Title: Curriculum Vitae Development
1Curriculum Vitae Development
- MCE Workshop
- Spring, 2007
2Purpose of this workshop
- To provide detailed explanation of the Curriculum
Vitae preparation process, which will enable
faculty members to complete the C.V. with
3MCE Core Competencies
- Professionalism
- Communications Marketing
- Leadership
4Curriculum Vitae.
- Presents a portrait of the candidates
accomplishment in the most concise manner - Represents an individuals entire career
- Takes time to develop a really great one!
5Accomplishments in Three Areas
- Research, Scholarship Creative Activities
- Teaching, Mentoring and Advising
- Service
- Defined as creative, intellectual work that is
communicated and validated by peers. As you
consider scholarly work make sure it meets the
five criteria of being created, integrated,
applied, validated and adopted.
- Process determines need, establishes goals,
implements a plan of action and provides short
term documentation of program impacts and program
success. - Its what extension education is all about !
- This section includes work with MCE, the College
of AGNR, the University, your professional
organizations and your community. It is important
to identify your role with service, (i.e.
secretary, chair, etc.)
9Getting started
- Organize your recent IEPs and other reports
- Set time aside to work on various aspects of the
C.V. your future depends on it when youre
applying for Promotion Tenure - Faculty evaluations are based on the C.V.
- Understand the correct format
- get the latest information from the university
website www.faculty.umd.edu/policies/currvit.html
10Certification Statement
- Your CV should be signed and dated to certify
that it is accurate and current. -
- Certification Statement
- I certify that this Curriculum Vitae is a current
and accurate statement of my professional record. - Signature__________ Date________
11I. Personal Information
- This section should include
- - name,
- - department,
- - current rank,
- - year of appointment to current rank as
tenure track faculty members and/or FEA - - education background and
- - employment background
12Personal Information Sample
- Joanne B. Wordsmith
- Extension Educator - Families, Youth and
Communities - County Extension Director
- College of Agriculture Natural Resources
- University of Maryland Cooperative Extension
- Wicomico County
- Senior Agent - tenured, 1998
- Educational Background
- List in chronological order including
institutions, dates and degrees. - Employment Background
- List in reverse chronological order.
13II. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activities
- Includes such works as
- Books chapter in books
- Articles in Professional Journals
- Reports, Extension Publications
- Notes, Book Reviews
- Talks - Invited and Contributed
- Films, Photographs, Slides
- Exhibits, Displays Posters
- and
14More about Scholarship.
- Original Designs, Plans, Software and Patents
- Contracts Grants
- Prizes, Awards and Fellowships
- Editorships, Editorial Boards and Reviewing
Activities for Journals - Others Newsletters, News Articles, Websites,
DVD, CD-Rom, eXtension work
15Sample Entries-chronological order
- Books
- Gill, S.A. and J. Sanderson. 1998. Guide to
Insects and Beneficials in Greenhouses.
Textbook, 244 pages with 550 color plates. Ball
Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. (1,378
copies sold by 10/15/99 used as textbook at 2
universities). - Chapters in Books
- Clement, D.L., 2001. Birch Diseases (pp.91-94).
Chapter 25 in Diseases of Woody Ornamentals and
Trees in Nurseries, American Phytopathology
Society Press, edited by R.K.Jones and D.M.
- Refereed Publications
- Harrell, R.M., H.A.Loyacano, Jr., and
J.D.Bayless. 1977. Zooplankton Availability and
Feeding Selectivity of Fingerling Striped
Bass. Georgia Journal Science 35129-135.
