- 29 CFR 1926.1126 CHROMIUM (VI)
- Susan Harwood Grant
- 46E6 HT34
2Background Information
- Chromium is a metal that exists in several
oxidation or valence states, ranging from
chromium (-II) to chromium (VI). - Chromium compounds are very stable in the
trivalent state and occur naturally in this state
in ores such as ferrochromite, or chromite ore. - The hexavalent, Cr(VI) or chromate, is the second
most stable state. It rarely occurs naturally
most Cr(VI) compounds are man made.
3Background Information
- OSHA has determined that the PEL of 5 µg/m3 is
technologically feasible for all affected welding
job categories - OSHA has concluded that no carbon steel welders
are exposed to Cr(VI) above 5 µg/m3, with the
exception of a small portion of workers welding
on carbon steel in enclosed and confined spaces. - Many welding processes, such as tungsten-arc
welding (TIG) and submerged arc welding (SAW),
already achieve Cr(VI) exposures below the PEL
because they inherently generate lower fume
4Is Chrome a Carcinogen or Necessary Element?
- Chrome III is an essential nutrient for
maintaining blood glucose levels - Chrome VI is classified as a known human
5Health Effects
- Cancer
- Hexavalent chromium is considered a potential
lung carcinogen. - Studies of workers in the chromate production,
plating, and pigment industries consistently show
increased rates of lung cancer. - Insoluble forms such as zinc chromate are the
most potent - 20 year cancer latency
6Health Effects
- Ingestion Hazards
- Erosive to stomach
- Hemorrhaging and death are likely
- Treatment for ingestion - dilution with milk or
water and/or asorbic acid. This should only be
given by someone qualified in first aid. - Ingestion of ascorbic acid to reduce Cr VI to Cr
III will work, but may cause renal failure
(conversion of ascorbic acid to oxalate plugs the
kidneys) - Recommended that you seek medical assistance
7Health Effects
- Eyes
- Direct eye contact with chromic acid or chromate
dusts can cause permanent eye damage. - Treatment for eye contact Flush eye(s) for 15
min. Seek medical assistance. - Respiratory Tract
- Hexavalent chromium can irritate the nose,
throat, and lungs. - Repeated or prolonged exposure can damage the
mucous membranes of the nasal passages and result
in ulcers. - In severe cases, exposure causes perforation of
the septum (the wall separating the nasal
8Health Effects
- Skin
- Prolonged skin contact can result in dermatitis
and skin ulcers. - Some workers develop an allergic sensitization to
chromium. In sensitized workers, contact with
even small amounts can cause a serious skin rash.
- Kidney damage has been linked to high dermal
exposures. - Treatment for skin contact - Irrigate with water
- Possible use of 10 ascorbic acid topically (the
acid reduces/changes Cr VI to Cr III) - Recommended that you seek medical assistance
9New Cr VI OSHA Standard
- Suit by Public Citizen Health Research Group
Paper, Allied Industrial, Chemical, and Energy
Workers Union (1997 2002) - 4/2/2003 - 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling
for OSHA Cr(VI) proposal to be published by
10/4/2004 and standard by 1/18/2006 - 2/28/2006 - Final Rule published
10Greater Risk Than Asbestos
- Cancer risk from Cr (VI) at new PEL is higher
than asbestos risk at asbestos PEL - Asbestos 6.7 deaths per 1000 workers
- Benzene 10 deaths per 1000 workers
- Chrome VI 10-45 excess lung cancer deaths per
1000 workers for 45 years of exposure at new PEL
of 5 ug/m3
11Past Cr VI Sampling
- Under the old PEL
- little sampling was performed
- Chrome plating was the main focus
- Some overexposures were noted
- Little welding sampling was performed
- A few spray painter exposures were evaluated
- They were VERY HIGH.
- Painting a plane in a bunker was 1000 X the PEL
- Consultation found 3250 ug/m3, 650 X the new PEL
- Not much prior sampling for Cr VI exposures
- General Industry
- Basic difference Construction and Shipyards Cr
VI standards lack sections on - Regulated Areas
- Housekeeping
- This standard applies to occupational exposures
to chromium (VI) in all forms and compounds in
construction, except - Exposures that occur in the application of
pesticides - Exposures to portland cement or
- Where the employer has objective data
demonstrating that a material containing chromium
or a specific process, operation, or activity
involving chromium cannot release dusts, fumes,
or mists of chromium (VI) in concentrations at or
above 0.5 µg/m³ as an 8 hour time weighted
average (TWA) under any expected conditions of
29 CFR 1926.1126(a)
14What is Covered?
- Welding - Stainless Steel
- Welding - Carbon Steel
- Painting
- Woodworking
- Refractory Brick Restoration Maintenance
- Hazardous Waste Site Work
- Industrial Rehabilitation and Maintenance
- Portland Cement Producers Portland Cement?
- Ready Mix Concrete Portland Cement?
- Precast Concrete Products Portland Cement?
