Title: Donald M. Broom
1Donald M. Broom Centre for Animal Welfare and
Anthrozoology Department of Veterinary
Medicine University of Cambridge, U.K.
Eco-Physiologogy Lecture 800 9.00 Tuesday
. Instructor Dalia Fouad, Assistant professor
of Department of Zoology, Faculty of
Science Office 24 building 21 Phone
1503 Email dibrahim_at_KSU.edu.sa  Office
Hours 1200 1.00 Tuesday Required
TextMcNab, B. K. 2002. The Physiological Ecology
of Vertebrates A View from Energetics. Cornell
Univ. Press, New York, NY. 576 pp. Required
Journals (J. Experimental Zoology - J. Exp.
Biol- Journal of Animal Science ). Additional
Readings Karasov, W.H., and C. Martinez del Rio.
2007. Physiological Ecology How Animals Process
Energy, Nutrients, and Toxins. Princeton Univ.
Press, Princeton, NJ. 741 p. Robbins, C. T. 1994.
Wildlife Feeding and Nutrition, 2nd ed. Elsevier
Press. 353 p. Schmidt-Nielsen, K. 1997. Animal
Physiology Adaptation and Environment, 5th
edition. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. 602
p. Speakman, J.R. 1997. Doubly Labelled Water
Theory and Practice. Chapman and Hall,
London. Wilmer, P., G. Stone, and I. Johnston.
2000. Environmental Physiology of Animals.
Blackwell Science, Palo Alto, CA. Sibley, R.
M., and P. Calow. 1986. Physiological Ecology
of Animals An Evolutionary Approach.
Blackwell Sci. Publ., Palo Alto. 179 p. (out of
print) Stevens, C. E., and I. D. Hume. 1995.
Comparative Physiology of the Vertebrate
Digestive System. 2nd edition. Cambridge Univ.
Press, New York. 400 p.
2Donald M. Broom Centre for Animal Welfare and
Anthrozoology Department of Veterinary
Medicine University of Cambridge, U.K.
Eco-Physiologogy The required course textbook is
Willmer, Stone Johnston. 2005. Environmental
Physiology of Animals 2nd edition, Blackwell
Science. ISBN1-4051-0724-3. Although the 2nd
edition of the book has been published in 2005,
and it is preferred textbook for this course, a
considerable portion of lecture materials can
still be found in the 1st edition. Therefore it
is acceptable to use the 1st edition if you can
find a used copy. Sufficient copies of the new
2nd edition text are available in the library or
Bookstore. A considerable portion of the lecture
materials will be related, but not limited to the
3 Eco-Physiologogy Study of interactions between
organisms and their physical environment.Emphasiz
es individuals, not groups like populations or
communities.The intersection between ecology and
physiology (study of how organisms
function).Also mostly equivalent to
4 - Eco-Physiologogy
- Two themes
- Homeostasis maintenance of constant internal
conditions in varying environments - Adaptation of organisms to specific environments
- Animals have many needs and these can be
5- Three big problems
- Obtaining energy and nutrients
- Maintaining temperature
- Obtaining and holding onto water
- Energy
- All organisms require energy to live and
reproduce - Heterotrophs acquire energy from organic
material, live or dead - most animals feed on living organisms
- decomposers (fungi, some animals) feed on dead
6Energy All organisms require energy to live and
reproduce Heterotrophs acquire energy from
organic material, live or dead most animals feed
on living organisms decomposers (fungi, some
animals) feed on dead organisms
7- Autotrophs acquire energy from sunlight or
chemicals in the environment. - Chemosynthetic autotrophs
- obtain energy from inorganic chemicals like
methane or hydrogen sulfide. - sea-vent bacteria.
- Photosynthetic autotrophs
- combine energy from sunlight and CO2 to make
sugars - many bacteria, some protists (algagae), and
nearly all plants.
8Water contains dissolved substances
solutes Water moves from regions of low solute
concentration to high concentration Movement of
water across a membrane is osmosis
9High solute concentrations attract water with a
force known as osmotic potential.