- Refereed
- Harrell, R.M. 1987. Fish Aquaculture. B. Powers.
and W. Sieling, (editors). Identified strategies
for aquaculture development in Maryland. Joint
publication to Governor of Maryland and Maryland
delegation provided by Marylands Department of
Agriculture and Natural Resources and the
University of Maryland. - Non-refereed
- Jones, G. 2003. Annual Extension Report,
Maryland Cooperative Extension - Making a
Difference in our Community. 6pp. (Editor and
contributing writer national circulation 5,000
18Extension Publications
- Peer reviewed
- Johnson, D.M. and D.M. Schwartz. 2001. Milk
Production Costs Fact Sheet 790, MCE University
of Maryland, College Park, 8pp.(Over 1000 copies
distributed to county agents, consultants and
dairy producers for use in making informed
business decisions).
19Masters Thesis
- Fitzgerald, C.B. 1998. Soil phosphorus in
Aroostook County (Maine) potato cropping
systems organic matter effects and residual
phosphorus contributions. Available in Fogler
Library Special Collection, University of
Maine. Orono, ME. 124 pages.
20Talks, Abstracts Professional Papers
- Differences in Talks
- Invited includes presentations where someone
recognizes your expertise and asks you to share
information other than normal program teaching - Contributed educator submits a proposal, it
gets accepted for presentation and contributes to
professional development opportunities as part of
a conference.
21Talks, Abstracts Professional Papers
- Talks- invited
- Glotfelty,R., A. Sherrard and R. Stephens. 2002
Health Care Needs of Rural Garrett County
Residents. Bureau of Primary Health Care,
Department of Health Human Services,
Philadelphia, Pa. Two hour presentation for 10
members of the federally-qualified Health Center
Administration outlining health data and needs of
rural families. Invited as co-presenter by the
Director of Maryland Bureau of Primary Care.
22- Talks- contributed
- Corridon, S. and R. Davis.1999. Making Nutrition
Education Palatable. National Association of
Family and Consumer Sciences (NAEFCS) National
Conference, Greensboro, SC. One hour workshop
for 75 youth and family educators on the
importance of hands-on teaching to change
dietary behaviors. (Refereed)
23Conference Proceedings
- Refereed
- Fitzgerald, C.B., B.R.Butler, M.G. Davis and
C.B.Coffman. 2002. New Cover Crops for Organic
Vegetable Production in Maryland. 3rd National
Small Farm Conference. Albuquerque, NM. p.39. - Piechocinski, A. and K.Dyson. 2002. Reaching the
MiddleKeeping Tweens in 4-H. National
Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference,
Norfolk, VA. Developed two-hour presentation
conference proceedings distributed to 350
conference participants.
24Films, Tapes, Photographs, Power Point
- Jones, D. photographer and designer. 1998.
Applying Bay Wise Landscape Techniques to
Commercial Properties. Western Maryland Field
Day. 50 slides and script provides landscape
illustrations. Viewed by 125 landscapers for
circulation to 23 Maryland counties, Baltimore
City and Northeast Region Extension Directors. - Schwartz, D.M. 1999. Marketing a Few Trees. MCE,
Washington County. This 27 slide program was
created using original digital photos and power
point script. Presented to 85 participants at the
Mid-Atlantic Forestry Stewardship Conference.
Agents digital slides used in NARES publication
134, Developing a Custom Portable Sawmill
Enterprise printed by Cornell in 2001.
25Exhibits, Demonstrations and other Creative
- Walk, Betty D. 1999-2004 4-H Disability
Awareness (DAP), Temper County. Display of eight
photographs depicting educational program, 4
simulation activities and adaptive equipment.
Invited to 18 schools in Maryland 13 schools in
Delaware for teacher training 25 schools
implemented DAP program for students. - Bentlejewski, J. 2001 Start out Right with Folic
Acid. Western Maryland Health Systems Regional
Health Fair. Cumberland, MD. Designed and
staffed day-long exhibit with educational
materials describing the importance of
consumption of foods high in folic acid for
prevention of birth defects. 95 professional
participants from multi-state area 65 of these
participants requested more information for use
with clients.
