Lecture 02 Symmetric Cryptography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 02 Symmetric Cryptography


Title: Lecture02: Symmetric Cryptography 1 Subject: NETE0519-ISEC0513 Author: S. Kungpisdan Last modified by: Supakorn Kungpisdan Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 02 Symmetric Cryptography

Lecture 02 Symmetric Cryptography
  • Asst.Prof. Supakorn Kungpisdan, Ph.D.
  • supakorn_at_mut.ac.th

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Cipher
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Basic Terminology
  • plaintext - original message
  • ciphertext - coded message
  • cipher - algorithm for transforming plaintext to
  • key - info used in cipher known only to
  • encipher (encrypt) - converting plaintext to
  • decipher (decrypt) - recovering ciphertext from
  • cryptography - study of encryption
  • cryptanalysis (codebreaking) - study of
    principles/ methods of deciphering ciphertext
    without knowing key
  • cryptology - field of both cryptography and

How a Cryptosystem Works
Plaintext (M) (data file or messages) encryptio
n algorithm (E) secret
key A (KA) Ciphertext (C) (stored or transmitted
safely) decryption algorithm (D)
secret key B (KB) Plaintext (M)
(original data or messages)
EKa(M) C DKb(C) M DKb(EKa(M)) M
Note Key A may be the same as Key B, depending
on the algorithm
Brute Force Search
  • always possible to simply try every key
  • most basic attack, proportional to key size
  • assume either know / recognise plaintext

Key Size (bits) Number of Alternative Keys Time required at 1 decryption/µs Time required at 106 decryptions/µs
32 232 4.3 ? 109 231 µs 35.8 minutes 2.15 milliseconds
56 256 7.2 ? 1016 255 µs 1142 years 10.01 hours
128 2128 3.4 ? 1038 2127 µs 5.4 ? 1024 years 5.4 ? 1018 years
168 2168 3.7 ? 1050 2167 µs 5.9 ? 1036 years 5.9 ? 1030 years
26 characters (permutation) 26! 4 ? 1026 2 ? 1026 µs 6.4 ? 1012 years 6.4 ? 106 years
Types of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Deploy the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt
  • The secret key is shared between two parties
  • Encryption algorithm is the same as decryption
  • Asymmetric (Public-key) Cryptography
  • Private key, Public key
  • The secret key is not shared and two parties can
    still communicate using their public keys
  • Encryption alg. is different from decryption alg.

Symmetric Cryptography
Public-Key Cryptography
  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Model of Symmetric Cryptosystem
What is Symmetric Encryption used for?
  • Transmitting data over an insecure channel
  • Secure stored data (encrypt store)
  • Provide integrity check

Properties of Symmetric Cryptography
  • Message Confidentiality
  • Message Authentication
  • Message Integrity

  • Depending on what a cryptanalyst has to work
    with, attacks can be classified into
  • Ciphertext only attack
  • Known plaintext attack
  • Chosen plaintext attack
  • Chosen ciphertext attack (most severe)

Ciphertext-only Attack
  • Collect ciphertexts of several messages encrypted
    using the same encryption algorithm and try to
    recover plaintexts or encrypting key(s).
  • Given C1 Ek(P1), C2Ek(P2), ..., CiEk(Pi)
  • Deduce Either P1, P2, , Pi k or an algorithm
    to infer Pi1 from Ci1Ek(Pi1)

Known-plaintext Attack
  • Able to collect ciphertext of several messages
    and corresponding plaintext, and try to resolve
    the encrypting key(s).
  • Given P1, C1 Ek(P1), P2, C2Ek(P2), ..., Pi,
  • Deduce Either k, or an algorithm
  • to infer Pi1 from Ci1Ek(Pi1)