10 Water moves freely across cell membranes Relative
to the outside environment, a cell can
be hypo-osmotic having a lower solute
concentration than the environment hyperosmotic
having a higher solute concentration than the
environment iso-osmotic having the same solute
concentration as the environment
If left unchecked, osmosis will lead to
equilibration of solute concentrations in and
outside of cells.HYPO-ISO-HYPEROSMOTIC
11 For organisms, the challenge is maintaining
proper concentrations of solutes in cells
(homeostasis). semipermeable membranes some
molecules cannot pass active transport moving
molecules across the membrane, requires energy
12 Water Acquisition in Animals Wet
environments drinking absorbing from the
environment (amphibians) Dry environments metabo
lic water (C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6H2O) water in
food sources (insectivores) water reabsorbed in
digestive/excretory systems.
13 Water Balance in Marine Animals Marine
invertebrates maintain iso-osmotic internal
solute concentrations equal to seawater Marine
fish are hypo-osmotic compared to seawater.
they gain solutes and lose water solutions const
ant drinking secreting salt into the water.
Sharks and rays have high concentrations of
solutes in their blood, making them iso-osmotic
compared to seawater. To maintain proper
concentrations of ions, sharks keep urea in the
14 - Water Balance in Freshwater Fish
- Freshwater fish are hypo-osmotic compared to
water and absorb water continuously. - They excrete large quantities of diffuse urine
while actively retaining salts. - Organisms in variable environments adjust their
solute levels based on the salinity of the water.
15 Temperature
16 At hot temperatures biological processes speed
up proteins and other organic compounds may break
down At cold temperatures ice crystals may damage
or destroy cells life processes slow or stop.
17 Homeothermic organisms maintain constant body
temperature (birds and mammals) Poikilothermic
organisms have varying body temperature, in
response to external temperatures (all other
animals) BUT poikilothermic animals may regulate
their body temperature Endothermy body heat
generated internally Ectothermy body heat
generated externally Most ectotherms regulate
their body temperature by basking moving between
shade/sun being active at certain times of
day Endothermy requires a lot of
energy Alternative is torpor condition of
lowered body temperature and activity
19- Countercurrent Circulation
- Reduce rate of heat loss to the environment by
creating a temperature gradient. - Heat is transported from arterial blood leaving
the body to venous blood returning to the body.
20Each organism has an optimum
environment. Optimum narrow range of
environmental conditions to which an organism is
best suited.
Price elasticity of demand slope at z
21 2) A desert lizard species (a
Chihuahuan whiptail) . What adaptations are
necessary (activity time, place to spend hot
days, physiological adaptations to water
limits)? We can consider physiological ecology to
be the study of adaptations to the physical
conditions of the environment. A species has
tolerance to some range of each abiotic
factor, i.e. temperature, water availability,
salinity, nutrient avail- ability. Here is a
generalized curve of distribution
- Well consider each of these approaches to
eco-physiology basically in the next order
through the semester. - ECHO-PHYSIOLOGY
- By example, consider the adaptations necessary
for success - In a fresh water fish (a rainbow trout)
- Where did fish evolve? Under what physical
conditions? - Are these the same conditions as those where
rainbow trout - are found today?
22 .
23- In the range labeled as OPTIMAL ENVIRONMENT
- survival, growth, and reproduction can occur
- more individuals are found
- In sub-optimal environments (zones of stress)
- individuals may survive, but growth rate will be
lower - reproduction is impossible or unlikely
- fewer individuals are found
24The concept of a tolerance limit is embodied in
Leibigs law of the minimum. It states Under
stable conditions, the essential constituent most
closely approaching the minimum for survival
(and/or reproduction) tends to limit the
occurrence of a species. An alternative
statement, stolen from a WWII movie A chain is
only as strong as its weakest link. (Hayakawa
via Cavett) When conditions are varying, this
law doesnt work very well. What was limiting
at one time may be abundant only a short time
later. The law of the minimum neglects the
possibility that there is too much of something
salt, calcium, temperature, water
25That led to the Shelford law of tolerance. In a
paraphrase A species will be found only
where its needs are met and its tolerances
are not exceeded.