- Your involvement in this new initiative can
include - Community of Practice
- Alignment with eXtension structure through FAQs,
Ask the Expert or Curriculum Outline - Expansion of Focus Team work to include eXtension
27Extension Farm Demonstrations
- Extension Farm demonstrations provide
agricultural producers with an opportunity to
learn recommended best farming practices. Field
comparison of crop species and varieties,
agri-chemicals and other crop production
practices are the primary teaching method.
Extension professionals also use farm
demonstrations to conduct applied research.
- Fultz, S.W., T.E. Poole and R.W. Holter.
1998-2000. Grass and Legume Varieties for use
with Management Intensive Grazing in Western
Maryland. Plots consist of 8 grass varieties
split by three legumes and placed on county
dairy farm to demonstrate variety growth and
animal preference. Results were shared with 350
individuals from tri-state area during pasture
walks and farm tours. Fifty producers adopted
intensive grazing practices based on 1999 county
forage survey results.
29Original Designs, Plans, Software
- Johnson, D.M.,P. Karwasz R.Janiak.1992
Analyzing Agricultural Decisions with Computer
Spreadsheets. Project information Series No. 11
Polish American Extension Project, USDA. This
software package represents a 25 hour course on
how to use computer spreadsheets to do economic
and financial analysis of farm businesses. In
1992 it was used in 14 workshops to teach
techniques to 190 agricultural advisors and farm
managers software adopted and utilized by 59
of workshop participants.
30Contracts and Grants
- Specify in chronological order by year
- Title,
- Granting agency/ name,
- Purpose,
- Amount and type of resources.
- Be sure to include names of co-authors or
partners and indicate your role. This section can
be organized in chart or narrative form.
31Grant Examples
- Schoenian, S. 2001-2002. Enhancing Economic
Opportunities for Agricultural Cooperative on the
Eastern Shore of Maryland to the Rural
Development Center. 15,000 from University of
Maryland Eastern Shore. Principal investigator on
competitive grant to conduct feasibility study
for formation of small farm cooperative on the
Lower Eastern Shore and to research the demand
potential for locally producing, processing and
packaging fresh produce and meat for niche
markets in Baltimore/Washington,D.C. metropolitan
32Example of shared grants
- Butler, B.R., C.B.Fitzgerald, J.Traunfeld and
D.Clement. 2001. Excluding wildlife from organic
research plots on Clarksville research farm.
3,500 from Maryland Agriculture Experiment
Station competitive grant. Educator was
co-principal investigator collaborated on
grant, project activities and scheduling.
33Solicited funds
- Bentlejewski, J.T. (2005). Maryland Cooperative
Extension- Allegany County Operating Funds.
110.000 direct funds from county government for
office operations. As county director, funds are
solicited annually from county government for
salaries as well as operations. Educator
develops the budget, defends the budget and
manages the appropriated funds throughout the
year. See Service, b, iv. for description of
County Extension Director role
34Solicited Donations
- Bell, M. and B. Butler, B. 1995- present. Carroll
County Mid-Winter Meetings. 6,500 in donations
from Agri-business suppliers used to cover
speaker fees, meals and meeting room rentals.
Educator solicits financial support, maintains
donation records and appropriately recognizes
35In- Kind Donations
- McDonald, S. 2004. MCE Volunteer Development
.Recruited, trained, managed and recognized 350
4-H adult volunteers to work with various aspects
of youth development program in Adams County. On
average, these volunteers gave 5 hours per month
working as teachers, coaches and mentors with
young people for an estimated value of
364,140.00 to the - 4-H Program. (Independent Sector estimates value
of volunteer time at 17.34 per hour).
36Fellowships, Prizes, Awards
- 2006. Outstanding Forestry Communication
Award.Presented for video Natural Resources
Income Opportunities. Awarded by National
Extension Forester Association to educator at
National Extension Forester Meeting, Portsmouth,
NH. - 2006. Extension Educator of the Year. Presented
by - National Association of Extension Family
Consumer Sciences - for outstanding educational programs that
demonstrate impact on families at
national conference, Denver, CO.
37Editorships Review Boards
- Frebertshauser, D. 2002 Step Up to Leadership.
