Title: Muscular System
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2Muscular System
The muscular system enables the body to move.
Develop a hypothesis How does it do this?
3Muscular System
There are three types of muscles.
1. Smooth muscles
2. Skeletal muscles
Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles. Some
examples of where you can find smooth muscles
are in your stomach, esophagus, and behind your
Skeletal muscles or striated muscles are
voluntary. Some examples of skeletal muscles are
your biceps, quadriceps, and the
The third is the strongest muscle in the human
body! What do you think it is?
4Muscular System
3. Myocardium muscle
It is sometimes called the cardiac muscle or the
heart muscle. It is also an involuntary muscle,
it works with no help from you.
5Muscular System
The muscular system enables the body to move.
Give an example and explain the function of each
type of muscle.