26- Animal Physiology
- Study of how animals function
- Importance
- For basic understanding of physiology since human
are part of the animal kingdom - Important practical applications for health and
disease, management - Mechanism and Origin Physiologys two central
questions - What is the mechanism by which a function is
accomplished? - How did the mechanism originate?
27The importance of physiology
The study of mechanism How do modern day
animals carry out their functions?? study or
organ, cell functions and metabolism The study
of origin Why do modern-day animals possess the
mechanisms they do? ? they inherited it from
ancestors it was beneficial ?adaptation through
selection Mechanism and adaptative significance
are distinct concepts that do not imply each
other Adaptation can be achieved through
different mechanisms. Physiological mechanisms
can be explain from a combination of evolutionary
origin, environmental adaptations
28- Animals
- Molecules forming an animal are constantly
changing - The structure of an animal (organ system)
persists through time - The cells are exposed to the internal environment
- The internal environment might be permitted to
change with the external environment ? conformity - The internal environment might be kept constant
despite varying external environments ?
29Topics of Discussion
Animals and response systems are subject to
challenges from their environment
tissue damage,
- State the main ideas youll be talking about
attack or threat of attack by a conspecific or
other social competition,
complexity of information processing in a
situation where an individual receives excessive
lack of key stimuli such as a teat for a young
mammal or those associated with social contact
for a social animal,
lack of overall stimulation.
In general, inability to control interactions
with their environment.
30How well can our domestic animals adapt to the
conditions that we impose upon them?
At the individual level, adaptation is the use of
regulatory systems, with their behavioural and
physiological components, to help an individual
to cope with its environmental conditions.
Animals can adapt better if their needs are met.
31What are the limits to adaptation?
Where coping means having control of mental and
bodily stability, an individual attempting to
cope may fail to do so.
For example, it may be difficult or impossible to
cope with extreme external
temperature, pathogen
multiplication, high predation
risk or difficult social conditions.
Body state may be displaced to outside the
tolerable range and death may follow.
The term stress is best limited to situations in
which control systems are over-taxed and the
individual is harmed. Stress implies inability
to adapt or to cope. The term stress is
scientifically unusable if it includes beneficial
32Homeostasis internal constancy critical to
maintain proper function State of constancy
within the internal environment of a living
organism A dynamic process constant adjustment to
counteract changes Central principle of
physiology Claude Bernard recognized the
constancy of the internal environment Constancy
of the internal environment is the condition for
free life Walter Cannon (1871-1945)
introduced the term homeostasis coordinated
physiological processes which maintain most of
the constant states in the organism.
33How does an organism maintain homeostasis? Regula
tion maintaining different attributes of the
internal environment at relatively constant
levels Requires a regulatory mechanism Sensor -
Detects changes (disturbances) in the internal
environment Effector - Performs an activity that
compensates for the change Controller/Integrator
- controls activity of the effector based on
information from the sensor
34- Homeostasis is critical to mammals, but it is not
important for survival in some other groups - Regulation and conformity have their own
advantages/disadvantages - Regulation Costs energy but permits cells to
function in a constant internal environment
despite changing external conditions - Conformity Cells are subjected to changes when
external environment changes. However, if they
survive it, the energy cost is minimal.
35When coping is successful and problems are absent
or minor, welfare is good.
Good welfare is generally associated with
feelings of pleasure or contentment. Like bad
feelings, such as pain or fear, good feelings are
a biological mechanism which has evolved.
A feeling is a brain construct, involving at
least perceptual awareness, which is associated
with a life regulating system, is recognisable by
the individual when it recurs and may change
behaviour or act as a reinforcer in learning.
Suffering occurs when one or more negative
feelings continue for more than a few seconds.
36- Responses to changes
- Acute responses responses within minutes
- Chronic responses long term changes to the
physiology - Acclimation physiological responses to small
changes in the environment. - similar changes induced in laboratory settings.
- Acclimatization responses to a larger change in
the environment (ex winter and summer)
Time in the lives of animals 1- physiological
responses to change in external environment
physiological/biochemical/anatomical change in an
individual organism resulting to chronic exposure
to new conditions in the natural environment.