- Nearly half the workers covered under the new
standard are welders - Chromium in steel is oxidized to Cr VI by high
welding temperatures - 6,000 - 8,000 C for the SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW
and SAW processes - The hotter the process and the more oxygen that
is present, more fume is generated
- Overexposures are POSSIBLE when welding stainless
steel or high chrome steel and proper procedures
are not followed. - Stainless steel has between 10.5 - 27 chromium
- Nickel is also present in some types of stainless
- Potential for overexposure when welding CARBON
steel and proper procedures are not followed. - Position of head during welding is number one
problem - Anywhere the welding fume is more confined, such
as welding in a tight corner - Reason 10 of carbon steel has chromium in more
than trace amounts
- Stick welding High likelihood of overexposure to
Cr VI - 50 of total Cr produced is Cr VI ( FR pg
10262 col 3) - TIG MIG generates lower fume amounts
- 4 of total Cr produced from MIG is Cr VI
- Submerged arc generates lower fume amounts
- Conclusion Switch to MIG from stick if you can
- Action level - 2.5 µg/m³ (8-hour TWA).
- Permissible Exposure Limit - 5 µg/m³ (8-hour
TWA). - This has been lowered from the past level of 52
micrograms per cubic meter of air (52 µg/m³).
29 CFR 1926.1126(b)
- Objective data means
- Information such as air monitoring data from
industry-wide surveys or - Calculations based on the composition or chemical
and physical properties of a substance
29 CFR 1926.1126(b)
22Exposure Determination
- Each employer who has a workplace or work
operation covered by this section shall determine
the 8-hour TWA exposure for each employee exposed
to chromium (VI). - This determination shall be made in accordance
with either of the following methods - Scheduled Monitoring Option
- Performance-oriented Option
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)
23Exposure Determination
- Scheduled Monitoring Option
- Perform initial monitoring to determine the
8-hour TWA exposure for each employee. - Additional monitoring when
- There has been any change that may result in new
or additional exposures to chromium (VI), or - When the employer has any reason to believe that
new or additional exposures have occurred.
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(2)
24Exposure Determination
- Scheduled Monitoring Option
- Representative sampling may be performed instead
of sampling all employees in order to meet this
requirement. - In this case, the employer shall sample the
employee(s) expected to have the highest chromium
(VI) exposures.
25Exposure Determination
- If samples show lt Action Level
- May discontinue monitoring
- If samples show Action Level
- Periodic monitoring every six months
- If samples show Permissible Exposure Level
- Periodic monitoring every three months
- Additional monitoring where process has changed
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(2)
26Exposure Determination
- Performance-oriented Option
- The employer shall determine the 8-hour TWA
exposure for each employee on the basis of any
combination of - Air monitoring data
- Historical monitoring data (prior to 5/30/2006)
or - Objective data.
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(3)
27Employee Notification
- If sampling shows gt PEL, 5 working days to post
results or provide in writing - Where sampling shows gt PEL, Employer must
describe in the written notification the
corrective action being taken to reduce employee
exposure to or below the PEL
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(4)
28Accuracy of Sampling
- Accuracy
- Method and analysis /- 25 w/ a CI of 95
- Example would be the OSHA ID-215 Method
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(5)
29Observation of Monitoring
- Where air monitoring is performed to comply with
the requirements of this section - Provide affected employees or their designated
representatives an opportunity to observe. - The employer shall provide the observer with
clothing and equipment and shall assure that the
observer uses such clothing and equipment and
complies with all other applicable safety and
health procedures.
29 CFR 1926.1126(d)(6)
30Methods of Compliance
- Use engineering and work practice controls to
reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below
the PEL. - When not sufficient enough, Use of respiratory
protection in Addition. - No exposure above the PEL for 30 or more days per
year or not feasible, Use of respiratory
protection alone to comply.
29 CFR 1926.1126(e)
31Methods of Compliance
- No rotation of employees to different jobs to
achieve compliance with the PEL.
32Engineering Controls
- To the extent feasible, designed to eliminate or
reduce exposure to hazards based on the following
principles - If feasible, design the facility, equipment, or
process to remove the hazard and/or substitute
something that is not hazardous or is less
hazardous. - If removal is not feasible, enclose the hazard to
prevent exposure in normal operations. - Where complete enclosure is not feasible,
establish barriers or local ventilation to reduce
exposure to the hazard in normal operations.
33Elimination by Design
- Some examples of designing facilities, equipment,
or processes so that the hazard is no longer
present are - Redesigning, changing, or substituting equipment
to remove the source of excessive temperature,
noise, or pressure - Redesigning a process to use less toxic
chemicals - Redesigning a workstation to relieve physical
stress and remove ergonomic hazards and - Designing general ventilation with sufficient
fresh outdoor air to improve indoor air quality
and generally to provide a safe, healthful
34Enclosure of Hazards
- When you can not remove a hazard and cannot
replace it with a less hazardous alternative, the
next best control is enclosure. - While this may control employee exposure during
production, it may not control exposures during
35Enclosure of Hazards
- Some examples of enclosure designs are
- Complete enclosure of moving parts of machinery
- Complete containment of toxic liquids or gasses
from the beginning of the process using or
producing them to detoxification, safe packing
for shipment, or safe disposal of toxic waste
products - Glove box operations to enclose work with
dangerous micro-organisms, radio nuclides, or
toxic substances and - Complete containment of noise, heat, or pressure.