Chosen-plaintext Attack
  • Able to collect ciphertext of several messages
    and associated plaintext, and also able to choose
    the plaintext that gets encrypted. Try to deduce
    the encrypting key(s).
  • More powerful than known-plaintext attack
  • Given P1, C1 Ek(P1), P2, C2Ek(P2), ..., Pi,
  • where the cryptanalyst gets to choose P1,, Pi
  • Deduce Either k, or an algorithm
  • to infer Pi1 from Ci1Ek(Pi1)

Chosen-ciphertext Attack
  • Able to choose different ciphertext to be
    decrypted and has access to the decrypted
    plaintext. Try to deduce the key
  • E.g. has access to a tamperproof box that does
    automatically decryption.
  • Given C1, P1 Dk(C1), C2, P2Dk(C2), ..., Ci,
  • Deduce k
  • Primarily applicable to public-key algorithms.

More Definitions
  • unconditional security
  • no matter how much computer power or time is
    available, the cipher cannot be broken since the
    ciphertext provides insufficient information to
    uniquely determine the corresponding plaintext
  • computational security
  • given limited computing resources (eg time needed
    for calculations is greater than age of
    universe), the cipher cannot be broken

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Substitution Ciphers
  • Character in plaintext is substituted for another
    character in ciphertext
  • Caesar Cipher each plaintext character is
    replaced by the character three to the right
    modulo 26. E.g. A?D, B?E, X?A
  • ROT13 commonly found in UNIX systems. Every
    plaintext character is rotated 13 places.

Caesar Cipher
  • earliest known substitution cipher
  • by Julius Caesar
  • first attested use in military affairs
  • replaces each letter by 3rd letter on
  • example
  • meet me after the toga party

Caesar Cipher (cont.)
Outer plaintext
Inner ciphertext
Caesar Cipher (cont.)
  • can define transformation as
  • a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y
  • D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B
  • mathematically give each letter a number
  • a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
    u v w x y z
  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24 25
  • then have Caesar cipher as
  • c E(p) (p k) mod (26)
  • p D(c) (c k) mod (26)

Cryptanalysis of Caesar Cipher
  • only have 26 possible ciphers
  • A maps to A,B,..Z
  • could simply try each in turn
  • a brute force search
  • given ciphertext, just try all shifts of letters
  • do need to recognize when have plaintext
  • eg. break ciphertext "GCUA VQ DTGCM"

Monoalphabetic Cipher
  • rather than just shifting the alphabet
  • could shuffle (jumble) the letters arbitrarily
  • each plaintext letter maps to a different random
    ciphertext letter
  • hence key is 26 letters long
  • Plain abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • Plaintext ifwewishtoreplaceletters

Monoalphabetic Cipher Security
  • now have a total of 26! 4 x 1026 keys
  • with so many keys, might think is secure
  • but would be !!!WRONG!!!
  • problem is language characteristics

Language Redundancy and Cryptanalysis
  • human languages are redundant
  • eg "th lrd s m shphrd shll nt wnt"
  • letters are not equally commonly used
  • in English E is by far the most common letter
  • followed by T,R,N,I,O,A,S
  • other letters like Z,J,K,Q,X are fairly rare
  • have tables of single, double triple letter
    frequencies for various languages

English Letter Frequencies
Use in Cryptanalysis
  • key concept - monoalphabetic substitution ciphers
    do not change relative letter frequencies
  • discovered by Arabian scientists in 9th century
  • calculate letter frequencies for ciphertext
  • compare counts/plots against known values
  • if caesar cipher look for common peaks/troughs
  • peaks at A-E-I triple, NO pair, RST triple
  • troughs at JK, X-Z
  • for monoalphabetic must identify each letter
  • tables of common double/triple letters help

Example Cryptanalysis
  • given ciphertext
  • count relative letter frequencies (see text)
  • guess P Z are e and t
  • guess ZW is th and hence ZWP is the
  • proceeding with trial and error finally get
  • it was disclosed yesterday that several informal
  • direct contacts have been made with political
  • representatives of the viet cong in moscow

