Title: Electronic Document Management:
1Electronic Document Management an integrated
approach Welcome!
The EDM in a nutshell
Life and death of a document
Stakes of an EDM project
3The EDMin a nutshell
4Electronic Document Management addresses a very
common and widespread problem
5document overflow!
6but also multiple distant geographical
sites, collaboration needs on documents, productiv
ity competitiveness issues, Many good reasons
to adopt EDM
7Proposed definition Electronic Document
Management Electronic system to acquire,
classify, store, archive and retrieve documents
8Electronic system
9No reference to the size
SCANFIN projectBelgian Ministry of
Finance100,000,000 documents per year
A dog
A dog
Habitation Moderne projectpublic housing
sector50,000 documents per year
Same with EDM!
EDM is NOT restricted to large companies!
10Electronic system to acquire, classify,
store, archive and retrieve
The minimalist EDM solution
But many other possible features
Storing archiving
12Electronic system to acquire, classify,
store, archive and retrievedocuments
13Hard-copy documents
Electronic documents
Word files
Excel files
Faxesvia fax server
14Life and deathof a document
Hardcopy documents
Indexation Classification
Not to be scanned
Common format
Structured information? not to be recognised
Storage archiving
External applications
16Hardcopy documents Forms Invoices Mail Files Faxes
? Which documents should be integrated?
17Scanning Volume? Conversion into image files
(TIFF, PDF) Automatic batch and document
separation Blank page deletion 90 or 180
rotation Recto or Recto/Verso Colors, bitonal,
greyscale Image quality improvement (contrast,
dust scratch removal) Autocropping and
alignment Ideal quality/volume ratio? ? Which
functionalities do you need?
18Recognition Turning images into text OMR Optical
Mark Recognition (tick boxes) OCR Optical
Character Recognition (printed text) Structured
forms areas are clearly defined ICR Intelligent
Character Recognition (handwritten text) Free
form similar documents but undefined structure
(invoices) ? Which technologies do you need?
19Storage and archiving Volume? Technologies
online, offline, nearline Medias tapes,
harddisks, Security (non-)rewritable
supports? ? What are your critical needs?
20Electronic documents Emails Word Excel Images Faxe
s (via fax server) ? Which documents should be
21Electronic forms Equivalent of paper forms
(structured) eGovernment Electronic
signature eCommerce Banks Insurance companies ?
What might be the potential applications of
22Indexation classification Full-text
indexation Metadata date, author, document type,
topic(s), Structured (list) and/or
non-structured metas Manual and/or automatic
(e.g. based on bar codes) Thesaurus structured
list of keywords, with synonyms ? On what
criteria do you want to retrieve documents?
23Conversion Multiple formats multiple
viewers Conversion software (e.g.
Acrobat) Strategic aspect what is the lifetime
of the format? ? Do you need a common format?
Interactions with other applications Applications
ERP (e.g. SAP), accountancy, Electronic Data
Interchange Interface e.g. piloting EDM
application from an ERP Things can become very
complex ? Do you need interactions? With what
25Record Management EDMs management rules of
the game Comes on top of the EDM
system Compliance with certification (ISO
900n) Compliance with legal constraints
(Sarbannes-Oxley in USA) File plan common
indexing policy for the whole organisation Managin
g lifetimes Tracing the history of actions taken
on a document ? How far do you need to go with
Record Management?
26Workflows Series of tasks related to an
information item Creation, indexation, approval,
rejection, Useful when multiple users deal with
multiple tasks/steps Document workflow,
production workflow, ad hoc workflow Attachments
documents or files (batch of documents) Traceabili
ty history of actions ? Do you need simple,
complex, or no workflow?
27Security Hardware Connectivity reliability of
interconnections, firewalls, Access rights and
confidentiality Disaster recovery ? Security is
often expensive how critical is it for you?
28Navigation Searches on metadata Full-text
searches (needs OCR) Navigation through folders
and sub-folders Document files and related
documents Compliance with access rights
policy ? Do you need complex searches? On what
29File management File batch of documents related
to an issue Examples medical files, insurance
files, Hierarchy of files and sub-files Static
files similar to hard-copy files Dynamic files
based on criteria (? one document, several
files) A document can belong to multiple files
(multiple access points) Collaboration ? Do you
work with files in your current document system?
30EDM variable geometry technology?All aspects
shouldbe carefully consideredat the early stage
31Stakes of anEDM project
32Economic aspects
33An EDM solution will Improve the image of the
organisation (e.g. immediate access to the
information) Avoid tasks with little
value-added (e.g. encoding) Shorten and/or
accelerate processes (e.g. workflows) Reduce
postage costs Retrieving a paper document costs
EUR 19! Gartner Group
34Human andorganisational aspects
35An EDM solution will Require cultural changes
(way people work) Improve ergonomic aspects of
information access Enrich job descriptions with
high value-added tasks Make control easier (e.g.
how often is a document accessed?)
36Legal aspects
37An EDM solution offers the possibility
to Integrate an electronic signature Keep a
trace of human/electronic alterations on
documents Guarantee long-term archiving (e.g.
38Ecological aspects
39An EDM solution allows Reducing the volume of
produced paper (e.g. electronic forms) Reducing
the volume of circulating paper (e.g.
workflows) Reducing the volume of warehoused
paper (e.g. archiving)
41An EDM solution allows Leveraging the most
important asset of any organisation
knowledge Organising data related to a project
in a structured way Stimulating distant or
even cross-border collaboration on a project
43EDM is much more than what you think Consider
all aspects in an integrated logic EDM is not
restricted to large companies Look at the ROI
dont spend, invest! Rely on solid partners
I.R.I.S. SE -)
44Thank you!