Title: MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
1Carol Strohecker
Learning Research at Media Lab Europe
Dublin, Ireland
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
11Everyday Learning
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
12Everyday Learning
- How people learn through life
- - Through the lifetime
- - Through day-to-day living
- In everyday,
- informal learning situations
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
13Everyday Learning
Formal learning situations Schools,
professional training programs Someone external
to the learner says what to learn and how to go
about learning it
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
14Everyday Learning
Informal learning situations Learning based
on the learners curiosity Learners come because
they want to Learners have the freedom to pursue
ideas in their own ways Settings like homes,
museums, zoos, clubhouses, community centres,
airports, shopping areas, and workplaces
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
15Everyday Learning
Environments with material and social supports
for people to pursue creative activities centred
around some core idea Often a basic idea in math
or science How more people can develop thinking
that will enable them to participate fully in our
technological society
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
16Everyday Learning
Consider the broad diversity that characterises
human thinking and knowing Design
principles Represent ideas in multiple ways and
at multiple scales Unusual learning
partnerships, such as between members of
different cultures and different generations
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
17Everyday Learning
- Tools and environments with and in which people
can - Experiment with ideas
- Create things using computational materials
- - Make their creations public
- Current themes
- time, movement, ecology, communication
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
18Everyday Learning
Amble Time A map with a sense of time
Standard maps do not convey a sense of temporal
scale Given GPS location, an average walking
speed and time available, indicates everywhere
you could walk in that time Given a final
destination, shows where you could roam along the
way and still arrive on time
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
19Everyday Learning
Citizen Journalism Uncovering unconventional
issues and perspectives
Citizens, technologists and journalists work
together to create technologies and
stories Journalistic frameworks and digital
technologies combine to create new ways of
constructing unique points of view New tools and
relationships that let citizens of all ages
become active creators of media, views and
professions - Handheld image capture and
editing - Web broadcasting
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
20Everyday Learning
Empowering Minds Network
Professional development through construction
and dialogue
Teachers learn alongside their students about
robotics technologies Programmable objects that
interact with the physical world through sensors
and motors Database-backed web service enables
posting images of their work and sharing
reflections Extended Constructionist learning
community 29 teachers, 500 students in 24
classrooms throughout Ireland
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
21Everyday Learning
The most valuable skill people can have is the
very ability to learn to evaluate new ideas
and master new techniques eagerly, flexibly,
swiftly, and thoroughly and to understand ones
own ways of doing so
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
22Everyday Learning
Knowledge of the self is as important as
knowledge about any particular content domain
Learning with objects is central Generate new
tools and contexts to facilitate learning Address
each persons abilities to - remove barriers to
his or her own learning - constructively create
his or her own knowledge
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
23Nested Development
Scoping (self (communities (nation
(planet)))) The vital role of learning at each
scale of human experience The power of
principles that operate at each level
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
24Nested Development
Begin with learning about the self and the
context that created it Continue to expand
interests and skills becoming a fully
contributing citizen of the technological
knowledge society The challenge Each person to
develop herself, her communities, her nation, her
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
25Nested Development
Developing the Physical and Psychological
Self Developing Organisations and
Communities Developing the Planet and Universe
of Ideas (crucial epistemological venues)
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
26Nested Development
Developing the Physical and Psychological Self
Tangible interfaces and architectural settings
to encourage whole-body movements Mobile devices
with bio-sensors and tactile, haptic, and
multimodal interfaces Wearable tools to enable
studies of ones own physiological or
experiential patterns Creating a public entity
that says something about the person who made it
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
27Nested Development
Developing Organisations and Communities Create
and sustain adaptive organisations Models of
active learning and working Smart
environments Narrative forms for knowledge
about learning Workers taking charge of
their own learning Community-level programmes
Support diversity Stimulate curiosity
and enthusiasm for science Mentor technical
skills Design and invention in developing
nations Leverage characteristics of
particular communities Emerging
technologies that reduce costs of
computational devices
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
28Nested Development
Developing the Planet and the Universe of
Ideas Important epistemological venues Systems
thinking Ecology - sensors and simulations can
spur mitigation of environmental problems by
helping people to understand their pervasity and
severity The need to understand learning
itself A range of distributed mass-media
applications will cultivate and popularise
understandings of learning
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
29Nested Development
Integrations and Methodologies Varied partner
base Technology adopters including developers,
distributors and users inform each phase of
idea formation and demonstration Work directly
with users Designing and conducting programmes
for use of technologies both in and outside of
the lab Beyond dissemination to deeper
adoption Users put new technologies to active
use through working with them to create something
personally meaningful, which often becomes part
of a public forum
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu
30Thank you
MEDIA LAB EUROPE www.mle.media.mit.edu