Title: Application of IWRM Principles in Reclamation Planning
1Application of IWRM Principles in Reclamation
Levi Brekke, Reclamation Research Development
Office (Denver, CO) Acknowledgments Randy
Christopherson, Art Coykendall, Avra Morgan,
Christopher Perry, and Seshu Vaddey (Reclamation,
Denver, CO) AWRA Summer Specialty
Conference Integrated Water Resources Management
From Theory to Application Reno, NV, 1 July 2014
2Reclamation Mission
The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to
manage, develop, and protect water and related
resources in an environmentally and economically
sound manner in the interest of the American
3348 Reservoirs, totaling roughly 300 km3 of water
Greater than 25,000 km of canals
9 Billion annual agricultural benefits
Municipal water to more than 31 million people
58 Hydropower facilities powering over 6 million
308 public recreation areas visited by more than
90 million people each year
More than 12 billion avoided flood damages since
- IWRM Principles and Processes
- Reclamation Key Planning Areas how IWRM is
being applied - Basin Studies
- Feasibility Studies (plus associated efforts)
- ESA Collaborative Programs
- Drought Response Planning
- Challenges and Opportunities
5IWRM Several Definitions
- Example CA Water Education Foundation
- IWRM is a collaborative effort to manage all
aspects of water resources in a region. It is a
consensus-based, cross-jurisdictional watershed
approach that can help purveyors, planners,
landowners, stakeholders and others develop plans
to better manage their water resources.
(Layperson's Guide to Integrated Regional Water
Management, 2013, available at
cations.cfm) - Variations
- GWP 2000, Bourget 2006, USACE 2010, AWRA 2011
- USACE 2010 and AWRA 2011 emphasize land-water
Source AWRA 2012, Case Studies in Integrated
Water Resources Management From Local
Stewardship to National Vision
6IWRM Process
- Continuing Process, four key stages
- Ingredients for success
- legislation
- policies
- available resources for financing
Source AWRA 2012, Case Studies in Integrated
Water Resources Management From Local
Stewardship to National Vision
7IWRM Principles
- Manage Water Sustainably consider quantity and
quality consider environment, social equity and
economics - Coordinate to support Integration -
intergovernmental, between organizations, engage
land use jurisdictions - Encourage participation involve local public
and stakeholders from all water use sectors - Address Resources Interconnectedness consider
larger geographic region or watershed, recognize
interconnectedness of land and water, surface
water and groundwater, water quantity and river
quality, freshwater and coastal waters, rivers
and the broader watershed, reservoir space use
for flood control and water supply
Source AWRA 2012, Case Studies in Integrated
Water Resources Management From Local
Stewardship to National Vision
8Reclamations Mission is conducted through
several types of planning mapped to unique goals
9Basin Studies 22 funded since 2009
- 2009
- Colorado River Basin
- Milk/St. Mary Rivers Basin
- Yakima River Basin
- 2010
- Niobrara River Basin
- Truckee River Basin
- Santa Ana River Basin
- Henrys Fork of Snake River
- S.E. California Regional Basin
- 2011
- Lower Rio Grande River Basin
- Santa Fe Basin
- Klamath River Basin
- Hood River Basin
- 2012
- Upper Washita River Basin
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers
- Republican River Basin
Information at http//www.usbr.gov/WaterSMART/bs
10Basin Study Example 1Henrys Fork of the Snake
River, ID
- Goal Identify climate change risks to water
supply and demands - Adaptation Identify and appraise strategies to
mitigate risks - e.g., storage, alternative water management
- Participants
- Fremont-Madison Irrigation District (FMID),
Henrys Fork Foundation (HFF), Reclamation, Trout
Unlimited, Native Trout Subcommittee (IDFG,
HFF,USFS, FMID, FTR, Consultants, IDWR ) - Completed in 2014
Information at (http//www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/
studies/idaho/henrysfork/index.html) Contact
Lesa Stark (lstark_at_usbr.gov)
11 application of IWRM principles
- (1) Manage Water Sustainability, (4) Address
Resources Interconnectedness - focus on water quantity for the watershed,
addressing surface water and groundwater
connections, with consideration for fish habitat,