37Phenotypic plasticity phenotypic changes that
an individual (single genotype) can undergo with
changing environment
2- internally programmed changes of physiology
Internally programmed changes genetically
programmed can be due to development or to
biological clocks - development Hb
expression - biological clocks - daily
rhythm - seasonal rhythm ..
38Differences Acclimation/Acclimatization changes
occur in an individual changes are generally
reversible(Acclimatization Acclimatization is
physiological adjustment during an organisms
lifetime. Short-term, often reversible.NOT
heritable.Example Increased hemoglobin in
athletes who train at high altitude.
39 Adaptation changes occur over multiple
generations changes not generally
reversible(Adaptation Adaptation is evolution by
natural selectionGenetic changes in a population
over many generations.Populations adapted to
particular environmental conditions are termed
40A Characteristic is Adaptive If It confers a
maximal probability of survival and successful
reproduction in comparison with available
alternative states. Qualifiers Characters are
adaptive only in specific environmental
contexts. Adaptive ? optimum
A need is a requirement, which is part of
the basic biology of an animal, to obtain a
particular resource or respond to a particular
environmental or bodily stimulus.
41 The Effects of Environmental Factors on Animal
42 - Thermal Regulation
- For an organism to maintain a (somewhat)
constant body temperature - heat gained by the body heat losses.
- Heat exchange takes place with the surrounding
environment through four means - - conduction,
- - convection,
- - radiation (reradiation)
- - evaporation.
43- Because air has a lower specific heat than water,
and absorbs less solar radiation before rising in
temperature, terrestrial
animals are subject to more radical changes in
their thermal environment than are aquatic
animals. - Aquatic animals live in a more stable energy
environment, but generally have a lower tolerance
to temperature changes.
44 Thermal balance The heat balance of an organism
is described by Htot Hc /- Hcd /- Ht /- He
/- Hm Where Htot is the rate of metabolic heat
production Hc is the rate of heat gained or lost
through convection Hcd is the rate of heat gained
or lost through conduction Ht is the rate of heat
gained or lost through radiation He is the rate
of heat lost through evaporation Hm is the rate
of heat storage in the body through metabolic
45A thermal model of the animal body (To maintain
core body temperature, the animal must balance
losses and gains. Thermal balance in the core
of the animal is influenced by heat produced by
metabolism heat stored heat flow to the skin as
affected by the thickness and conductivity of
fat, fur, hair, feathers, and scales heat flow
to the ground and heat lost by evaporation.
46- Physiologically, animals can be divided into 3
groups based on how they control body
temperature - Homeotherms - those that maintain a fairly
constant internal temperature regardless of
external temperature by means of endothermy (they
use their own metabolic heat production) e.g.
birds and mammals. -
- By producing heat through metabolism, homeotherms
are less constrained by thermal environments. - The main disadvantage of homeothermy is a higher
food requirement to maintain metabolism. - Body size is also an important consideration
because metabolic rate is proportional to the
0.75 power of body mass
(metabolic rate varies
inversely with body weight) - .
47General resting metabolic response of homeotherms
to changes in ambient temperature. .
48 Homeotherms The basal metabolic rate of various
mammals, measured by oxygen consumption, is
proportional to body mass raised to the (0.75)
The higher the mass, the lower the
oxygen consumption/metabolic rate
49Homeotherms and Poikilotherms
Tb (C)
(body temp)
Ta ( C)
Environmental Temp
50Can live in a variety of habitats Can respond
rapidly to environmental stimuli (Smaller
animals react more rapidly since their metabolic
rate is higher)
Homeotherms Advantages warm-blooded
vertebrates- birds mammals Maintain constant
Tb Endothermic (metabolism is source of body
heat).Normal Tb range is 35-42 degrees C
51 Rapid and Efficient Delivery of Oxygen to Fuel
Metabolism In birds and mammals cardiovascular
and respiratory systems have evolved to meet need
for enhanced exchange, transport and delivery of
respiratory gasses (oxygen and carbon
52- Homeotherms adaptations to control heat loss
include - Panting (evaporation) or gular fluttering
(vibrating membrane in birds) - Counter current system outgoing blood into an
appendage is cooled by a parallel blood vessel
containing incoming blood. - Thermal windows e.g. large ears in desert fox
radiate heat. - Insulation fur or blubber layer.