36Barriers or Local Ventilation
- When the potential hazard cannot be removed,
replaced, or enclosed, the next best approach is
a barrier to exposure, or, in the case of air
contaminants, local exhaust ventilation to remove
the air contaminant from the workplace. - This engineered control involves potential
exposure to the worker even in normal operations,
consequently, it should be used only in
conjunction with other types of controls, such as
safe work practices designed specifically for the
site condition and/or personal protective
37Welding Controls
- Fume extractor for stick and MIG/TIG welding on
stainless steel - Fume extractor for enclosed welding on any kind
of steel - Weld using lower temperatures
- Avoid stick welding on steel
- containing chrome, if possible
38How is welding fume controlled?
- Change the welding procedures
- Stick to MIG or even better TIG
- Use welding wires/rods designed for lower fume
generation - Change power sources
- Change shielding gases or
- Fume removal / extraction.
39Fume Removal / Extraction
- Low Vacuum (High Volume)
- Low Vacuum systems remove a large amount of air
at low velocity and low vacuum pressure. - In welding fume extraction, low vacuum systems
use articulated arms roughly 8 inches in
diameter and can be from 12 to 18 inches from the
welding arc. - These arms typically draw between 600 and 900 CFM
per arm. - If access to the joint prevents the use of fume
guns or suction heads, low vacuum may be the
better solution. - If the weldment smokes considerably after welding
due to die oils or paint, fume guns will not work
since they are removed after welding.
40Low Vacuum (High Volume)
- Mobiflex 100-NF Portable Fan
- For hard to reach areas, exhaust the fume
- Connect to 6 in. diameter, 16 ft. long hose set
with magnet mounted hood exhaust or extension
hose set. - Does not provide filtration.
41Low Vacuum (High Volume)
- Mobiflex 200-M Base Unit - Mobile Welding Fume
Extractor - A portable, low vacuum/high volume disposable
filtration system designed for intermittent or
continuous extraction and filtration of welding
fumes. - On-board internal extraction fan and is designed
specifically for weld applications. - The particulate is collected on the inside of the
cartridge, minimizing exposure to particulate
during filter maintenance and disposal.
42Fume Removal / Extraction
- High Vacuum (Low Volume)
- High Vacuum systems capture fume as close to the
arc as possible using integrated fume extraction
guns or heads that use small diameter hose
1.51.75 inches, about 4 to 6 inches from the
welding arc. - These systems use much smaller hose or duct
because they draw only between 35 and 150 CFM. - Fume is captured before it reaches the operators
breathing zone. - Using fume guns, the suction automatically
follows the arc, eliminating repositioning
necessary with low vacuum arms. - Since only a small volume of air is processed,
the strain on heating and cooling systems is
minimal. - Portable and mobile high vacuum units are smaller
and less expensive than mobile low vacuum units.
43High Vacuum (Low Volume)
- Miniflex - Portable Welding Fume Extractor
- A portable, high vacuum, low volume system
specifically designed for the removal and
filtration of welding fumes. - It can be completely disassembled in a matter of
minutes for cleaning and maintenance. - With an automatic start/stop function, the unit
automatically turns on and off during welding. - It can be used in confined spaces and other
locations that are not accessible with other
welding fume extractors.
44Work Practice Controls
- Position of head during welding operations
- When welding outside, having the wind at your
back with the fumes being pushed away from your
head. - Preplan your work.
45Some Painting Controls
- Chromates provide excellent corrosion control.
- With what data exists, airborne spray painting
exposures are high. - Recommendations
- Substitute with non-Cr VI paint, if possible
- Conduct spray painting in an extremely
well-designed and maintained booth. (Think of
controlling lead-based spray paint exposures, but
having to control 10 times better.) - Airline respirators
46Some Painting Controls
- Ventilated grinders have been designed for silica
and lead exposures - Some grinders have a ventilated shroud on the
grinder or needle gun, others may also have a
perforated grinder disk - If the paint contains zinc chromate or other
chromates, Cr VI exposures will be high
47Some Painting Controls
- Ventilated tools, ventilated enclosures, and
increased levels of PPE are recommended - Use Paint strippers to eliminate airborne
48Personal Protective Equipment
- When exposure to hazards cannot be engineered
completely out of normal operations or
maintenance work, and when safe work practices
cannot provide sufficient additional protection,
a further method of control is using protective
clothing or equipment. - These include face shields, steel-toed shoes,
hard hats, respirators, hearing protection,
gloves and safety glasses.
49Respiratory Protection
- Provide respiratory protection for employees
during - Installing or implementing feasible engineering
and work practice controls - Work operations where exposed above the PEL for
fewer than 30 days per year and the employer has
elected not to implement engineering and work
practice controls to achieve the PEL or - Emergencies.