Vigenère Cipher
  • simplest polyalphabetic substitution cipher
  • effectively multiple caesar ciphers
  • key is multiple letters long K k1 k2 ... kd
  • ith letter specifies ith alphabet to use
  • use each alphabet in turn
  • repeat from start after d letters in message
  • decryption simply works in reverse

Example of Vigenère Cipher
  • write the plaintext out
  • write the keyword repeated above it
  • use each key letter as a caesar cipher key
  • encrypt the corresponding plaintext letter
  • eg using keyword deceptive
  • key deceptivedeceptivedeceptive
  • plaintext wearediscoveredsaveyourself

Transposition Ciphers
  • now consider classical transposition or
    permutation ciphers
  • these hide the message by rearranging the letter
  • without altering the actual letters used
  • can recognise these since have the same frequency
    distribution as the original text

Rail Fence cipher
  • write message letters out diagonally over a
    number of rows
  • then read off cipher row by row
  • eg. write message out as
  • m e m a t r h t g p r y
  • e t e f e t e o a a t
  • giving ciphertext

Row Transposition Ciphers
  • a more complex transposition
  • write letters of message out in rows over a
    specified number of columns
  • then reorder the columns according to some key
    before reading off the rows
  • Key 3 4 2 1 5 6 7
  • Plaintext a t t a c k p
  • o s t p o n e
  • d u n t i l t
  • w o a m x y z

  • Plaintext can be hidden by two ways
  • Steganography conceal the existence of the
  • Cryptography render the message unintelligible
    to outsiders using various kinds of
    transformation of the text
  • Examples of Steganography
  • Character marking overwrite text with pencil
  • Invisible ink use special substance
  • Pin punctures pin puncture on selected letters

One-Time Pad
  • One-time pad is a large non-repeating set of
    truly random key letters
  • Encryption is a additional modulo 26 of plaintext
  • Pad length must be equal to the message length
  • For example
  • Message ONETIMEPAD
  • Pad Sequence TBFRGFARFM
  • Ciphertext IPKLPSFHGQ
  • Because
  • OT mod 26 I ? 1520 mod 26 9
  • NB mod 26 P ? 142 mod 26 16
  • EF mod 26 K, etc.

Decryption PK mod 26 C P C-K
mod 26 I-T mod 26 9-20 mod 26
-11 mod 26 -1126 mod 26
15 mod 26
One-Time Pad (cont.)
  • if a truly random key as long as the message is
    used, the cipher will be secure
  • called a One-Time pad
  • is unbreakable since ciphertext bears no
    statistical relationship to the plaintext
  • since for any plaintext any ciphertext there
    exists a key mapping one to other
  • can only use the key once though
  • problems in generation safe distribution of key

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Cryptographic Process
Block Cipher VS Stream Cipher
  • Block cipher divides entire message in to blocks
    used to produce ciphertext.
  • Stream cipher encrypts a data stream one bit or
    one byte at a time.

Stream Ciphers
  • process message bit by bit (as a stream)
  • have a pseudo random keystream
  • combined (XOR) with plaintext bit by bit
  • randomness of stream key completely destroys
    statistically properties in message
  • Ci Mi XOR StreamKeyi
  • but must never reuse stream key
  • otherwise can recover messages (cf book cipher)

Stream Cipher Structure
Stream Cipher Properties
  • some design considerations are
  • long period with no repetitions
  • statistically random
  • depends on large enough key
  • large linear complexity
  • properly designed, can be as secure as a block
    cipher with same size key
  • but usually simpler faster

  • a proprietary cipher owned by RSA DSI
  • another Ron Rivest design, simple but effective
  • variable key size, byte-oriented stream cipher
  • widely used (web SSL/TLS, wireless WEP)
  • key forms random permutation of all 8-bit values
  • uses that permutation to scramble input info
    processed a byte at a time

