Title: Halifax
1Strengthening Indianas Citizens and Communities
Promoting Resilience Recovery
May 9, 2006 Indianapolis, Indiana
Barbara J. Friesen
- What is resilience? Why is it important? Whats
the bottom line? - To whom does it apply? Is the definition of
resilience and are resilience strategies
universal? - What is the relationship of recovery and
resilience? How do they fit with the system of
care framework in childrens mental health?
Where is there value added? - What are the implications of this information
for - o Practice
- o System change
- o Evaluation?
3Question 1
- What is resilience?
- Why is it important? Whats the bottom line?
4The ultimate goal of mental health
transformation is to create a consumer-driven
system focused on recovery and resiliency.
Recovery refers to the process by which people
are able to live, work, learn, and participate
fully in their communities. Resiliency refers to
those factors that help us cope with lifes
challenges. It relates to a dynamic process that
creates positive adaptation within the context of
Kathryn Power in an address to the National
Alliance for the Mentally Ill, September 10,
5Resilience Definitions
- A dynamic process encompassing positive
adaptation within the context of significant
adversity (Luthar, Cicchetti, Becker, 2000). - Risk must be present
- Resilience can be identified only after
exposure to adversity - Protective factors can be identified.
6Resilience Definitions
- Resilience is the process of adapting well in
the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats,
or even significant sources of stress such as
family and relationship problems, serious health
problems, or workplace and financial stressors.
It means bouncing back from difficult
experiences - (Discovery Health Channel and APA Practice
Directorate, 2002)
7Conceptual Framework
- Developmental science perspective the
individual functions as an integrated organism
and development arises from the dynamic
interrelations among systems existing within and
beyond that person (Farmer Farmer, 2001, p.
172). - Ecological perspective Bronfenbrenners2
synthesis of evidence about influence of external
influences on the family as the context for the
development of children (Bronfenbrenner, 1986).
8Relationships of Child, Family, Community
9Why are resilience and resilience-building
- Buffer, protect against future challenges
- Successfully adapting to difficult situations
helps to strengthen coping skills and
competencies - We can act to increase protective factors
- We can act to reduce known risks.
- Good news
- Many EBP prevention, early intervention programs
promote resilience - Some address either/both substance abuse/mental
health issues.
10Emotional problems Substance abuse Delinquency
Chess Thomas
Child Temperament Other Characteristics
Academic Failure
Poor Teacher Relationships
Deviant Peer Group
Parent-Child Relationship Problems
Parenting and Parent Characteristics
Conduct Problems
11Emotional problems Substance abuse Delinquency
Henggeler MST
Chess Thomas Parent Training
Child Temperament Other Characteristics
Academic Success
Good Relationships with Adults
Positive Peer Group
Parent-Child Relationship Problems
Parenting and Parent Characteristics
Conduct Problems
Beardslee Parents with Depression
Webster-Stratton Incredible Years
12Question 2
- To whom does the concept of resilience apply?
- Is the definition of resilience and are
resilience strategies universal?
- Concept of resilience has developed over last 4-5
decades - Longitudinal research Garmezys study of
children whose parents had schizophrenia
Werners Kawai study of Hawaiian children - Identification of risk, protective factors
- Positive, strengths-based implications
- Focus on competence, positive development
- Ordinary Magic - children are resilience unless
major systems (intellectual functioning,
parenting) are compromised (Masten, 2001) - Shift from resilient children to resilience as
a dynamic process - Intervention development
- Building competence, skills in individuals
- Reducing risk
- Enhancing protective processes
14Resilience Correlates
- Individual (good intellectual functioning,
easy-going disposition, self-efficacy, high
self-esteem, talents, faith, future orientation) - Family (close relationship to caring parent
figure, authoritative parenting warmth,
structure, high expectations, socioeconomic
advantage, connections to extended family
networks) - Community (bonds to prosocial adults, connections
to prosocial organizations, attending effective
15Resilience-building Interventions
- Masten and Coatsworth (1998)
- 1st generation Interventions that strengthen
childrens adaptive capacities, or changing
parenting through direct intervention
Necessary, but not sufficient (effects limited,
short-lived). - 2nd generation Ecological models that take
into account environments that have an impact on
the child (family, peers, neighborhood, schools,
community organizations).
16Question 2
- To whom does the concept of resilience apply?
- Across the age span. Longitudinal studies have
followed children into middle age and beyond. -
17Question 2b
- Are the definition of resilience and resilience
strategies universal? - The broad idea of resilience is universal, but
the definition of doing well varies by culture.
Also, strategies to promote resilience must be
culturally-based - o Individual vs. collective
- o Importance of intergenerational
relationships and relationships with
ancestors - o Emphasis on strengthening cultural identity.
18Question 3What is the relationship between
recovery and resilience? How do they fit with
the System of Care framework in childrens mental
health? Where is there value added?