- Shivering in increase in muscle action produces
metabolic heat. - Non shivering thermogenesis metabolism of
brown fat produced heat. - Burrowing or other behavioral adaptations.
53Starvation and effects of extreme temperature.
Starvation occurs when there is a shortage of
nutrients or energy such that the animal starts
to metabolise functional tissues rather than food
reserves. (Broom and Fraser 2007).
Work by Clive Phillips and colleagues (Agenäs et
al 2006) have provided some useful measures for
cattle. More measurements of starvation are
needed. Also, methods of management that do not
have a serious risk of starvation should be
The effects of extreme temperature and their
effects on animal also require study and changes
in management practice.
54- Poikilotherms those that allow their body
temperatures to vary with ambient temperature - e.g. invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and
reptiles. - Poikilotherms maintain body temperature through
ectothermy (they use sources of heat energy such
as solar radiation and reradiation rather than
metabolism) - Ectothermy has the advantage of limiting
metabolic costs associated with maintaining body
temperature hence, less food is required and
more energy can be allocated to biomass
production. - These animals are not limited to a minimum size.
- However, they are limited to activity only
during those times when the temperature is
adequate to support their functions Active
Temperature Range - ACT
55- These factors mean that poikilotherms can
colonize low food environments - e.g. deserts
- The size of poikilotherms can also be small (e.g.
insects) -
- and they are not limited by shape (e.g. snakes)
- but they may not be able to absorb enough heat to
maintain a very large body - So perhaps some dinosaurs were homoeothermic?
- Or warmed in some other way (gut flora in
diplodocus or brontosaurus?) - Or perhaps very large sizes limited heat loss?
56 Poikilotherms can survive within a range of
temperatures of thermal tolerance The ranges
of thermal tolerance can change
(within limits)- acclimatization A
poikilotherm can adjust to slow changes in
temperature but a major change can cause
thermal shock
57- Frogs and reptile can bask in the sun to
increase their temperature heliothermism - Amphibians may loose heat through permeable skin
(evaporation) - So basking amphibians, by controlling the amount
of body exposed to air, - and how much is immersed in water
- can also control evaporation
- The temperature of water can also warm, or cool,
58- Reptiles do not have a permeable skin like
amphibians evaporation reduced - But by panting some heat can be lost by
evaporation - also by eye bulging
- Heliothermism is a major way for reptiles to
control heat -
- By changing their orientation to the sun, and the
surface area exposed to direct sunlight - (e.g. expanding/contracting ribs and flattening
body) - they can alter heat absorption proportional
control - they can also burrow or possibly change color
59- Poikilotherms
- Adaptations to low temperatures
- supercooling - use of antifreeze (e.g.
glycerol) - Some insect species can actually freeze (90)
- diapause- a resting stage
- cessation of feeding, growth, mobility, and
60- Heterotherms - those animals that sometimes
regulate their body temperatures and sometimes do
not. - e.g. bees
and bats. They exhibit characteristics of both
endothermy and ectothermy. - Flying insects are essentially ectothermic when
at rest and endothermic while in flight. -
- Similarly, true hibernators and endotherms that
enter daily torpor (bats) can be considered
heterotherms - because their body temperature decreases during
these quiescent periods. - Other mechanisms for maintaining heat balance
- Homeotherms that become heterothermic
- torpor (temporary condition resulting in
reduction in respiration and loss in power and
locomotion) - hibernation (winterdormancy)
- estivation (summer dormancy e.g. ground
61- Moisture Environment
- The mobility of animals allows them to seek more
favorable habitats during periods of suboptimal
moisture conditions. - They also possess a protective outer covering
that protects against passive water loss. - The mechanisms involved to rid the body of
excess water and solutes or to conserve them
(water balance) - are much more complex in animals than in plants.
