Title: A Day In the Life of the Butterfly Class.
1A Day In the Life of the Butterfly Class.
2 Dramatic Play
Grocery Store
At The Car Wash
During dramatic play, children break through the
restrictions of reality. They pretend to be
someone or something different from themselves
and make up situations and actions that go along
with the role they choose. When children engage
in dramatic play they deepen their understanding
of the world and develop skills that will serve
them throughout their lives.
3Morning Meeting Time
We sing songs, read books, share our experiences
with each other, and learn how to be better
4Music and Movement
Rockin Out
Moving to music not only develops gross motor
skills but also helps children understand spatial
relationships and hear differences in sounds.
Besides being fun.
5Hands on Science
Children develop observation skills, observe
relationships and cause and effect. They use
their senses to explore and discover.
6Exploring Art
Through different art mediums children can gain
understanding of cause and effect relationships
and develop fine motor skills. The process of
creating is more important than the product.
7Self-Select Times
The children are given a large amount of time
each day to choose which areas of the classroom
they would like to work and explore.
Investigating the workings of a VCR.
Block Play
Working in the Office.
8Outdoor Play
Outdoor activities develop large muscle skills,
increase balance, endurance and coordination.
9Play is Mother Natures clever way of insuring
that young people (and old) become educated of
their own accord. It is always a form of
experimental inquiry, and the very business and
lifeblood of childhood.
V. Scarfe (1908-1985)