Title: Image Acquisition and Sampling
1Image Acquisition and Sampling
2Image acquisition by digital devices
3Image Sensors
4Image Acquisition Using Single Sensor
5Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips
6CCD Image Sensor
Inventors George Smith and Willard Boyle Bell
Lab. 1969
First CCD sensor
7CCD Image Sensor (cont.)
How a CCD image sensor works.
8Layout of CCD sensor photosites
Standard CCD
Fuji Super CCD
For details of Fuji super CCD image sensor, check
9CMOS Image Sensor
1. CMOS image sensor with peripheral circuits.
2. Color filters for CMOS image sensor.
3. PCB of a digital camera.
10Foveon X3
A Dramatically Different DesignThe revolutionary
design of Foveon X3 direct image sensors features
three layers of pixel sensors. The layers are
embedded in silicon to take advantage of the fact
that red, green, and blue light penetrate silicon
to different depthsforming the world's first
direct image sensor.
11New Foveon X3 Image Sensor
For details, check http//www.foveon.com
12Optics of Lenses a real zoom lens
Lens groups
Aperture of lens
Optical path a zoom lens
13Aberration of lenses
- Geometric Aberration
- Barrel distortion
- Pin-cushion distortion
- Chromatic Aberration
14Image Sampling and Quantization
15Image Sampling