19System of Care Principles, Concepts of
Resilience Recovery
20Distilled CrosswalkSystem of Care, Resilience
21Distilled CrosswalkSystem of Care, Resilience
22Distilled CrosswalkSystem of Care, Resilience
23Resilience Value Added
- Future orientation, hope, optimism.
- Identify risk, protective factors, align with
outcomes - Suggestion approaches to healing historical
trauma - Build foundation of research for prevention,
early intervention - Child
- Family
- Community
24Recovery Value Added
- Explicit focus on hope, optimism
- Life planning, future orientation
- Quality of life as legitimate outcome
- Self-determination, self-management
- Recovery related to trauma of illness and
negative experiences with system - Empowerment
- Children, youth, families
- Service providers
System Change
26Resilience Principles for service design
- Resilience is dynamic, can change quickly.
Individualization calls for reassessment,
adjustments in programming supports - Resilience comes not from avoidance of all risks,
but from successful engagement with challenges
(Rutter, 1987). Parenting strategies and
services should aim to progressively promote
27Resilience Principles Service Design
- Resilience-building services should be targeted
(beyond generic strengths-based), when
possible. Examples - a. Tebes, et al., study of children whose
parents had mental illness. - Social processes, not symptoms, most important
- Effects on parenting
- Poverty
- Family Stress
- Interaction of intervention results
- Reductions in family stress associated with
reduction in problem behaviors - Improved parent-child bonding associated with
greater child competence
28Resilience Principles Service Design
- Resilience-building services should be targeted
(beyond generic strengths-based), when
possible. - b. Study of Midwestern farm families who
suffered economic downturn (study of effect of
poverty on children and families) Conger Conger
(2002). Children developed mental and emotional
problems not in response to direct deprivation,
but to changes in parenting - Parents worry about finances and family problems
affected their ability to provide nurturance and
emotional closeness - Parents of children who did well (were resilient)
could still provide emotional nurturance, or the
children had other important supportive
relationships (siblings, other adults).
29Resilience Principles for service design
- Research findings may not hold true across
cultures, e.g., authoritative parenting
promotes competence in many cultural groups, but
authoritarian parenting also produces good
results in African American and Asian children
(Kotchick Forehand, 2002) - Need careful evaluation tie to program theory.
Be sure that outcomes we measure can be logically
expected from what we do (what if were promoting
competence, but measuring changes in problem
30Resilience Recovery Implications for service
planning practice
- Overall Establish/use processes for youth
family participation in developing recovery and
resilience-building outcomes and processes at all
levels - - Service and educational planning
- - System development
- - Evaluation and feedback
31Implications for service planning practice
- Hope, optimism, and future planning
- Review current practice and policy re messages
conveyed to families and youth - Do intake practices inadvertently communicate
blame? - What is stated or implied about the future in
planning and discussions? - Do service providers hold pessimistic attitudes
and beliefs about the future of children and
youth with emotional disorders? - Extract practice and program lessons from
literature on hope and positive emotions.
32Implications for service planning practice
- Acknowledge and address trauma
- Strengthen practice approaches that address
trauma experienced by individuals (abuse, loss,
exploitation) - Eliminate system-based negative experiences (get
feedback from families and youth) - Promote practice competence re trauma
experienced by entire groups (i.e., Native
American, African American youth families).
33Implications for service planning
- Resilience
- Use data about child, family, community, risk
factors for individualized planning - Use data about childrens strengths
competencies for service planning - Use information re strengths, competencies, and
outcomes to planning, review, evaluation team
at child and family level (CQI).
- Recovery
- Development of life planning processes (youth AND
families) - Outcomes
- Quality of life indicators (AACP)
- Make transition planning standard service
- Employment training opportunities
- Tangible, social support
34Implications for planning system development
- Resilience
- Assess community strengths assets (e.g., Search
Institute) that are protective factors (access to
positive activities adults who care (informal or
formal) - Work to increase community strengths, reduce
risks (e.g., poverty, violence, neighborhood
crime, biohazards)
- Recovery
- Use youth/family experiences of stigma to plan
for stigma-reduction strategies - Provide national/local support for peer-run,
mutual support groups, organizations (youth and
families) - Evaluate mutual support services (build evidence
35Two Notable Community Initiatives
- Sheldon Park Pride. Began doing early childhood
assessments, but moved to leadership training,
job training and development, community
gardening, and literacy training. - Results higher employment, better relationships
among residents, lower child abuse rates, child
developmental gains. (Feikema, Segalavich,
Jeffries, 1997).
36Notable Community Initiatives-cont.
- 2. Better Beginnings, Better Futures in Ontario,
Canada helped 3 low-income communities develop
prevention programs for children and build the
capacity of parents, families, neighborhoods to
promote healthy development. - Results lower rates of emotional or behavioral
problems, better social functioning, and improved
general health in children - Improved parental health, housing conditions.