social equity, and economics - (2) Coordinate / Support Integration, (3)
Encourage participation - collaboration among USBR, IWRB, Henrys Fork
Watershed Council stakeholders helped develop
set of alternatives to address multiple resource
objectives - Native Trout Subcommittee small workgroups
developed alternatives, discussed analyses,
evaluated processes - Websites to engage and collect feedback from the
public - Connect with Federal, State local policies and
12Basin Study Example 2 Yakima River, WA
- Goal address climate change risks like other
Basin Studies address contemporary issues of
water adjudication, droughts/shortages, and
anadromous fish sustainability - Adaptation Use Basin Study to develop
Integrated Water Resources Management Plan
(IWRMP), with set of strategies - Participants
- Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project
(YRBWEP) workgroup members, including 3 Federal
agencies, 3 State agencies, 11 local
jurisdictions, Yakama Nation American Rivers - Completed in 2011
Information at (http//www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/
yrbwep/2010workgroup/index.html) Contact
Wendy Christensen (gchristensen_at_usbr.gov)
13AWRA recognized the Yakima River Basin Water
Enhancement Project (YRBWEP) Workgroup with its
Integrated Water Resources Management Award for
14Feasibility Studies
- Given
- proposed action that would alter water or related
resource management - e.g., new infrastructure, new management criteria
- Purpose
- develop informed recommendation to implement an
action-alternative or take no federal action. - Considerations
- satisfaction of objectives
- physical, environmental, economic and financial
feasibility - validity of scientific, technical and design
assumptions - ability to implement (reliability of cost
schedule estimates, capability willingness of
Study Requirements at http//www.usbr.gov/recman
Example Program Title XVI Water Reclamation
and Reuse (http//www.usbr.gov/WaterSMART/title/in
15Principles Requirements guide Feasibility
Studies, relate to IWRM
- Guiding Principles
- Healthy Resilient Ecosystems
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Floodplains
- Public Safety
- Environmental Justice
- Watershed Approach
- IWRM Concepts
- Manage Water Sustainably
- Coordinate to Support Integration
- Encourage Participation
- Address Resources Interconnectedness
2013 Principles and Requirements, draft
Interagency Guidelines at http//www.whitehouse.
16Feasibility Study ExampleShasta Lake Water
Resources Investigation (Enlarged Shasta)
- Objectives
- Primary Anadromous fish survival, water supply
reliability - Secondary Ecosystem restoration, flood damage
reduction, hydropower, recreation, water quality - Action
- Raise dam, increase reservoir storage, relocate
reservoir areas, protect/mitigate related
resources - Key Players
- Reclamation (Lead), USDA Forest Service, other
cooperating agencies, Tribes and Local Community,
Stakeholders - Ongoing
- Draft Feasibility Report 2011
- Draft EIS 2013
- Final Feasibility Report EIS 2015
Information at (http//www.usbr.gov/mp/slwri/ind
ex.html) Contact Katrina Chow
17 application of IWRM Principles
- Manage Water Sustainably
- Alternatives were formulated to meet both primary
objectives - water supply reliability and
anadromous fish survival - All alternatives provide benefits to anadromous
fish survival, water supply reliability,
ecosystem resources, reducing flood damage,
increasing hydropower generation, water quality,
and recreation - Regional Economic Development and National
Economic Development benefits evaluated in
Feasibility Report - Potential physical, biological, cultural, and
socioeconomic effects of all comprehensive plans
evaluated in EIS - Environmental justice evaluated in EIS for all
comprehensive plans - Coordinate to support Integration
- Project Coordination Team Meetings w/ cooperating
agencies - Coordination of recreation plans with USFS
- Coordinated development of comprehensive
mitigation plan with USFS, USFWS, BLM, USACE - Review of key documents by cooperating agencies
prior to public release
18 application of IWRM Principles
- Encourage participation
- briefings for reservoir area stakeholders
- coordination/outreach to both Federally
recognized and non-Federally recognized tribal
groups - coordination with Reclamation water contractors
- development of SLWRI Website Mailing List