- Where respirator use is required by this section,
the employer shall institute a respiratory
protection program in accordance with 29 CFR
29 CFR 1926.1126(f)
50Respiratory Program Requirements
51Respiratory Protection Program
- The employer shall implement a written
respiratory protection program with required
worksite-specific procedures and elements for
required respirator use including - Procedures for selecting respirators for use in
the workplace - Medical evaluations of employees required to use
respirators - Fit testing procedures for tight-fitting
respirators - Procedures for proper use of respirators in
routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(1)
52Respiratory Protection Program
- The employer shall implement a written
respiratory protection program with required
worksite-specific procedures and elements for
required respirator use including - Procedures and schedules for cleaning,
disinfecting, storing, inspecting, repairing,
discarding, and otherwise maintaining respirators - Procedures to ensure adequate air quality,
quantity, and flow of breathing air for
atmosphere-supplying respirators - Training of employees in the respiratory hazards
to which they are potentially exposed during
routine and emergency situations - Training of employees in the proper use of
respirators, including putting on and removing
them, any limitations on their use, and their
maintenance and - Procedures for regularly evaluating the
effectiveness of the program.
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(1)
53Respiratory Protection Program
- Where respirator use is not required
- An employer may provide respirators at the
request of employees or permit employees to use
their own respirators, if the employer determines
that such respirator use will not in itself
create a hazard. - If the employer determines that any voluntary
respirator use is permissible, the employer shall
provide the respirator users with the information
contained in Appendix D to this section
("Information for Employees Using Respirators
When Not Required Under the Standard") and - In addition, the employer must establish and
implement those elements of a written respiratory
protection program necessary to ensure that any
employee using a respirator voluntarily is
medically able to use that respirator, and that
the respirator is cleaned, stored, and maintained
so that its use does not present a health hazard
to the user.
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(2)
54Respiratory Protection Program
- The employer shall designate a program
administrator who is qualified by appropriate
training or experience that is commensurate with
the complexity of the program to administer or
oversee the respiratory protection program and
conduct the required evaluations of program
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(3)
55Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Dust, Fume and Mist Respirators
- Mechanical filter respirators offer protection
against airborne matter including dusts, mists,
metal fumes and smoke. - Mechanical filter respirators do not provide
protection against gases, vapors, or oxygen
56Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Chemical Cartridge Respirators
- Chemical Cartridge Respirators afford protection
against concentrations of certain acid gases and
organic vapors utilizing various chemical agents
to purify the inhaled air. They shall not be
used in atmospheres which are oxygen deficient. - Chemical Cartridge Respirators (1/2 mask) shall
not be used for protection against - Gaseous material that is extremely toxic in small
concentrations (hydrogen cyanide and sulfide). - Exposure to harmful gaseous material which cannot
be detected by odor (carbon monoxide). - Gaseous material in concentrations which are
highly irritating to the eyes.
57Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Air Supplied Hood
- The Air Supplied Hood is normally used where the
user only requires protection against levels of
material or requires an air flow for cooling
purposes. - This equipment shall not be used in any situation
where the user would be endangered.
58Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Airline Respirator
- The airline respirator consists or a full face
mask supplied with breathing air by a compressor
or multiple stationary cylinders. - Care must be exercised to prevent damage to the
hose and regulator while in use, and the assembly
shall be stored in such a way that damage will be
59Types of Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Cylinder Type Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- The SCBA utilizes compressed breathing air and
will provide protection in any atmosphere
regardless or contamination or oxygen. - Although this equipment should provide breathing
air for approximately 30 minutes, caution or
emotional strain may reduce the rated time. - Users of this equipment shall immediately begin
exiting the hazardous atmosphere when the low
pressure alarm sounds.
60Selection of Respirators
- An appropriate NIOSH-certified respirator will be
selected and provided based on the respiratory
hazard(s) to which workers are exposed and all
relevant workplace and user factors that affect
respirator performance and reliability. - An evaluation of the respiratory hazard(s) in the
workplace will be conducted and will include a
reasonable estimate of employee exposures to
respiratory hazard(s) and an identification of
the contaminant's chemical state and physical
form. - Where the respiratory hazards or a reasonable
estimate of the employee exposure cannot be
identified, the atmosphere will be considered
29 CFR 1910.134(d)
61Selection of Respirators
- Employees will be allowed to select the
respirator to be used from a sufficient number of
respirator models and sizes so that the
respirator is acceptable and correctly fits. - In IDLH atmospheres, one of the following
respirators must be used - A full facepiece pressure demand SCBA certified
by NIOSH for a minimum service life of thirty
minutes, or - A combination full facepiece pressure demand
supplied-air respirator (SAR) with auxiliary
self-contained air supply. - Respirators provided only for escape from IDLH
atmospheres shall be NIOSH-certified for escape
from the atmosphere in which they will be used. - All oxygen-deficient atmospheres shall be
considered IDLH.
29 CFR 1910.134(d)
62Selection of Respirators
- In atmospheres that are not IDLH, one of the
following respirators must be used - For protection against gases and vapors, one of
the following respirators must be used - An atmosphere-supplying respirator, or
- An air-purifying respirator, provided that
- The respirator is equipped with an
end-of-service-life indicator (ESLI) certified by
NIOSH for the contaminant or - If there is no ESLI appropriate for conditions in
the employer's workplace, the employer implements
a change schedule for canisters and cartridges
that is based on objective information or data
that will ensure that canisters and cartridges
are changed before the end of their service life.