37Resilience Recovery Implications for
- Resilience and recovery concepts may suggest
possible evaluation topics, e.g., - What percentage of individual child and family
plans show evidence of building on strengths? - What is the youth/family service experience re
hope and future orientation? Does information
received in intake, assessment promote
optimistic, long-term view (vs. pessimistic,
short-term, narrowly focused perspective)?
38Resilience Recovery Implications for
- Resilience and recovery concepts may suggest
possible evaluation topics, e.g., - ________________________________
- ________________________________
- ________________________________
39Next steps for Indiana?
40References Bibliography Beardslee, W.R.,
Versage, E.M., Van de Velde, P., Swatling, S.,
Hoke, L. (2002). Preventing depression in
children through resiliency promotion The
Prevention Intervention Project. In R.J. McMahon
R.D. Peters (Eds.), The effects of parental
dysfunction on children. New York Kluwer
Academic/Plenum. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986).
Ecology of the family as a context for human
development Research perspectives.
Developmental Psychology, 22(6), 723-741.
Conger, R.D., Conger, K.J. (2002). Resilience
in Midwestern families Selected findings from
the first decade of a prospective, longitudinal
study. Journal of Marriage and the Family,
64(2), 361-373. Curie, C.G., Brounstein, P.J.,
Davis, N.J. (2004). Resilience-building
prevention programs that work A federal
perspective. In C. Clauss-Ehlers M. Weist
(Eds.), Community planning to foster resilience
in children. NY Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
Discovery Health Channer and APA practice
Directorate. (2002). The road to resilience.
Brochure produced with the Discovery Health
Channel. Washington, DC American Psychological
Association. Dudley-Grant, G.R., Comas-Diaz, L.,
Todd-Bazemore, B., Hueston, J.D. (2003).
Fostering resilience in response to terrorism
For psychologists working with people of color.
In the Fostering resilience series of the APA
Task Force on Resilience in Response to
Terrorism, R. Levant and L. Barbanel, cochairs.
Washington, DC American Psychological
Association. Farmer, T.W., Farmer, E.M.Z.
(2001). Developmental science, systems of care,
and prevention of emotional and behavioral
problems in youth. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 71(2), 171-181. Feikema, R.J.,
Segalavich, J.H., Jeffries, S.H. (1997). From
child development to community development One
agencys journey. Families in Society, 78,
185-195. Friesen, B.J.. Brennan, E.M. (2005).
Strengthening families and communities
System-building for resilience. In Ungar, M.
(Ed). A handbook for working with children and
youth Pathways to resilience across cultures and
contexts (pp. 295-311). Thousand Oaks, CA
Sage. Kotchick, B.A., Forehand, R. (2002).
Putting parenting in perspective A discussion of
the contextual factors that shape parenting
practices. Journal of Child and Family Studies,
11(3), 255-269. Luthar, S.S., Cicchetti, D.,
Becker, B. (2000). The construct of resilience
A critical evaluation and guidelines for future
work. Child Development, 71, 543-562. Masten,
A.S., Coatsworth, J.D. (1998). The development
of competence in favorable and unfavorable
environments. American Psychologist, 53(2),
205-220. New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
(2003). Achieving the promise Transforming
mental health care in America Final Report
(DHHS Pub. No. SMA-03-3832). Rockville, MD
Author. Rutter, M. (1987). Psychosocial
resilience and protective mechanisms. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57(3),
316-331. Stroul, B.A. Friedman, R.M. (1986). A
system of care for severely emotionally disturbed
children and youth. Washington, DC Georgetown
University, CASSP Technical Assistance Center.
Tebes, J.K., Kaufman, J., Adnopoz, J.,
Racusin, G. (2001). Resilience and family
psychosocial processes among children of parents
with serious mental disorders. Journal of Child
and Family Studies, 10(1), 115-136. US Department
of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (nd).
National consensus statement on mental health
recovery. Downloaded May 1, 2006 from
42Fostering Developmental Assets in Youth
- Since 1989, the Search Institute has developed,
tested, and disseminated an approach focusing on
40 key developmental assets that youth need to
succeed (Benson, 1990 Scales Leffert, 1999). - Through Healthy Communities-Health Youth
initiative, communities have been called upon to
strengthen developmental opportunities for youth,
and to focus change efforts on multiple sectors.
43Strengthening Neighborhood and Community
- Need to have network of adults with shared goals
who back each other up in times of stress. - Collective efficacy of neighborhoods is linked to
levels of violence and victimization, child
maltreatment, and opportunities for positive
44Comprehensive Community Initiatives
- Built on a community action framework that
- Strengthens the capacity of community adults to
support youth. - Increases the quality and quantity of
developmental opportunities for youth. (Connell
Kubish, 2002).
45Funds to support this activity come from The
Child, Adolescent and Family Branch, Center for
Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse Mental
Health Services Administration, U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services and from The
National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of
Center for Mental Health Services, Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of