- public outreach to support public release of
draft EIS (DEIS) - Provided DEIS in multiple formats - Mailed to
entire Mailing List, posted to website,
hardcopies in public locations across California - Hosted Public workshops hearings
- Participated in radio interviews local City
Council meetings - Address Resources Interconnectedness
- Inclusion of primary extended study areas
- Primary Study Area Shasta Lake and tributaries
Sacramento River below Shasta Dam to Red Bluff - Extended Study Area - Sacramento River downstream
from Red Bluff, the Delta, and CVP/SWP facilities
and service areas - Evaluated benefits and impacts to a broad range
of resource areas in EIS, such as effects to
groundwater and flows and water quality in the
Sacramento River and Delta
19ESA Collaborative Programs
- Helps Reclamation maintain ESA Compliance
- Includes habitat maintenance and possibly river
restoration - Benefits multiple listed species
- Involve numerous water users and stakeholders
- Formal structure and decision-making
Information at (http//www.usbr.gov/river/)
20ESA Collaborative Program Example 1Federal
Columbia River Power System (FCRPS)
- Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS)
- 14 Federal multi-purpose dams
- Managed by three agencies for controlling floods,
providing irrigation and navigation, protecting
fish and wildlife, generating power, sustaining
cultural resources . . . - Works through the U.S. Canada Treaty to improve
flows for listed salmon and steelhead in the U.S
- Federally listed salmon and steelhead
- Led to BiOp issued by NMFS Reasonable and
Prudent Alternative includes hydrosystem
improvements for salmon, habitat and hatchery
improvements and predator control - Extensive collaboration, including with the
Federal Caucus, Fish Accord partners, several
States, multiple tribes, and various stakeholders
Information at (http//www.usbr.gov/pn/fcrps/ind
ex.html and http//www.salmonrecovery.gov/Home.asp
x /) Contact Kate Puckett (kpuckett_at_usbr.gov)
21ESA Collaborative Program Example 2 San Juan
Basin Recovery Implementation Program
- Initiated in 1992 to conserve and recover two
endangered fish species in the San Juan River
basin while allowing water developments to
proceed - Program partners
- Jicarilla Apache Nation, Navajo Nation, Southern
Ute Indian Tribe, State of Colorado, State of New
Mexico, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S.
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ute
Mountain Ute Indian Tribe, Water Development
Interests in Colorado and New Mexico - Established to protect and improve status of
federally listed species while protecting
existing and future water uses. - All four IWRM principles are at play
Information at (http//www.fws.gov/southwest/sjr
ip/index.cfm) Contact Brent Uilenberg
22Drought Response Program
- Reclamations Drought program is being
reformulated to - incorporate climate change information
- build long-term resiliency
- prioritize planning efforts that are
multi-disciplinary, collaborative, and more
holistically address risk to multiple sectors
(municipalities, agriculture, ecosystems). - New Drought Response Program will begin
implementation in FY 2015 (1.5M requested)
- Process distinguishment and benefits unclear
- Baseline? Planning without IWRM?
- Environmental compliance requirements are often
challenging - E.g., species recovery, adaptive management ?
IWRM planning and implementation uncertainties - No community of practice
- Common mandate isnt enough, need proper
alignment of authorities and budgets - E.g., Reclamation FWS face challenges trying to
leverage resources through LCCs
- Seek better alignment of interagency programs
budgets within authorities and mandates - Support post-analysis of process benefits,
engaging social, economic, and political science
communities - Encourage peer agencies to conduct maturity
assessments of their IWRM processes - identify the workflow and stages, potential
maturities by stage, common deficiencies and
aspirations - results might inform community science
application efforts
- Basin Studies
- Seshu Vaddey (svaddey_at_usbr.gov)
- ESA Collaborative Programs
- Art Coykendall (acoykendall_at_usbr.gov)
- Feasibility Studies
- Chris Perry (cperry_at_usbr.gov)
- Randy Christopherson (rchistopherson_at_usbr.gov)
- Drought Response Program
- Avra Morgan (aomorgan_at_usbr.gov)