Title: Parliament as a democratic institution
1Parliament as a democratic institution
- POLS2103 Australian Democracy
- Dr Norman Abjorensen
2The centrality of parliament
3- Political equality
- Popular control of government
- Civil liberties/Human Rights
- Public deliberation
4Problem of majority rule 1. What constitutes a
majority? - majority of participating
voters - majority of residents - majority of
citizens - a plurality of participating
voters 2. What constitutes rule? - rule as
majority sees fit - any form of rule as long as
not unconstitutional - rule according to due
process - rule as determined by simple majority
5Demos kratos democracy Rule by the
people NOT Rule by a majority of the
6 Confidence in social institutions () in 1990s
Source Tiffen Gittens (2004) p. 244
7- Democratisation
- The process of becoming more democratic
- Two assumptions
- 1. The political parties with majority of seats
represent a majority of the people - 2. Standard of majority rule used to measure
8- Political equality
- Does parliament protect this value?
- restrictions on voting rights?
- restrictions on right to stand for election?
- restrictions on taking ones seat as elected
9- Some more equal than others?
- How is official party status determined?
- Rules geared to Nationals
- In Victoria, 11 members needed (Nats have 11)
- In WA, 5 members in Legislative Assembly (Nats
qualify but Greens, with 5 in LC, do not) - In Federal Parlt 5 members in either house
- Nats qualify but Greens do not, despite larger
10- Popular control of government
- How fair is electoral system?
- Is HoR electoral system truly fair?
- The issue of mandate
- Recall of incompetent ministers?
- Mechanisms of accountability
- Political donors what is the quid pro quo?
11Rights and liberties How effective is power to
scrutinise regulation? Government by
regulation Senates disallowance 2000 14/1850 2
001 2/1293 2002 6/2035
12Executive domination Private Members Bills
passed since Federation? 16 9 originating in
Senate 7 in House of Representatives But on
average 22 introduced each year
13- Deliberation
- Few Private Members Bills debated
- Restrictions on research staff
- Question Time half are govt questions answers
evaded - Little focus on committee work
14How accountable? Ministers do not have to answer
questions 2003 questions on Iraq GOVT OPP ANS
0 14
15The Speaker Should he/she be independent of