Review of curriculum for the National 4-H
Cooperative Curriculum System Leadership Design
Team. 90 pgs. Selected by State 4-H program
Leader to represent Maryland on this team. - Brown, M. 2000 Children, Youth Families at Risk
(CYFAR). National Conference seminar proposals
review board. Reviewed thirty-eight submissions
appointed by National CYFAR Program Leader.
38Other Scholarship
- Remember, the key to scholarship entries needs to
fit the following criteria. - Created
- Integrated
- Applied
- Validated
- Adopted
39 40 III . Teaching, Mentoring Advising
- This section can include
- Courses taught in last five years
- Curriculum Development
- Manuals notes, software, web pages, CT courses
- Teaching Awards
- Advising/Mentoring
- Extension Activities!!!!
41 Extension Activities
- This section is where YOU shine
- Include major programs established, workshops,
presentations, media activities, teaching awards
honors and other information. A major extension
program includes activities, teaching strategies,
educational materials developed and learning
opportunities representing a large program
43Teaching Overview
- Consider starting this section with a statement
explaining your teaching role as an Extension
Educator. This brief overview can help clarify
the role teaching plays in extension outreach
programs and the differences and similarities to
campus faculty.
44Introductory Teaching Statement
- Regional Extension Specialist in Natural
Resources with primary responsibility for nine
western Maryland counties and statewide
responsibilities in office located at Western
Maryland Research Education Center as member of
a team of four specialists with different areas
of expertise. The primary program focus is
protecting and enhancing Natural Resources.
Specifically my job includes - 1) Working with county educators to develop and
implement natural resources programs for youth
and adults in the area of forestry, wildlife,
soils and water quality. - 2) Developing networks with existing agencies to
implement innovative, educational programs.
45Another example
- According to the 2001 Census Bureau, Montgomery
County , Maryland has a population of 891,347.
With the increased number of immigrants and
changes in family structure, social and economic
circumstances it is important to provide
opportunities for youth and adults in youth
development and leadership skills, which supports
program in Montgomery County. This educators
primary responsibility is
46Another option
- The Extension educator is responsible for the
development, implementation and evaluation of
high quality family and consumer education
programs in both Garrett and Allegany Counties.
These educational program focus on improving the
quality of life for individuals and families.
Since 2000, this educator has developed and
taught a total of 269 classes impacting 1634
individuals. Specific classes focus on optimal
health, nutrition, diabetes, weight management,
food safety/healthy homes and financial
47Consider your IEP narrative
- This Extension educator coordinates the 4-H Youth
Development program in Baltimore City. The
primary responsibilities are to provide
educational opportunities, secure grants and
donations to expand 4-H programming, produce
scholarly works and recruit and train youth and
adult volunteers in various subject matter areas
and develop partnerships through a city-wide
approach to create positive change. The primary
subject matter areas this educator is responsible
for are leadership development, entrepreneurship,
service-learning and environmental science.
48Major Programs
- For each program description indicate
- The name of the program
- Demonstrated need
- The primary goals and objectives
- Target audiences and number of participants
- Specific outcomes and impact statements
- A major program is extensive and pervasive in its
coverage requiring a major commitment of time,
which impacts the audience in significant ways.
49New Innovative Programs
- This is an optional listing.
- You may list all extension programs under major
successful programs and not make a distinction
between new and innovative. - If you choose to include New Innovative, use the
same format name of program, goals and
objectives, target audiences and outcome/impact
50Teaching Section
- Teaching Materials
- Developed
- Adapted
- Workshops, Presentations, Media Activities in
support of teaching - Supervision of Others
51This section could look like.