- e.g. contractile vacuoles of protozoans
- to gills,
- to the complex kidney and urinary systems of
birds and mammals. - Animals also conserve water by tolerating
hyperthermia, controlling respiration, or
possessing - various behavioral or anatomical characteristics
(e.g., estivation, salt glands, etc.) - ).
62- Organisms living in marine and brackish
environments have cells that are more - dilute than seawater and are hypoosmotic.
- They must inhibit the loss of water by osmosis
through the body wall and prevent an accumulation
- of salts in the system.
- Some use active transport and excrete sodium and
chlorine by pumping ions across membranes - of special cells in the gills.
- Others are isoosmotic and maintain the same
osmotic pressure as their surrounding - aquatic environment.
- Fresh water aquatic organisms are hyperosmotic
(their body fluids are osmotically - more concentrated than the surrounding water)
and need to prevent osmotic inflow. - In freshwater fish, intake of water is mainly
through the gills and excess water is eliminated
through urine.
63- Heterotherms - those animals that sometimes
regulate their body temperatures and sometimes do
not. - e.g. bees
and bats. They exhibit characteristics of both
endothermy and ectothermy. - Flying insects are essentially ectothermic when
at rest and endothermic while in flight. -
- Similarly, true hibernators and endotherms that
enter daily torpor (bats) can be considered
heterotherms - because their body temperature decreases during
these quiescent periods. - Other mechanisms for maintaining heat balance
- Homeotherms that become heterothermic
- torpor (temporary condition resulting in
reduction in respiration and loss in power and
locomotion) - hibernation (winterdormancy)
- estivation (summer dormancy e.g. ground
64- Drought can alter food selection in herbivores,
result - in outbreaks of herbivorous insects,
- alter mortality and fecundity, and slow insect
- development.
- Excess moisture spreads disease among both
animals -
- and plants by promoting
- the spread of fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
65- Homeotherms
- maintain relatively constant body
temperature.Truly effective homeothermy is only
achieved by endotherms - like birds and mammals, who use metabolic heat to
- warm the whole body.
- Poikilotherms
- don't regulate body temperature it varies
directly with
66- Ectotherms
- rely mostly on external sources of energy
behavioral - thermoregulation (basking in warm sunlight,
67- Surviving extreme cold
- In cold conditions, endotherms increase their
metabolic - rate to stay warm.However, in extreme cold they
may run out of energy, or it - may not be possible to keep warm.Some animals
survive cold and conserve energy by going - into a dormant state with drastically reduced
metabolic rate - and body temperature. Torpor - lasts several
hoursHibernation - lasts the entire winter
68- Temperature Relations
- Temperature is a very important environmental
- variable for both animals and plants.Organisms
have a specific range of - temperature in which they can grow.An important
reason for this is the activity of enzymes, which - is highly sensitive to temperature.
- Metabolic heating
- HmetALL living things generate some heat as a
by-product - of metabolism.Yes, even insects, plants, fungi,
bacteria.Second law of thermodynamics.Only a
few groups generate lots of heat and
69(No Transcript)
70- Animals may either defend a fairly constant
temperature by - recruiting biochemical mechanisms
- of heat production and utilizing physiological
responses - geared toward modifying heat loss and heat gain
from the - environment, or utilize biochemical modifications
to allow - for physiological adjustments to temperature.
Biochemical - adaptations to temperature involve alterations in
protein - structure that compromise the effects of
increased temperatures
71- Temperature has acted to shape the responses of
animal - proteins in manners that generally preserve
turnover rates - at animals' normal, or optimal, body
temperatures. - Physiological responses to cold and warmth differ
- depending on whether animals maintain elevated
72- Examples of biochemical responses to temperature
in - endotherms involve metabolic uncoupling
mechanisms - that decrease metabolic efficiency with the
outcome of - producing heat,whereas ectothermic adaptations
to - temperature are best exemplified by the numerous
- mechanisms that allow for the tolerance or
avoidance of - ice crystal formation at temperatures below 0C.