29 CFR 1910.134(d)
63Selection of Respirators
- In atmospheres that are not IDLH, one of the
following respirators must be used Cont. - For protection against particulates, one of the
following respirators must be used - An atmosphere-supplying respirator or
- An air-purifying respirator equipped with a
filter certified by NIOSH under 30 CFR part 11 as
a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter,
or an air-purifying respirator equipped with a
filter certified for particulates by NIOSH under
42 CFR part 84 or - For contaminants consisting primarily of
particles with mass median aerodynamic diameters
(MMAD) of at least 2 micrometers, an
air-purifying respirator equipped with any filter
certified for particulates by NIOSH.
29 CFR 1910.134(d)
64Selection of Respirators
- The respirator selected must have an assigned
protection factor adequate for the particular
workplace exposure. Divide the airborne
contaminant concentration by the Threshold Limit
Value (TLV) to obtain a hazard ratio. To select
an appropriate respirator, select from the
following table a respirator with an equal or
greater protection factor.
29 CFR 1910.134(d)
65Assigned Protection Factors
66Respirator Selection Steps
- Identify the air contaminants present in the
workplace. Include chemical name and form (i.e.
dust, mist, fume, gas, or vapor). - DUST - Dusts are created when solid material
breaks down and gives off fine particles that
float in the air before settling by gravity. - MISTS - Mists are particles formed from liquid
materials by atomization and condensation
processes. - FUMES -Fumes are created when solid materials
vaporize under high heat. The metal vapor cools
and condenses into small particles, with a size
generally less then one micrometer in diameter. - GASES - Gases are substances that are similar to
air in their ability to diffuse or spread freely
throughout a container or area. - VAPORS - Vapors are the gaseous state of
substances that are either liquids or solids at
room temperature. They are formed when solids or
liquids evaporate.
67Respirator Selection Steps
- Determine the concentration of the contaminant.
Air sampling is recommended. - Note If the concentration is unknown, select
either a positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure
supplied air respirator with an auxiliary SCBA.
68Respirator Selection Steps
- Is the oxygen concentration or could the oxygen
concentration become less than 19.5. - Note If the concentration of oxygen is less than
19.5,select either a positive pressure
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or
positive pressure supplied air respirator with an
auxiliary SCBA.
69Respirator Selection Steps
- What are the exposure limits as published by the
American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists or by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health. - Is the chemical airborne concentration greater
than the IDLH concentration? - Note If the airborne concentration is greater
than the IDLH concentration, select either a
positive pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) or positive pressure supplied
air respirator with an auxiliary SCBA
70Respirator Selection Steps
- Is the chemical airborne concentration greater
than 1000 times the TLV? - Note If the airborne concentration is greater
than 1000 times the TLV, select either a positive
pressure self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) or positive pressure supplied air
respirator with an auxiliary SCBA.
71Respirator Selection Steps
- Is the chemical airborne concentration greater
than 50 times the TLV? - If the chemical airborne concentration is greater
than 50 times the TLV go to 8. - If the chemical airborne concentration is not
greater than 50 times the TLV go to 9. - Is the contamination form identified in step 1 a
particulate? - If yes, select either a Powered AIR Purifying
Respirator (PAPR) or a supplied air respirator
(except Half-Mask versions). - If NO, select a supplied air respirator (except
Half-Mask versions).
72Respirator Selection Steps
- Is the chemical airborne concentration greater
than 10 times the TLV? - If yes, go to 10.
- If no, select the Maintenance free or dual
cartridge Half-Mask respirator that is design for
the chemical involved. - Is the contaminant form identified is step 1 a
particulate? - If yes, select a full facepiece respirator with
appropriate particulate filters (high efficiency
filters recommended) or supplied air respirator. - If no, select a full facepiece respirator with
cartridges designed for the chemical involved.
73Respirator Selection Steps
- Are any other air contaminants present at the
same time? - If yes, note the respirator suggested, and repeat
the entire procedure. - If no, go to step 12.
- Was more than one respirator recommendation
required for a specific exposure situation? - If yes, note all respirator recommendations. If
your list contains more than one respirator and
all are air purifying respirators, select the one
with the highest assigned protection factor ( see
the beginning of this section ) and the one that
can remove all of the contaminants, if available.
74Respirator Medical Evaluation
- Using a respirator may place a physiological
burden on employees that varies with the type of
respirator worn, the job and workplace conditions
in which the respirator is used, and the medical
status of the employee. Accordingly, all
employees required to use a respiratory
protective device will be given, before the
employee is fit tested or required to use the
respirator in the workplace, a medical evaluation
to determine the employee's ability to use a
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
75Respirator Medical Evaluation
- Medical evaluations may be performed by using a
medical questionnaire or an initial medical
examination that obtains the same information as
the medical questionnaire. - A follow-up medical examination will be provided
for an employee if the PLHCP determines the need
from the questionnaire or the initial medical
examination demonstrates the need for a follow-up
medical examination.
