Kasih
Thank You