73 Related Articles Temperature Relationships
From Molecules to Biogeography.Behavioral
Thermoregulation in the Cold.Thermogenic
Responses to Prolonged Cold Exposure Birds and
Mammals.Sleep, Thermoregulation, and Circadian
Rhythms.Integrated Physiological Mechanisms of
Exercise. Performance, Adaptation, and
Maladaptation to Heat Stress.
74- Light Environment
- The daily and seasonal changes in the light
environment trigger daily - and seasonal responses in the activities of
animals. - An innate rhythm of activity and inactivity
covering approximately - 24 hours is characteristic of all living
organisms except bacteria. - Because these rhythms approximate, but seldom
match, the periods - of Earths rotation, they are called circadian
75Circadian rhythms have a strong genetic component
and are Transmitted from one generation to
another. They are little affected by
temperature changes, are insensitive to a great
variety of chemical inhibitors, are not learned,
and are not imprinted on the organism by the
environment. But they are effected to exposure
to daylight. They influence not only the time
of physical activity and inactivity but also
physiological processes and metabolic rates.
76- The circadian rhythms and their sensitivity to
light are - mechanisms underlying the biological clock, the
- timekeeper of physical and physiological activity
in living things. -
- Operation of the clock in mammals involves the
hormone - melatonin.
- More melatonin is produced in the dark than in
the light, - so that the amount produced is a measure of
changing - daylength.
77- Heterotherms - those animals that sometimes
regulate their body temperatures and sometimes do
not. - e.g. bees
and bats. They exhibit characteristics of both
endothermy and ectothermy. - Flying insects are essentially ectothermic when
at rest and endothermic while in flight. -
- Similarly, true hibernators and endotherms that
enter daily torpor (bats) can be considered
heterotherms - because their body temperature decreases during
these quiescent periods. - Other mechanisms for maintaining heat balance
- Homeotherms that become heterothermic
- torpor (temporary condition resulting in
reduction in respiration and loss in power and
locomotion) - hibernation (winterdormancy)
- estivation (summer dormancy e.g. ground
78- The signal for a response is critical daylength.
- Many organisms possess both long-day and
short-day responses. - Because the same duration of light and dark
occurs - twice a year, the distinguishing cue is the
direction - from which the critical daylength is approached.
- For some organisms, tidal and lunar rhythms are
of - greater importance than light-dark cycles.
- E.g. marine species horseshoe crab and coral
79 Onset of running wheel activity for one flying
squirrel in natural light conditions throughout
the year. The graph is the time of local sunset
through the year.
80The seasonal course of hormonal levels during the
annual cycle of the white-tailed deer and its
relationship to antler growth.
81- Animal needs differ little among vertebrates and
invertebrates - Animals require mineral elements and 20 amino
acids, of which 14 are essential. - The ultimate source of most of these nutrients
is plants for this reason, the quantity and
quality of plants affect the nutrition of 1ary
consumers. -
- When the amount of food is insufficient,
consumers may suffer from acute malnutrition,
leave the area or starve. - When food is of low quality, it reduces
reproductive success,
health and longevity.
82- The need for animals to derive their energy from
organic carbon compounds presents them with a
potentially wide range of food items. - The ultimate source of these organic compounds is
plants. - However, animals differ by the means they use to
acquire these compounds.
83- Herbivores utilize plant material and are primary
consumers. - Food is generally plentiful, but the diet is
constrained by low protein levels
(plants are low in proteins and
high in carbohydrates, much of which is in the
form of cellulose and lignin in cell walls) and
the relative indigestibility of cellulose in
plant materials. - Adaptations in herbivores are aimed at increasing
the digestion and assimilation of plant materials
and often involve complex digestive systems with
a multi-part stomach inhabited by anaerobic
bacteria and protozoans that function as
fermentation vats.
84- e.g. ruminants - plant matter is chewed and then
swallowed - the food enters the rumen where bacteria ferments
plant material - the fermented plant material is regurgitated
(cud) and re-chewed and re-swllowed - - The fermenting bacteria break down
carbohydrates and also produce B vitamins,
the enzyme cellulase, and amino-acids - e.g. coprophagy animals such as rabbits produce
green feces (after processing by microorganisms
in the caecum) - These pellets are high in protein and lower fiber
- These are re-digested and dry, high fiber, low
protein pellets are produced.
