Title: Acceptable Ambient Level Hydrogen Sulfide
1 Acceptable Ambient Level
Hydrogen Sulfide
- EMC Air Quality Committee
- 12 February 2003
- by
- Preston Howard, President
- Manufacturers Chemical Industry
- Council of North Carolina
26 Affected MCIC Members Sites - All in
Economically Depressed Regions
- Blue Ridge Paper - Canton
- International Paper
- Riegelwood
- Roanoke Rapids
- PCS Phosphate - Aurora
- Weyerhaeuser
- New Bern
- Plymouth
3All are Major Economic Hubs
- Directly employ from 500 to 1200 on-site
- Statewide 9000 total jobs
- Thousands of spin-off jobs
- Annual payroll 494 Millon
- 750 Million in purchases from NC vendors
- SAB - Risk Assessment
- No considerations other than science
- EMC - Risk Management
- Practical considerations
- Technical feasibility
- Economic impact
5Regulated Sources
- Six sites owned by MCIC member companies 14 of
all H2S emissions in NC - 86 of H2S emissions would not be subject to the
new AAL - Is it prudent to spend 500 Million to control
14 of the emissions?
6H2S Emissions in North Carolina
7Jappinen et al. 1990
- to assess the possible effects of low
concentrations of H2S on respiratory function - Exposed 10 asthmatics to 2 ppm for 30 min.
- 2 ppm 2700 ug/m3
- current AAL is 2100 ug/m3
8Conflicting interpretations of Jappinens results
- Concluded that the bronchial obstruction
experienced by 2 of the 10 asthmatics constituted
an asthmatic response
- Jappinen
- noted that the increase in bronchial
obstruction was not statistically significant
and did not result in clinical symptoms
9Bruce Dalton, MD, FACOEM
- Jappinen study findings are consistent with
population studies of residents living near
industrial sources of hydrogen sulfide - the SABs recommendations are based on
interpretations of the Jappinen study that are
inconsistent with the data as published
10Vickie L. Tatum, Ph.D.
- The SAB implies ...that exposure to low levels
of hydrogen sulfide trigger asthma attacks .
Such conclusions are not supported by the
scientific and medical literature, nor are they
shared by other bodies. - Michigan Environmental Science Board interpreted
Jappinen - asthmatic subjects are not more
susceptible to the effects of H2S
- 1997 American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists - studies on respiratory
function of pulp mill workers and asthmatics at 2
ppm hydrogen sulfide failed to find a
statistically significant change produced by the
hydrogen sulfide
12Real world studies
- 11 different studies on respiratory health of
residents near pulp mills and refineries - 10 studies found no evidence of significantly
increased incidence of asthma or asthma-like
symptoms - 1 study found increased incidence of asthma, but
authors noted that other factors, such as mold
in homes and pollen, appeared to play a role
13The 1 hr AAL derived from Jappinen should be
- Is not supported by Jappinen (the author)
- Is not supported by scientific and medical
literature - Is not supported by interpretations by other
government agencies (Michigan ESB) - Is not supported by American Conference of
Government Industrial Hygienists - Is not supported by population studies of
residents living near industrial sources of H2S
14Vanhoorne et al. 1995
- Basis for SABs 24 hr AAL of 33 ug/m3
- Study of eye irritation complaints among workers
at a viscose rayon plant - Workers were exposed to both hydrogen sulfide and
carbon disulfide
15Quotes from Vanhoorne. . .
- the prevalence of eye complaints is clearly
associated with exposure. However, deciding which
of the two suspected agents, H2S or CS2, was
responsible proved impossible in this study. - Last year EPA judged studies like Vanhoorne to be
unsuitable due to the co-exposure to other
chemicals like CS2
16Vanhoorne . . .
- Since Vanhoorne involved the co-exposure of H2S
and CS2, and since EPA has indicated that the use
of studies involving such co-exposure is
inappropriate, MCIC believes that the EMC should
disregard the Vanhoorne study and the proposed
AAL of 33 ug/m3 that was derived from it
17MCIC Position
- The SAB offered a 24 hr AAL of 120 ug/m3, based
on Brenneman study - MCICs experts have reviewed this derivation
- Scientific disagreement over the Brenneman study
is not extensive - MCIC believes that compliance with this 24 hour
AAL is achievable at reasonable cost, if
accompanied by an exemption for WWTP - MCIC has no objection to adoption of 120 ug/m3
(24 hr), with WWTP exemption and compliance 5
years following permit renewal
18What should the EMC do?
- We know from staff about the severe economic
hardship associated with 56 ug/m3 (1 hr) - We know there is considerable disagreement in the
scientific and medical communities - Scientific complexity/disagreement causes
confusion - Confusion breeds a tendency to defer the
decision to the science experts - the risk
assessors - Urge you not to shirk your risk MANAGEMENT
responsibility by deferring a management decision
to risk ASSESSORS - This decision is rightfully made by the EMC - you
are the risk MANAGERS - you should decide the
appropriate AAL
19High regard for SAB
- DR. Lucier and his colleagues on the SAB are well
respected - Our purpose here today is not to criticize the
SAB - To the contrary, our purpose is to note for you
that knowledgeable scientists and medical
professionals disagree on the health effects of
low level H2S exposure
- Weigh the merits of the scientific arguments and
assess the scientific uncertainty and
disagreement - Consider the significant economic implications
for the 4 companies as well as for entire regions
of North Carolina - Assign an AAL that affords adequate protection
for the public health without unnecessarily
jeopardizing the jobs of working families