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
76Respirator Medical Evaluation
- The follow-up medical examination shall include
any medical tests, consultations, or diagnostic
procedures that the PLHCP deems necessary to make
a final determination. - The medical questionnaire and examinations shall
be administered confidentially during normal
working hours or at a time and place convenient
to the employee.
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
77Respirator Medical Evaluation
- The following information will be provided to the
PLHCP before the PLHCP makes a recommendation
concerning an employee's ability to use a
respirator - The type and weight of the respirator to be used
by the employee - The duration and frequency of respirator use
(including use for rescue and escape) - The expected physical work effort
- Additional protective clothing and equipment to
be worn and - Temperature and humidity extremes that may be
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
78Respirator Medical Evaluation
- Any supplemental information provided previously
to the PLHCP regarding an employee need not be
provided for a subsequent medical evaluation if
the information and the PLHCP remain the same. - In determining the employee's ability to use a
respirator, the employer must obtain a written
recommendation regarding the employee's ability
to use the respirator from the PLHCP including
any limitations on respirator use, and the need,
if any, for follow-up medical evaluations.
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
79Respirator Medical Evaluation
- Employees will be provided with a copy of the
PLHCP's written recommendation. - If the respirator is a negative pressure
respirator and the PLHCP finds a medical
condition that may place the employee's health at
increased risk if the respirator is used, a PAPR
will be used, if the PLHCP's medical evaluation
finds that the employee can use such a respirator.
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
80Respirator Medical Evaluation
- At a minimum, additional medical evaluations that
comply with the requirements of this program will
be provided if - An employee reports medical signs or symptoms
that are related to ability to use a respirator - A PLHCP, supervisor, or the respirator program
administrator informs the employer that an
employee needs to be reevaluated - Information from the respiratory protection
program, including observations made during fit
testing and program evaluation, indicates a need
for employee reevaluation or - A change occurs in workplace conditions (e.g.,
physical work effort, protective clothing,
temperature) that may result in a substantial
increase in the physiological burden placed on an
29 CFR 1910.134(e)
81Fit Testing
- Before an employee is required to use any
respirator - The employee must pass an appropriate qualitative
fit test (QLFT) or quantitative fit test (QNFT)
with the same make, model, style, and size of
respirator that will be used. - Fit testing is required
- Prior to initial use of the respirator,
- Whenever a different respirator facepiece (size,
style, model or make) is used, and - At least annually thereafter.
29 CFR 1910.134(f)
82Fit Testing
- An additional fit test will be required
- Whenever the employee reports, or
- The PLHCP, supervisor, or program administrator
makes visual observations of changes in the
employee's physical condition that could affect
respirator fit. - The fit test shall be administered using an
OSHA-accepted QLFT or QNFT protocol.
29 CFR 1910.134(f)
83Use of Respirators
- Respirators with tight-fitting facepieces cannot
be worn by employees who have - Facial hair that comes between the sealing
surface of the facepiece and the face or that
interferes with valve function or - Any condition that interferes with the
face-to-facepiece seal or valve function.
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
84Use of Respirators
- If an employee wears corrective glasses or
goggles or other personal protective equipment,
such equipment must be worn in a manner that does
not interfere with the seal of the facepiece to
the face of the user. - For all tight-fitting respirators, a user seal
check must be preformed each time they put on the
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
85User Seal Check
- Positive pressure check.
- Close off the exhalation valve and exhale gently
into the facepiece. - The face fit is considered satisfactory if a
slight positive pressure can be built up inside
the facepiece without any evidence of outward
leakage of air at the seal. - For most respirators this method of leak testing
requires the wearer to first remove the
exhalation valve cover before closing off the
exhalation valve and then carefully replacing it
after the test.
29 CFR 1910.134 Appendix B
86User Seal Check
- Negative pressure check.
- Close off the inlet opening of the canister or
cartridge(s) by covering with the palm of the
hand(s) or by replacing the filter seal(s),
inhale gently so that the facepiece collapses
slightly, and hold the breath for ten seconds. - The design of the inlet opening of some
cartridges cannot be effectively covered with the
palm of the hand. The test can be performed by
covering the inlet opening of the cartridge with
a thin latex or nitrile glove. - If the facepiece remains in its slightly
collapsed condition and no inward leakage of air
is detected, the tightness of the respirator is
considered satisfactory.
29 CFR 1910.134 Appendix B
87User Seal Check
- Manufacturer's recommended user seal check
procedures - The respirator manufacturer's recommended
procedures for performing a user seal check may
be used instead of the positive and/or negative
pressure check procedures provided that the
employer demonstrates that the manufacturer's
procedures are equally effective.
29 CFR 1910.134 Appendix B
88 Use of Respirators
- Employees will be allowed to leave the respirator
use area - To wash their faces and respirator facepieces as
necessary to prevent eye or skin irritation
associated with respirator use or - If they detect vapor or gas breakthrough, changes
in breathing resistance, or leakage of the
facepiece or - To replace the respirator or the filter,
cartridge, or canister elements.
