Lecture 6: Protocols cont. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 6: Protocols cont.


M then passes on the key K(AB) to A as if it came from B which allows A and B to ... You can work through the details as an exercise. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 6: Protocols cont.

Lecture 6 Protocols (cont.)
  • In this lecture we will cover
  • Further examples of protocol attacks
  • Interleaving and Oracle
  • Nonces
  • Replay attacks
  • timestamps
  • Name Omission
  • Reflection

Interleaving attack
  • in order to illustrate some of the remaining
    concepts we will assume from now onwards that the
    network uses a trusted third party to securely
    establish public keys between the parties
  • Malice M can no longer use a Person-in-the-middl
    e attack, but in our example protocol may still
    be able to learn the symmetric key and
    impersonate one of the 2 parties to the
  • M can do this using an interleaving attack to
    trick one of the parties into performing one of
    the protocol steps which it could not perform for
    itself, providing M with information it needs
    (where this happens the party that has
    inadvertently given M information is said to have
    acted as an oracle)

  • an interleaving attack, interleaves different
    runs of the same protocol to achieve its effect
  • We will focus on stages 6 and 7 of our previous
    protocol - the establishment of the symmetric key
    between A and B by using their public keys
  • The problem with the protocol is that it does not
    provide for mutual authentication of the 2
    parties in the communication in stages 6 and 7
    i.e. there is nothing in message 6 and 7 which
    guarantees the actual source of those messages

  • to illustrate an interleaving attack, assume that
  • 1. A and B have gone through steps 1 to 5 and now
    have each others public keys
  • 2. M has also gone through stages 1 to 5 with A,
    and so has As public key, and A has Ms public
    key for communicating a shared secret key between
    A and M
  • the attack proceeds now as follows with the
    interleaving of A and B completing their protocol
    with M completing its protocol with A. To show
    the interleaving the message numbers will be
    prefixed with MA or BA to show which protocol is

  • 1. Message BA.6 B-gtMA K(AB)K(A)
  • 2. Message MA.6 M-gtA K(AB)K(A)
  • 3. Message MA.7 A-gtM K(AB)K(M)
  • 4. Message BA.6 MB-gtA K(AB)K(A)
  • 5. Message BA.7 A-gtB K(AB)K(B)
  • The attack is actually simple - in step MA.6 of
    Ms protocol with A, M is required to send A a
    symmetric key encrypted with As public key, but
    instead of creating a symmetric key K(MA), M uses
    the intercepted symmetric key sent by B and sends
    that to A.

  • A decrypts K(AB)K(A) to extract the key K(AB)
    which it has received from M. It completes the
    protocol with M by sending back to M the key
    K(AB) encrypted with Ms public key - which of
    course M can decrypt and so obtain the key K(AB)
  • M then passes on the key K(AB) to A as if it came
    from B which allows A and B to complete their

Use of Nonces
  • The interleaving type of attack worked against
    our protocol because in the exchanges between A
    and B, the messages did not provide any mechanism
    for authenticating the source of the messages,
    allowing M to intercept the messages and send
    them on as M wished
  • to defeat this A and B need something that works
    in a way similar to a password
  • A Nonce (Number used ONCE) is a random number
    that is generated by one of the participants
    which can then be used uniquely to identify that
    the given encrypted message came from it (or from
    a mutual participant)

  • a random number is used to make guessing the
    number infeasible
  • a separate random number can be used for each
    communication session between 2 parties
  • the random number is generated by one party to
    the communication
  • the nonce will form part of the initial encrypted
    message and thus once decrypted by the other
    party to the communication will be a shared
    secret known only to the sender and the receiver

  • if Malice M intercepts the message with a nonce
    in it then it cannot use an interleaving attack
    because it cannot simply substitute an encrypted
    message between A and B for a message between M
    and A because the 2 sets of messages would be
    using different nonces and so would be rejected
    by A or B as coming from someone other than whom
    they expected

  • The following is a change to our Trusted Third
    Party protocol which uses a nonce in the initial
    communication between A and T which is then used
    throughout the stages of the protocol
  • Message 1 A-gtT NA.A.BK(TA)
  • Message 2 T-gtA NA.B.K(B)K(TA)
  • Message 3 A-gtT NA.A.K(B)K(TA)
  • Message 4 T-gtB NA.A.K(A)K(TB)
  • Message 5 B-gtT (NA.B.K(A)K(TB)
  • Message 6 B-gtA NA.K(AB)K(A)
  • Message 7 A-gtB NA.K(AB)K(B)

  • if M was to execute the protocol with A, all the
    messages between it and A would have the nonce NM
    in them and so it could not substitute in message
    6 NA.K(AB)K(A) for NM.K(AB)K(A) which is what
    A would be expecting to receive from M - the
    interleave attack would fail

Message Replay
  • in message replay attacks Malice M records the
    messages that pass between users and users and
    the Trusted Third Party across the network. M may
    then a an appropriate point replay some or all of
    the messages from some historical instance of the
    protocol. The basic idea is that even if it may
    be impossible to decrypt the messages or directly
    produce spoof messages that might fool normal
    users, M may be able to replay valid messages to
    achieve some malicious purpose.

