Title: Searching the New Digital Formats Podcasting Edition
1Searching the New Digital Formats Podcasting
2Whats Podcasting?
- A means of distributing audio content
- Extends RSS technology to audio
- Automatic downloading of new content
3Whats Podcasting? (part 2)
- Time-shifted content Listen to whatever,
whenever, wherever! - Plain old mp3s No iPod required
- Diverse content from mainstream and independent
media sources
4How do I listen?
- Need a way to find content
- Directories
- Search Engines
- And a way to subscribe to content
- Aggregators
- Todays focus is on the former, but some tools
will help you do both.
5So how do I find the good stuff?
6NPR http//www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_directo
7(No Transcript)
8Juice http//juicereceiver.sourceforge.net
9(No Transcript)
10Look for the podcast feed
11One-click subscription options
12A Brief Tour of Podcast Discovery Tools
Find a more comprehensive list at
13Podcast Alley http//podcastalley.com
15iTunes http//apple.com/itunes
16Loomia http//loomia.com
17Blinkx http//blinkx.com
18Podscope http//podscope.com
19(No Transcript)
20Podzinger http//podzinger.com
22So how do I find what Im looking for?
- Go directly to your favorite content producers
- Head to the directories
- Play with the full-text search tools
greg.schwartz_at_gmail.com IM or Skype planetneutral