RC4 Key Schedule
  • starts with an array S of numbers 0..255
  • use key to well and truly shuffle
  • S forms internal state of the cipher
  • for i 0 to 255 do
  • Si i
  • Ti Ki mod keylen)
  • j 0
  • for i 0 to 255 do
  • j (j Si Ti) (mod 256)
  • swap (Si, Sj)

RC4 Encryption
  • encryption continues shuffling array values
  • sum of shuffled pair selects "stream key" value
    from permutation
  • XOR St with next byte of message to en/decrypt
  • i j 0
  • for each message byte Mi
  • i (i 1) (mod 256)
  • j (j Si) (mod 256)
  • swap(Si, Sj)
  • t (Si Sj) (mod 256)
  • Ci Mi XOR St

RC4 Overview
RC4 Security
  • claimed secure against known attacks
  • have some analyses, none practical
  • result is very non-linear
  • since RC4 is a stream cipher, must never reuse a
  • have a concern with WEP, but due to key handling
    rather than RC4 itself

Block Cipher Principles
  • most symmetric block ciphers are based on a
    Feistel Cipher Structure
  • needed since must be able to decrypt ciphertext
    to recover messages efficiently
  • block ciphers look like an extremely large
  • would need table of 264 entries for a 64-bit
  • instead create from smaller building blocks
  • using idea of a product cipher

Ideal Block Cipher
Claude Shannon and Substitution-Permutation
  • Claude Shannon introduced idea of
    substitution-permutation (S-P) networks in 1949
  • form basis of modern block ciphers
  • S-P nets are based on the two primitive
    cryptographic operations seen before
  • substitution (S-box)
  • permutation (P-box)
  • provide confusion diffusion of message key

Diffusion and Confusion
  • Confusion hard to find any relationship between
    ciphertext and key.
  • Diffusion spreads influence of individual
    plaintext or key bits over as much of the
    ciphertext as possible.
  • In particular, one bit change of plaintext or key
    must increase the difficulty of cryptanalysis.

Block Cipher
  • Divide a message M into m1, , mn
  • Add padding to last block
  • Use Ek to produce (ciphertext blocks) x1, , xn
  • Use Dk to recover M from m1, , mn
  • Modes of Block Ciphers
  • Electronic Codebook
  • Cipher Block Chaining
  • Cipher Feedback
  • Output Feedback
  • Counter (CTR)

Electronic Codebook
Electronic Codebook (contd)
  • Ideal for short amount of data transfer e.g.
    encryption key
  • ECB produces the same message pattern if using
    the same input.
  • Not secure for lengthy message, easy for

Cipher Block Chaining
Cipher Feedback
Output Feedback
Counter (CTR)
  • a new mode, though proposed early on
  • similar to OFB but encrypts counter value rather
    than any feedback value
  • must have a different key counter value for
    every plaintext block (never reused)
  • Ci Pi XOR Oi
  • Oi DESK1(i)
  • uses high-speed network encryptions

Counter (CTR) (cont.)
Advantages and Limitations of CTR
  • efficiency
  • can do parallel encryptions in h/w or s/w
  • can preprocess in advance of need
  • good for bursty high speed links
  • random access to encrypted data blocks
  • provable security (good as other modes)
  • but must ensure never reuse key/counter values,
    otherwise could break (cf OFB)

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Feistel Cipher Structure
  • Virtually all conventional block encryption
    algorithms, including DES have a structure first
    described by Horst Feistel of IBM in 1973
  • The realization of a Fesitel Network depends on
    the choice of the following parameters and design
    features (see next slide)

Feistel Cipher Structure (cont.)
  • Block size larger block sizes mean greater
  • Key Size larger key size means greater security
  • Number of rounds multiple rounds offer
    increasing security
  • Subkey generation algorithm greater complexity
    will lead to greater difficulty of cryptanalysis.
  • Fast software encryption/decryption the speed of
    execution of the algorithm becomes a concern
  • Roung Function (F) Greater complexity is better,
    resistance to cryptanalysis