  • If we look at how this might work using our
    example protocol that now uses nonces.
  • Assume that from time to time in order to
    improve the security of their communication,
  • A and B will change their symmetric key in a
    secure fashion with a simple key update protocol
    based on Message 6 and 7 of the previous
    protocol. Hence
  • Message 1 A-gtB NA.Knew(AB)K(B)
  • Message 2 B-gtA NA.Knew(AB)K(A)

  • However, this can be attacked using a replay
    attack as follows
  • Message 1 MA-gtB NA.Kold(AB)K(B)
  • Message 2 B-gtA NA.Kold(AB)K(A)
  • Message 3 A-gtMB NA.Kold(AB)K(B)
  • Essentially M initiates the key updating protocol
    by pretending to be A and sending a replay of an
    old A symmetric key exchange message
  • B thinks that A is initiating a key update
    protocol and generates the correct response using
    the encrypted nonce that A sent it. M allows that
    message to go straight to A - this looks like the
    first message of a key update protocol initiated
    by B.

  • Thus A thinks that B is initiating a key update
    protocol and generates the correct response which
    it sends to B - however, M intercepts this
    response and discards it because if B received it
    B would know that something had gone wrong.
  • So both A and B think that the other party to the
    communication have initiated a key update
    protocol and have complied with the update.
    However, the update has now ensured that even
    though M cannot decrypt the public key encrypted
    messages, both A and B will now pass messages
    between them using an old symmetric key of Ms

  • M may be able to exploit this because the old key
    may not have been disposed of securely when A and
    B first stopped using it and M has got hold of a
    copy, or if A and B continue to use the same key
    it significantly increases the chances that M may
    be able to break the key - a cryptanalysts
    ability to break a key increases with the amount
    of encrypted data that the cryptanalyst can use

  • The reason that the message replay attack worked
    was because the protocol had no means of ensuring
    that any message received was recent or timely.
    Thus the simple strategy of using timestamps on
    messages (and checking the timestamps) will
    defeat a message replay attack.
  • The full public key distribution protocol that we
    have been looking at is susceptible to a replay
    attack if ever the parties on the network or T
    decides that public keys need updating (not
    unreasonable). You can work through the details
    as an exercise.

  • So we need to modify our full protocol as
    follows. I will use lowercase t to represent a
    timestamp, so tA is timestamp generated by A at
    the time the current message was sent
  • Message 1 A-gtT tA .NA.A.BK(TA)
  • Message 2 T-gtA tT .NA.B.K(B)K(TA)
  • Message 3 A-gtT tA .NA.A.K(B)K(TA)
  • Message 4 T-gtB tT .NA.A.K(A)K(TB)
  • Message 5 B-gtT (tB .NA.B.K(A)K(TB)
  • Message 6 B-gtA tB .NA.K(AB)K(A)
  • Message 7 A-gtB tA .NA.K(AB)K(B)

  • However one drawback of the use of timestamps for
    such protocols is the requirement that all the
    parties to the protocol use synchronised clocks -
    otherwise timestamps might appear out of date
    when in fact they were not

Reflection attacks
  • in a reflection attack the message sent by one
    participant is simply sent back as a new message
    purporting to be from some other participant
  • note - the message is not bounced back i.e.
    rejected by some participant - just a copy of the
    same message is sent to the participant as if it
    was a new message
  • Reflection attacks are very simple attacks which
    work when there is a symmetry about the message
    structures used in the protocol.

  • To illustrate this let consider a simplified
    version of the first protocol we represented
    using the protocol description notation - it was
    a challenge-response identity authentication
    protocol. We have simplified by eliminating the
    timestamp and name.
  • a problem with the original protocol was that it
    did not provide for mutual authentication i.e. A
    attempted to establish its identity with B but A
    did not know that it was speaking to B - Malice
    could easily pretend to be B, all it has to do is
    send a nonce to A that purports to come from B.

  • So let us look at a version of the protocol that
    attempts to introduce mutual authentication
  • Message 1 A -gtB A
  • Message 2 B -gtA B
  • Message 3 A -gtB NA
  • Message 4 B -gtA NB
  • Message 5 A -gtB NBK(AB)
  • Message 6 B -gtA NAK(AB)
  • so now both A and B have received a nonce as a
    challenge which can only be correctly responded
    to by someone who has the shared symmetric key
    K(AB) i.e. only A and B can correctly respond to
    the challenges.

  • Malice can exploit the symmetry in the protocol
    to trick A in performing as an oracle in a manner
    similar to the interleaving attack
  • The attack proceeds as follows
  • Message 1 A-gtMB A
  • Message 2 MB-gtA B
  • Message 3 A-gtMB NA
  • Message 4 MB-gtA NA
  • Message 5 A-gtMB NAK(AB)
  • Message 6 MB-gtA NAK(AB)

  • in step 4 of the protocol A is expecting B to
    send it a random nonce, M sends the random nonce
    that A has just sent it (reflection). Thus A then
    sends in step 5 the properly encrypted version of
    the nonce that was sent to it. Since that nonce
    was the same nonce as it sent to M as a
    challenge, M can simply reflect the encrypted
    message back to A, which A accepts as a correct
    response. A is now falsely confident that it is
    talking to B.

  • This is an example of a name omission flaw if
    the name of the actual source (and intended
    destination) is included in the encrypted element
    of the protocol message, then it prevents M from
    simply reflecting the encypted message back,
    because the receiver of the reflected message
    would see that it is the source of the message
    when it decrypts the message so it knows that
    something is wrong
  • an version of our protocol for steps 5 6 which
    would prevent simple reflection from working is
  • Message 5 A -gtB A.NBK(AB)
  • Message 6 B -gtA B.NAK(AB)
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