85- Omnivores utilize both plant and animal tissues.
Food habits of many omnivores vary with the
seasons, stages in the life cycle, and their size
and growth rate. - Carnivores feed on animal tissue and are
secondary consumers. - Carnivores are not usually constrained by diet
quality (animal tissue is high in fat and
proteins which they use as structural building
blocks) - rather, their major constraint is related to
obtaining sufficient amounts of food through
capture of elusive prey. Adaptations in
carnivores, therefore, are related to increasing
the success of prey capture.
86- Detrivores are detrital feeders, that is, they
feed on dead plant and animal matter. Like
herbivores, they depend heavily on mutualistic
relations with microorganisms to aid in the
breakdown of cellulose and lignin. - As the nitrogen content of their food increases,
assimilation of plant material improves,
increasing growth, reproductive success and
survival. - Nitrogen is concentrated in the growing tips of
roots and plants so nitrogen content may be
highest in spring - - So production of young often coincides with
- In general, sodium, calcium, and magnesium are
known to affect the distribution, behavior,
fitness, and, possibly,
the cyclic population
patterns of some animals. e.g. African
elephants, white-tailed deer, and moose. -
88- Each type of food used by animals presents a
unique set of constraints related to the ability
of the organisms to acquire and assimilate the
food item. - These constraints directly influence physiology,
morphology, and behavior of the species. -
89These characteristics allow each species to
exploit a given food resource, but also
function to restrict the ability to exploit
other, different food sources.
90 Respiration The avian lung has the greatest
known relative gas exchange surface area and
thinnest barrier to oxygen diffusion, and in
combination with anatomical specializations is
the most efficient lung of all air-breathing
vertebrates at oxygen extraction (from Quick and
Ruben 2009)
91Separate nutrient and waste Streams
92Air Sac System
93How Breathing Works
94Bellows Move Air
- Lungs dont move
- No diaphragm
- Air sacs fill body cavity
- Ribs as a bellows
- Unique thigh supports abdominal air sacs
95Sternum moves down, Ribs move forward during
Muscles to uncinate processes may enable
breathing when sternum cannot be depressed
(Claessens 2009)
96- Adaptations for Hot Conditions avoiding
Hyperthermia - Physiological adaptations
- Cardiovascular changes-dilate blood vessels to
send more blood to skin surface - also increased cardiac output
- Evaporative coolingprimary way
97- Adaptations for Hot Conditions avoiding
Hyperthermia - Physiological adaptations
- Birds
- no sweat glands
- evaporate water over lungs, air sacs
- and gular pouch (some)
- accomplished by panting, gular fluttering
98Prolonged exposure to high ambient temperatures
. TO Lower Body Temperature Hyperthermia
Hyperventilation vasodilation
cardiac output Evaporative cooling
Rapid exchange of air through air sacs
More blood sent toSkin surface Feet, wings,
gular area
99- Adaptations for Hot Conditions avoiding
Hyperthermia - Physiological adaptations
- Increase water intake
- Seek cool places- shadows, vegetation to reduce
heat gain
100Additional References Claessens, L. P. A. M.
2009. The skeletal kinematics of lung ventilation
in three basal bird taxa (emu, tinamou, and
guinea fowl). J. Experimental Zoology
311A586-599. Quick, D. E. and J. A. Ruben. 2009.
Cardio-ppulmonary anatomy in theropod dinosaurs
implications from extant archosaurs. J.
Morphology 2701232-1246. OConnor, P. M. and L.
P. A. M. Claessens. 2009. Respiratory evolution
in sauropsids progress and new approaches. J.
Experimental Zoology 311A549-550. Sereno, P. C.
et al. 2008. Evidence for avian intrathoracic air
sacs in a new predatory dinosaur from Argentina.
PLOS one. 3(9). E3303. Scott, G. R. 2011.
Elevated performance the unique physiology of
birds that fly at high altitudes. J. Exp. Biol.