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
89Use of Respirators
- If the employee detects vapor or gas
breakthrough, changes in breathing resistance, or
leakage of the facepiece, the respirator must be
replaced or repaired before the employee will be
allowed to return to the work area.
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
90Use of Respirators
- For all IDLH atmospheres, the following
procedures must be followed - At least one employee must be located outside the
IDLH atmosphere - Visual, voice, or signal line communication must
be maintained between the employee(s) in the IDLH
atmosphere and the employee(s) located outside
the IDLH atmosphere - The employee(s) located outside the IDLH
atmosphere must be trained and equipped to
provide effective emergency rescue
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
91Use of Respirators
- For all IDLH atmospheres, the following
procedures must be followed - The direct supervisor or designee must be
notified before the employee(s) located outside
the IDLH atmosphere enter the IDLH atmosphere to
provide emergency rescue - Employee(s) located outside the IDLH atmospheres
must be equipped with - Respiratory protection
- Appropriate retrieval equipment.
- Equivalent means for rescue where retrieval
equipment is not required.
29 CFR 1910.134(g)
92Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- All respirator users will be provided with a
respirator that is clean, sanitary, and in good
working order. - The respirators shall be cleaned and disinfected
at the following intervals - Assigned respirators
- Ccleaned and disinfected as often as necessary to
be maintained in a sanitary condition - Multi user respirators
- Cleaned and disinfected before being worn by
different individuals - Respirators maintained for emergency use shall be
cleaned and disinfected after each use and
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
93Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- Respirators must be stored to protect them from
damage, contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme
temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging
chemicals, and they shall be packed or stored to
prevent deformation of the facepiece and
exhalation valve. - Emergency respirators shall be
- Kept accessible to the work area
- Clearly marked and
- Stored in accordance with any applicable
manufacturer instructions.
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
94Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- Respirators must be inspected as follows
- All respirators used in routine situations shall
be inspected before each use and during cleaning - All respirators maintained for use in emergency
situations shall be inspected at least monthly
and in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, and shall be checked for proper
function before and after each use and - Emergency escape-only respirators shall be
inspected before being carried into the workplace
for use.
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
95Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- Respirator inspections must include the
following - A check of respirator function, tightness of
connections, and the condition of the various
parts and - A check of elastomeric parts for pliability and
signs of deterioration - All self-contained breathing apparatus shall be
inspected monthly. - All regulators and warning devices must function
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
96Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- For respirators maintained for emergency use, the
following must be completed - Certify the respirator by documenting the date
the inspection was performed, the name (or
signature) of the person who made the inspection,
the findings, required remedial action, and a
serial number or other means of identifying the
inspected respirator and - Provide this information on a tag or label that
is attached to the storage compartment for the
respirator, is kept with the respirator, or is
included in inspection reports stored as paper or
electronic files.
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
97Maintenance and Care of Respirators
- Any respirator that fails an inspection or is
otherwise found to be defective must be removed
from service, and discarded or repaired or
adjusted in accordance with the following
procedures - Repairs or adjustments to respirators are to be
made only by trained and authorized persons - Repairs shall be made according to the
manufacturer's recommendations and
specifications and - Reducing and admission valves, regulators, and
alarms shall be adjusted or repaired only by the
manufacturer or a technician trained by the
29 CFR 1910.134(h)
98Breathing Air Quality and Use
- All compressed air, compressed oxygen, liquid
air, and liquid oxygen used for respiration must
meet the following specifications - Compressed and liquid oxygen shall be medical or
breathing oxygen and - Compressed breathing air shall meet at least the
requirements for Type 1-Grade D breathing. - Oxygen concentrations greater than 23.5 must be
used only in equipment designed for oxygen
service or distribution.
29 CFR 1910.134(i)
99Breathing Air Quality and Use
- Cylinders used to supply breathing air to
respirators must meet the following requirements - Cylinders are tested and maintained as prescribed
in the Shipping Container Specification
Regulations of the Department of Transportation - Cylinders of purchased breathing air have a
certificate of analysis from the supplier that
the breathing air meets the requirements for Type
1--Grade D breathing air and - The moisture content in the cylinder does not
exceed a dew point of -500 F (-45.60 C) at 1
atmosphere pressure.
29 CFR 1910.134(i)
100Breathing Air Quality and Use
- Compressors used to supply breathing air to
respirators must be constructed and situated so
as to - Prevent entry of contaminated air into the
air-supply system - Minimize moisture content so that the dew point
at 1 atmosphere pressure is 10oF (5.56o C) below
the ambient temperature - Have suitable in-line air-purifying sorbent beds
and filters to further ensure breathing air
quality. - Have a tag containing the most recent change date
and the signature of the person authorized by the
employer to perform the change. The tag shall be
maintained at the compressor.
