Title: flexible learning toolboxes
1flexible learningtoolboxes
Josh Smith
2- Josh Smith Victorian Toolbox Champion
- Professional development.
- Mentor teams wishing to implement Toolboxes.
- Provide advice about using the Toolboxes.
- Disseminate information and broker other types of
support (eg customisation).
- What benefits do they provide?
- What toolboxes are available?
- How do I access the toolboxes?
4What are Toolboxes?
- Computer-based training materials.
- Include learner activities, resources, and
delivery guides.
- Support delivery of endorsed Training Package
5Toolbox characteristics
national e-learning products providing
media-rich materials using audio, images
scenario-based learning in real world contexts
problem-based learning with realistic activities
issues in a safe learning environment
6Benefits for organisations
- Low cost access to e-learning
- Quality assured
- Fits existing IT infrastructure
- Training where its convenient
- Flexible licensing arrangements
- Customise to suit business/learner needs
- Supports VET qualifications/accredited training
7How Toolboxes support the trainer
Comprehensive resources
Customisable materials
Access to free professional development advice
8Advantages for learners
practical assessment tasks
rich stimulating learning environments
authentic learning
user friendly
transferable knowledge
flexible access
9Toolbox titles
Over 80 available including
10New toolboxes
Sustainable energy
Financial services
Facilities management
Correctional services
Infection control
11New toolboxes
12New toolboxes
801 They're Racing 802 Custom Made
Furniture 803 Furniture Making and Design 804
Airworthiness Administration 805 Fitness
Online 806 How Eventive 807 Interactive
Ochre 808 Training and Assessment E-Learning
Electives 809 Frontline Management 2 (electives)
13Accessing toolboxes
There are four main ways of accessing toolboxes
- Preview on the toolbox website
- Download from the Toolbox resource collection
14Toolbox web site
Preview available toolboxes on the toolbox
website www.flexiblelearning.net.au/toolbox
Purchase on CD-ROM from Australian Training
Products (ATP). www.atpl.net.au (click on
Product catalogue gt Toolboxes)
Individual units from toolboxes are available on
the TAFE VC. www.tafevc.com.au
17Resource collection
Download sections from the Toolbox resource
collection. COMING SOON This is a FREE
library of toolbox materials!
- VET (Vocational Education and Training).
- Learning Object.
- Repository.
- Network.
- A national network of learning object
repositories - Contains resources which are downloadable and
free for educational use by RTOs (registered
training organisations)
- Learning objects
- Self-contained, discrete packages of learning
resources - Designed to be re-usable in multiple contexts.
- Contains resources which are downloadable and
free for educational use by RTOs (registered
training organisations)
- Learning objects
- Packaged to the SCORM standard
- Sharable Content Object Reference Model
- Can be imported into LMSs and CMSs
22More information
- Flexible Learning Toolboxes
- www.flexiblelearning.net.au/toolbox
- www.flexiblelearning.net.au/projects/resources/200
5/vlorn/ - SCORM
- www.adlnet.org