Title: Human Reproductive Anatomy
1Human Reproductive Anatomy
2Human Male
- Can reproduce several hundred million sperm per
3Sperm are produced in the testes , located in the
4Sperm mixes with body fluids to create semen.
5- The Penis is the organ used to deposit sperm.
- The Urethra carries semen and urine.
6What is an erection technically?
- When the capillaries contained in the penis
become flooded with extra blood.
7Can a male urinate in a female during sex?
- No. There is a small flap that covers the
opening between the bladder and the urethra
stopping the flow of urine out of the body.
8Human Female
- Produces one mature egg per month
- Beginning at age 11-???
9Eggs are produced in the ovaries.
10Eggs move through the fallopian tube to the
11The uterus is the place where the embryo
develops.It is the size of a pear but can
stretch to the size of a watermelon.
12The lining of the uterus is the endometrium,
which provides a cushion for the fetus as it
develops.Some women develop a condition called
endometriosis. This means that the lining of
the uterus develops on the outside of the body
and can spider web to other organs.
13The Vagina
- Leads to the cervix and then the uterus.
- The cervix is the lower part of the uterus.
14Hormones and the body
- Hormones are chemical substances secreted by the
glands, travel through the blood stream to affect
another part of the body. - Sex Hormones
- Help to produce the egg and sperm
- Begin secondary sex characteristics
15Male Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Hormone Testosterone
- Begins 12-13 years old
- Repsonsible for
- Beard growth
- Voice deepening
- Muscle strength
- Maturation of sperm
- factor in male baldness
16Female Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Hormone Estrogen and Progesterone
- Responsible for
- Production and release of egg
- Menstrual cycle
- Prepare uterine wall for implantation
- Breast development
- Hip spread
- Curves