29 CFR 1910.134(i)
101Breathing Air Quality and Use
- Compressors used to supply breathing air to
respirators must be constructed and situated so
as to - For compressors that are not oil-lubricated,
carbon monoxide levels in the breathing air can
not exceed 10 ppm. - For oil-lubricated compressors, a
high-temperature or carbon monoxide alarm, or
both must be used to monitor carbon monoxide
levels. - All breathing air couplings must be incompatible
with outlets for nonrespirable worksite air or
other gas systems. - All breathing gas containers must be marked in
accordance with the NIOSH respirator
certification standard.
29 CFR 1910.134(i)
102Identification of Filters, Cartridges, and
- All filters, cartridges and canisters used in the
workplace must be and remain labeled and color
coded with the NIOSH approval label.
29 CFR 1910.134(j)
103Training and Information
- Employees required to use a respirator must
receive comprehensive, understandable, and
annual training prior to using a respirator in
the work place.
29 CFR 1910.134(k)
104Training and Information
- Training must cover at least the following
- Why the respirator is necessary and the dangers
of improper fit, usage, or maintenance - What the limitations and capabilities of the
respirator are - How to use the respirator effectively in
emergency situations - How to inspect, put on and remove, use, and check
the seals of the respirator - What the procedures are for maintenance and
storage of the respirator - How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that
may limit the effective use of respirators and - The general requirements of this section.
29 CFR 1910.134(k)
105Training and Information
- Retraining shall be administered annually, and
when the following situations occur - Changes in the workplace or the type of
respirator render previous training obsolete - Inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use
of the respirator indicate that the employee has
not retained the requisite understanding or
skill or - Any other situation arises in which retraining
appears necessary to ensure safe respirator use.
29 CFR 1910.134(k)
106Training and Information
- The basic advisory information on respirators, as
presented in Appendix D of this section, shall be
provided by the employer in any written or oral
format, to employees who wear respirators when
such use is not required by this program.
29 CFR 1910.134(k)
107Program Evaluation
- Evaluations will be conducted of the workplace as
necessary to ensure that the provisions of the
current written program are being effectively
implemented and that it continues to be effective.
29 CFR 1910.134(l)
- Records of medical evaluations required by this
program must be retained and made available in
accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1020.
29 CFR 1910.134(m)
- A record will be established of the qualitative
and quantitative fit tests administered to an
employee including - The name or identification of the employee
tested - Type of fit test performed
- Specific make, model, style, and size of
respirator tested - Date of test and
- The pass/fail results for QLFTs or the fit factor
and strip chart recording or other recording of
the test results for QNFTs. - Fit test records shall be retained for respirator
users until the next fit test is administered.
110Protective Work Clothing and Equipment
- Where a hazard is present or is likely to be
present from skin or eye contact with chromium
(VI) - Provide appropriate personal protective clothing
and equipment at no cost to employees, and - Ensure that employees use such clothing and
29 CFR 1926.1126(g)
111Removal and Storage
- All protective clothing and equipment
contaminated with chromium (VI) must be - Removed at the end of the work shift or at the
completion of their tasks, whichever comes first - Stored and transported in sealed, properly
labeled, impermeable bags or other closed,
impermeable containers.
29 CFR 1926.1126(g)
112Removal and Storage
- No employees may remove chromium
(VI)-contaminated protective clothing or
equipment from the workplace, except for those
employees whose job it is to launder, clean,
maintain, or dispose of such clothing or
29 CFR 1926.1126(g)
113Cleaning and Replacement
- All protective clothing and equipment required by
this section shall be cleaned, laundered,
repaired and replaced as needed to maintain its
effectiveness. - The removal of chromium (VI) from protective
clothing and equipment by blowing, shaking, or
any other means that disperses chromium (VI) into
the air or onto an employee's body is prohibited.
29 CFR 1926.1126(g)
114Hygiene Areas and Practices
- Where protective clothing and equipment is
required, the employer shall provide change
rooms. - Separate storage for contaminated and clean
clothes - Where skin contact with chromium (VI) occurs, the
employer shall provide washing facilities - Such facilities shall be in near proximity to the
worksite and shall be so equipped as to enable
employees to remove such substances. MUST BE
WATER BASED CLEANING SYSTEM. - Washing facilities shall be maintained in a
sanitary condition. - Use of these facilities when necessary shall be
29 CFR 1926.1126(h)
115Eating and Drinking Areas
- Eating and drinking areas and surfaces must be
maintained as free as practicable of chromium
(VI). - Employees must not enter eating and drinking
areas with protective work clothing or equipment
unless surface chromium (VI) has been removed.
29 CFR 1926.1126(h)
116Prohibited Activities
- Employees must not eat, drink, smoke, chew
tobacco or gum, or apply cosmetics in areas where
skin or eye contact with chromium (VI) occurs or - Carry the products associated with these
activities, or store such products in these areas.
29 CFR 1926.1126(h)
117Medical Surveillance
- Medical surveillance must be made available at no
cost to the employee, and at a reasonable time
and place, for all employees - Who are or may be occupationally exposed to
chromium (VI) at or above the action level for 30
or more days a year - Experiencing signs or symptoms associated with
chromium (VI) exposure or - Exposed in an emergency.
29 CFR 1926.1126(i)
118Medical Surveillance
- Medical examination provided
- Within 30 days after initial assignment, a