Title: Identity Marks logos - trade marks-chops
1Identity Marks logos - trade marks-chops
symbols - design
Identity who somebody is, especially the name
somebody or something is known by... The set of
characteristics that somebody recognizes as
belonging uniquely to himself or herself and
constituting his or her individual personality
for life.
2Colors, designs, and the use of particular
techniques are part of a visual language with
specific cultural meanings
3Marks Of Identity
- How far would you go to mark your identity?
- Everyone belongs to some kind of group, and the
ways people show that belonging can be extreme. - In Thailand, near the Burmese border, women
stretch their necks with brass shackles to
identify them as part of the Padaung tribe. - In Japan, enthusiasts spend several years and
thousands of dollars to tattoo their entire
bodies with patterns that link them with a
samurai code of honor - only to hide their marks
away because of a notorious social stigma. - Temporary decorations and body art like makeup,
clothing, hairstyles are a way of signaling an
individual's place in society, marking a special
moment, celebrating a transition in life or
simply following a fashion.
Photo William DeMichele This photograph features Janet and tattoo artist Mike -- both of Chicago. Janet's tattoos include a "Ganesha" -- a Hindu deity who has the power to remove obstacles -- on her arm. Mike, whose tattoos were applied by the tattoo artist, Guy Aitchison, states that the imagery is "his soul on the outside."
4The Chinese Name Chop
The Chinese Name Chop
The Chinese Name Chop
All our Chinese Paintings display the name chop, or signature seal, of the artist. Name chops are written in archaic characters and are illegible to the ordinary Chinese reader, requiring a special study to be read.
- Chinese Paintings display the name chop, or
signature seal, of the artist. Name chops are
written in archaic characters and are illegible
to the ordinary Chinese reader, requiring a
special study to be read. - They have been used on Chinese paintings and
elsewhere since the Sung dynasty and play an
extremely important role in the lives of the
Chinese up to the present day. A chop mark is
still required for a document to be legally
binding.Chops, which were a forerunner to the
invention of printing, are engraved by hand,
pressed into a red ink paste made from Cinnabar
and stamped onto a painting or document. Chops
are generally made of jade into which an
elaborate sculpture is often carved. - Chop marks contribute to the visual appeal of the
painting but chop marks themselves also
constitute an independent category in fine arts.
Throughout most of the Far East classes devoted
to this craft are held in colleges and university
Customer Satisfaction
Signature seal
Chop marks contribute to the visual appeal of the painting but chop marks themselves also constitute an independent category in fine arts. Throughout most of the Far East classes devoted to this craft are held in colleges and university departments.
Chop marks contribute to the visual appeal of the painting but chop marks themselves also constitute an independent category in fine arts. Throughout most of the Far East classes devoted to this craft are held in colleges and university departments.
5 Coppa (bowl) from the workshop of Maestro
Gerogio Andrioli
back of above, signifying the identity marks of
the workshop of Maestro Gerogio Andrioli
- Brands are one of the most interesting tools used
by livestock people. Each -
- brand is by necessity different than all the
others and often conveys - the character of the owner.
MORE OF ANY OR ALL OF THESEBrands are considered
the trademark for the rangeland signifying pride
of ownership in livestock.
7- Brands have a language all their own. The
ability to read these symbols is referred to as
"callin' the brand." - Brands are composed of capital letters of the
alphabet, numerals, pictures, and characters such
as slash /, circle O, half-circle , cross ,
_bar, etc., with many combinations and
adaptations. Letters can be used singly,
joined, or in combinations. - They can be upright, XIT
- lying down or "lazy," (lazy S)
- connected ( V B connected) or combined, (V B
combined) - reversed, (reverse B)
- or hanging (V hanging S).
- Picture brands are usually used alone,
(ladder) or (rising sun). - There are three accepted rules for reading
brands. - 1. Read from the left to the right as ML (M L).
- 2. Read from the top to the bottom as (bar
m). - 3. When the brand is enclosed, it is read from
the outside to the inside as (circle S).
8Trade Marks
- What is a mark?
- A trademark, or "mark," is any word, phrase,
symbol, design, sound, smell, color, product
configuration, group of letters or numbers, or
combination of these, adopted and used by a
company to identify its products or services, and
distinguish them from products and services made,
sold, or provided by others.
9trademark or trade mark
- The term trademark is also used informally to
refer to any distinguishing attribute by which an
individual is readily identified, particularly
the well known characteristics of celebrities. - Such trademarks can be a style of haircut (Elvis
Presley's distinctive ducktail), articles of
clothing or accessories (Liberace's flamboyant
costumes and jewelry or Elton John's oversized
sunglasses), facial hair (Groucho Marx's
mustache), etc. etc.
10Artists marks
A remarque is a small, personalized drawing or
symbol that an artist adds (near his or her
signature) on a print. The presence of a remarque
increases the print's value. Originally,
remarques were remarks made, in pencil, that
identified the various stages a printing plate
went through while in the process of being
finalized. Whistler seems to have pioneered
making remarques desirable to collectors,
particularly in the case of his "butterfly" mark.
11James A. McNeil WHISTLER 1834-1903 (American)
- Kensington Gardens Lithograph, signed with the
butterfly, lower left.
12Your Assignment Create your own Identity Mark.
- To design a creative and innovative symbol that
reflects ones heritage and current interest.
13Be creative with your design
- Use the information you have gathered about
yourself to help guide you. - Feel free to incorporate any or all of the
following - Cultural Background
- Family/cultural values and ideas
- Personal Favorites (colors, patterns, pastimes)
- Religious beliefs
14- Incorporate designs and patterns from your
heritage. - Celtic Knot work
- Japanese Characters
- Aboriginal Dot Patterns
15 Islamic Patterns
Mehndi (henna tattoos)
16You can combine different qualities of yourself
by combining two (or more) objects that symbolize
those concepts.
- This symbol shows an eye looking skyward,
symbolizing forward thinking, and a monorail,
symbolizing an obsession with technology.
17Incorporate at least 3 elements and 2 principles
into your design. Which principles and elements
can you identify in these symbols?
A blend of nature and technology.
- Combination of love and dance.
18 - Be creative, in most cases less in more.
19Think about scale.
- Will your image portray the same message as a
letterhead that it would as a bill board?
20 21(No Transcript)