- lll. Teaching, Mentoring Advising
- Extension Activities
- Introductory Statement- who, what, why,
connections with MCE themes - Major Extension Programs
- Financial Management- list need,
goals/objectives, audience and impact - Agriculture Profitability- list need,
goals/objectives, audience and impact - Youth Development- list need, goals/objectives,
audience and impact - Nutrition Education Food Safety- list needs,
goals, objectives, audience and impact
52ExampleNutrition, Heath and Wellness
- Program description Nutrition plays a vital role
in overall health. Research has found that diet
is associates with the leading causes of death,
many of which are preventable- heart disease,
diabetes, obesity and several types of cancer.
Despite the importance of diet many Washington
County residents fail to follow recommendation of
the Dietary Guidelines and the My Pyramid which
could help lower the risk of chronic diseases.
All of these factors point to a need for
educational programs and information on healthy
diets and increased physical activity and helping
county residents make behavior changes toward
overall good health and well-being. Target
audiences were clientele at senior centers, civic
clubs, and clientele and staff from other state
and county agencies.
- In 2005 this educator taught seven classes for
103 individuals. Topics included making healthy
food choices, planning healthy meals and
increasing physical activity. Survey data
indicated that 88 planned to choose healthier
foods and 73 planned to increase physical
activity levels. In addition
54Teaching Example..
- Bentlejewski, J.T. 2001-2003. Managing Diabetes
through Proper Nutrition. Garrett/Allegany
County, MD. Three part diabetes nutrition series
lasting a total of six hours. Adapted and
repeated 14 times for a total of 42 classes and
1,305 contacts. - Fultz, S.W. and D.M.Johnson. 1999. Cost of
Production Workshop. Frederick, MD. Two hour
workshop for 10 dairy managers to calculate
their cost-of-production for milk. Served as
site coordinator and co-instructor.
55More examples
- Frebertshauser, D.F. 2001. Good Kids, Difficult
Behavior. MCE Maryland 4-H Camp Training.
Developed 30 slide PowerPoint presentation and 4
activities to teach strategies in working with
children with difficult behaviors. - Coverts Volunteers and J. Kays . 2000 Woods
Critters Timber, Recreation, Wildlife Habitat,
Beauty and the Environment. 69 digital slide
presentation developed by volunteers from the
Coverts Project with assistance from the
regional specialist to be used by volunteers in
outreach activities.
56Supervision/Advising of Others
- Include categories such as
- Paraprofessionals - EFNEP
- Nutrient Management Advisors
- Summer Assistants /AmeriCorps / Vista
- Volunteers
- Service Learning Students
- Consultants
- Interns
57Examples of Supervision
- AGNR Program Assistant
- David Morrison, 1999-2002
- MCE Volunteers
- 35 Club Leaders 95 project leaders
- MCE Faculty Staff
- 5 faculty 6 staff
- MCE New Educator Mentor
- 2002- present Jean Austin
- 1990- 2004 Denise Frebertshauser
58How are you feeling now?
59IV. Service
- This section highlights your work with
- Professional Organizations
- Campus
- AGNR College
- University of Maryland
- Special Administrative Assignments- CED/Center
Directors - Community, State and National Organizations to
include non-job related committees
60Examples of Service
- 2003. President-Elect of Epsilon Sigma Phi, Tau
Chapter - Extension Professional
Organization. Elected. - 1999-present. Member of Maryland Agriculture
Awareness Alliance. Original member and
instrumental in forming this group to help
promote agriculture in a positive image.
Appointed by Governor of Maryland.
61CED/ Center Role
- Reported as part of Service, section b,
- iv. Special Administrative Assignments.
- The role of County Extension Director (CED)
requires a significant amount of effort and time
by educator. In the past year, approximately 30
time commitment was devoted to this local
management/leadership role. The CED serves as the
local leader for MCE with responsibilities in
program management, personnel, fiscal management
and public relations. Add specifics to you role
63C.V. Review.
- Sections include
- Research, Scholarly Creative Activities
- Teaching, Mentoring Advising
- Service
- Remember to..
- Be consistent in format, (using APA style), be
concise in information and be confident that
youve included everything you need to represent
yourself well.
64- So, what questions do you have at this time???