Title: ERANET Learning Platform
1ERA-NET Learning Platform NetWatch
- Manchester conference 2005
- ERA-NET Workshops 2006
- Report of the Expert Review Group
- Survey on ERA-NETs and their joint calls
- Direct feedback from project participants
- Member states carrying out ERA-NET assessments
at national level - FP6 ERA-NET Impact Assessment Study
- New generation of ERA-NETs
3Recommendations of the Expert Review Group
- High Level recommendations, e.g.
- Greater efforts of Member states to brake down
the remaining institutional barriers - Clear strategies for their involvement based on
needs and priorities - Commission level recommendations, e.g.
- Common web-site on all ERA-NET activities
- Collecting and synthesising the experiences and
lessons learnt - Recommendations for programme Owners and
Managers, e.g. - Contribute to the evolution of new guidelines for
the implementation of ERA-NETs by sharing
information on best practices
4Funding from joint calls and programmes
Planned 202 million (preliminary budgets of
19 of 36 planned calls 4 programmes)
Launched 97 million (preliminary budgets of
14 of 17 launched calls)
Already implemented 281 million (budget
estimates of 23 of 24 done calls 1 ongoing
By December 2006 more than 500 million
national research funding coordinated through
ERA-NETs, mostly via joint calls. Estomate today
more than 800 million
5Participation statistics
- 71 ERA-NETs, gt1.000 participations, 449 different
participants - Frequency of participation
- 3 organisations gt 20x
- 4 organisations gt 15x
- 10 organisations gt 10x
- 27 organisations gt 5x
- 98 organisations gt 1x
- 307 organisations with a single participation
6Situation today
- Increasing number of calls with significant
budgets made available for transnational research - Planned, launched and implemented by each
ERA-NET individually - Each ERA-NET runs through an important learning
curve while doing this - BUT Difficult for users and ERA-NET partners
- ? Every time different submission rules,
evaluation criteria, forms, call deadlines, etc.
7Situation tomorrow?
- What do participants/clients/users want?
- Common guidelines, rules, procedures?
- Common call closure dates and proposal submission
systems? - Common expert pools?
- Joint calls between ERA-NETs?
- Etc.
- ? Provide a common organisational framework for
jointly implemented transnational research
- Urgency
- Monitor, guide and assist aligning / harmonising
structures and procedures for simplified and
efficient joint call activities towards a common
organisational framework. - Long-term
- Monitor how the ERA-NET scheme is evolving.
- Create a durable interaction between ongoing
ERA-NET projects on other joint activities and
facilitate mutual learning pooling of
resources. - Important
- Joint ownership of ERA-NET participants, Member
States and European Commission - Flexible and voluntary in its application, no
one size fits all
9NetWatch A single web based IC platform for all
Intelligent analysis of ERA (ERA-NETs) Based on
ERA-WATCH Example Cutting an orange under
different angles
- Online ERA-NET
- view and analysis of
- nat. programmes
- Country cooperation
- topics/sectors view
- Joint calls
- various combinations
10NETWATCH objectives
- Improve the visibility of the ERA-NET scheme and
its constituent national programmes and joint
actions - Facilitate mutual learning amongst ERA-NETs
- Support RD policy makers and administrations by
providing them with information relevant to the
strategic use of ERA-NETs, including necessary
data for the assessment of their efficiency and
impact - Enhance trans-national cooperation between
national research programmes
11Preparatory steps for NETWATCH
- Identifying the information requirements of users
- Visualising how a central information platform on
ERA-NETs could be presented within ERAWATCH - Development of a framework capable of describing
and analysing the role of ERA-NETs within the ERA - Development of a participatory governance model
for the implementation of the NETWATCH platform - ? NETWATCH as the front end of the Learning
Platform, primary promotion vehicle for
12Objectives for the launching event March 2008
- Kick-start the ERA-NET Learning Platform and the
NETWATCH information system - Define jointly the framework and governance
structure - Identify follow-up actions
- Ensure that the initiatives correspond to
policy-level and user expectations
13Workshop topics
- Workshop 1 Towards common procedures from call
preparation to project monitoring - Workshop 2 Evaluation and proposal selection
the key to ensure high quality projects - Workshop 3 User requirements for a central
ERA-NET information platform - Workshop 4 Governance and future topics for the
ERA-NET Learning Platform
- Proceed with the creation of the Learning
Platform and NETWATCH - After consultation with ERA-NET participants, and
in collaboration with them, support the creation
of the necessary toolboxes and guidelines - Continue support for the organisation and
coordination of activities related to the
exchange of experiences and good practices, as
well as those related to the development of
toolboxes and guidelines - Provide access to, and advice on, how to set up
databases of experts - Put forward suggestions concerning a governance
structure for the ERA-NET Learning Platform for
discussion by the ERA-NET community
15RecommendationsERA NET participants
- With the support of the Commission, provide
inputs for the development of the necessary
toolboxes and guidelines - Launch a detailed discussion about the
transferability and compatibility of existing
(national) guidelines - Build a common submission system based on ERA-NET
experiences gained so far
16Beyond the ERA-NET Learning Platform and NETWATCH
- The Commission should
- Support the regular monitoring, evaluation and
assessment of the whole ERA-NET scheme - Cover the administrative costs relating to the
monitoring and follow-up of projects after the
publication of the joint calls in ERA-NET Plus - The Member States should
- Develop strategies for participation in ERA-NETs
and for trans-national cooperation in general - Consider the development of national guidelines
for the implementation of trans-national joint
calls - Consider appointing a National Contact Point to
facilitate the central coordination of ERA-NET
17? http//cordis.europa.eu/fp7/coordination/era_lp_