Title: PowerPointPrsentation
2What is Master-ID?
- Master-ID is a solution for
- Managing product life cycles
- Supporting maintenance processes
- Managing equipment configurations
- Documenting service processes
- based on RFID and sensor technology
3Example 1 Product life cycle documentation (RFID)
Owner / maintenance company
Producing company
Master-ID Web-application
(ASP.NET, hosted via IIS)
(MS Mobile 5.0)
- Auftragsplanung
- Historie
- Auswertungen
- Planning of tasks
- Data analysis
(SQLServer 2005)
Central Master-ID DB
- Proof of performed tasks
- History data
4Example 2 Maintenance management sensor
Customer web client
central database SQLServer 2005
Web application on Internet Information Server
LAN client
Industrial PC
5Example 3 Tool management RFID
inexpensive but crucial
facilitates  customs procedures
- Reduction of turnaround time
- Increase of tool loan transactions
- Optimization of tool management
- Handling of calibration intervals
- Tracking of tool movements
- ? Overall improvement of related processes
(e.g. maintenenance, repair and
extensive complete data
6Example 4 Equipment configuration management
Configuration management is a critical issue in
- Manage airplane configurations
- Ensure usage of correct parts and versions
- Reduce potential for human error
- Unique identification prevents usage of bogus
and counterfeitet parts - Maintenance documentation
- Kortenburg possesses the only RFID tag with an
airworthiness - certificate
That gives, that the transportation .. of the
MASTER-TAGs is not to be seen as usage of
electronic devices in aircrafts and from
technical and law standpoint that can be seen
without any problem. The retroactive attachment
of MASTER-TAGs lies within the responsibility of
the air transportation carrier and should only be
done by appropriate personnel. From our point of
virw, based on the low mass and the proven
passivity of the MASTER-TAG, similar
considerations and procedures can be applied as
with the usage of conventional adhesive stickers.
8Feature overview
- Quick and flexible configuration of RFID data
- RFID data can be tailored to your business needs
9RFID initialization in 10 minutes
- Plan functional field requirements
- Generate data structures automatically
- Initialise RFID chip, write birth data
- View RFID data, read from chip
10Master-ID RFID structure definition screen
11Master-ID handheld screens
12Master-ID basic architecture
Possible business scenarios Solution hosted by
msg systems - Settlement based on RFID
transactions (R/W) - Settlement based on usage
fee (monthly, quarterly, ...) - set up fees,
service fees ... Solution hosted by
customer - Settlement based on RFID
transactions (R/W) - Settlement based on usage
fee (monthly, quarterly, ...) - Purchase of
entire solution with service/upgrade contract -
individual add-on projects and/or developments
for adaptation to customer environments and
Internet Information Server
- - Multi-Client Hosting
- Inspection history- Central reports and
analyses - Introduction of new tag structures by simple
RFID inspection on-site (online/offline)
MS SQL Server 2005
RFID Service Host
Windows Mobile 5.0
MS SQL Server 2005 Mobile Ed.
13Unit and structure management
- Unit and structure management enables
- Representation of organisational structures
- Modelling complex technical objects
- Intuitive analysis
- Examples
- Aircraft? click on airfoil ? click on subpart
(e.g. aileron)? indicator (traffic light)
showing maintenance status - Crane Maintenance? Germany ? Hamburg ? Harbour?
Pier XY ? Crane A
14Maintenance management and planning
- Maintenance requirements and parameters for
individual objects, e.g. - central heating
boiler every 6 months - fire extinguisher
every 12 months ... - Analysis of history data (RFID/Sensor)
- Documentation of performed activities
- Work list of objects to be serviced
- Detection of fault-prone objects/machines/parts
15Always online
Central database
Mobile device
Any location
- Worldwide access to documents (technical manuals,
work instructions ...) - Independent of local database access
- Updated information available in real time
16Everybody loves Master-ID except mice -)
Web application
DB SQLServer 2005
- Monitoring mouse traps via RFID/Sensors
- Ideal for monitoring large areas
- On-site inspections can be minimized, reducing
personel cost
17 Integration into customer environment and
Master-ID server on customer site
Internet Information Server
ERP systems (e.g. SAP)
Master-ID web-application
MS SQL Server 2005
SOA environment customer
MS BizTalk 2006
Central customer DBs(z.B. Oracle)
SharePoint (Document managment)
.NET 2.0 Runtime
- Master-ID with RFID-scenarios
- Part configuration andidentification i.e.
aviation - Maintenance of fire extinguishers and central
heating boilers - Documentation maintenance outboard motor engines
- Intelligent tool boxes
- History for warranty
- Asset management
- Master-ID with sensor technology
- Monitoring labor processes of machines world wide
- Intelligent traps for mice and rats
20First steps of using RFID related solutions
1 day evaluation workshop
Agenda workshop  Introduction to RFID
 Introduction to master ID  Functional
requirements  Technical requirements
 Identification of possible gaps  Possible
first solution  Next steps
We ... give you an introduction in RFID and an
overview of our Master-ID solution
You ... describe to us your technical challenges
and needs
- Together
- ... we will discuss and analyze possible
!! msg/Kortenburg offers you this workshop for
free !!