Feistel Encryption and Decryption
Proof LD1 RE15
  • Encryption side
  • LE16 RE15
  • RE16 LE15 ? F(RE15, K16)
  • Decryption side
  • LD1 RD0 LE16 RE15
  • RD1 LD0 ? F(RD0, K16)
  • RE16 ? F(RE15, K16)
  • LE15 ? F(RE15, K16) ? F(RE15, K16)
  • LE15 ? F(RE15, K16) ? F(RE15, K16)
  • LE15 ? 0
  • LE15

Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • most widely used block cipher in world
  • adopted in 1977 by NBS (now NIST)
  • as FIPS PUB 46
  • encrypts 64-bit data using 56-bit key
  • has widespread use
  • has been considerable controversy over its

DES History
  • IBM developed Lucifer cipher
  • by team led by Feistel in late 60s
  • used 64-bit data blocks with 128-bit key
  • then redeveloped as a commercial cipher with
    input from NSA and others
  • in 1973 NBS issued request for proposals for a
    national cipher standard
  • IBM submitted their revised Lucifer which was
    eventually accepted as the DES

DES Design Controversy
  • although DES standard is public
  • was considerable controversy over design
  • in choice of 56-bit key (vs Lucifer 128-bit)
  • and because design criteria were classified
  • subsequent events and public analysis show in
    fact design was appropriate
  • use of DES has flourished
  • especially in financial applications
  • still standardised for legacy application use

Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • A block of 64-bit data is encrypted using 56-bit
    key to produce a 64-bit block of ciphertext.
  • Decryption can be done by encrypting the
    ciphertext using the same key.

DES Encryption
Single Round of DES Encryption
Permutation Table for DES
Permutation Tables for DES
DES Key Schedule Calculation
  • Permuted Choice 1 and 2

Calculation of F(R, K)
  1. R is expanded to 48 bits.
  2. The expanded R is XORed with 48-bit K.
  3. Split 48-bit data into 8 groups of 6-bit data to
    enter S-Boxes
  4. For each of the group, do the following
  5. For the 6-bit data to enter each Si, 1st and 6th
    bits form a 2-bit binary number to identity the
    row number in Si.
  6. The decimal value of 2nd 5th bits identify the
    column number in Si.
  7. The selected decimal value from Si is then
    converted into 4-bit binary output of Si.

DES S-Boxes
Permutation Function
DES S-Boxes (cont.)
DES S-Boxes (cont.)
  • Input to S5 100111
  • 1st and 6th bits are 11 -gt row 3
  • 2nd-5th bits are 0011 -gt column 3
  • The decimal value in row 3 and column 3 of S5 is
  • The output value of S5 is 0111

2 12 4 1 7 14 11 2 12 4
4 2 1 11 10 11 8 12 7 1

Avalanche Effect
  • key desirable property of encryption alg
  • where a change of one input or key bit results in
    changing approx half output bits
  • making attempts to home-in by guessing keys
  • DES exhibits strong avalanche

Avalanche Effect in DES
Strength of DES Key Size
  • 56-bit keys have 256 7.2 x 1016 values
  • brute force search looks hard
  • recent advances have shown is possible
  • in 1997 on Internet in a few months
  • in 1998 on dedicated h/w (EFF) in a few days
  • in 1999 above combined in 22hrs!
  • Recently, ....
  • still must be able to recognize plaintext
  • must now consider alternatives to DES

More about DES
  • If only the attack on DES is brute force, then
    use longer key size.

Multiple Encryption DES
  • clear a replacement for DES was needed
  • theoretical attacks that can break it
  • demonstrated exhaustive key search attacks
  • AES is a new cipher alternative
  • prior to this alternative was to use multiple
    encryption with DES implementations
  • Triple-DES (3DES) is the chosen form

3DES with Two-Keys
  • hence must use 3 encryptions
  • would seem to need 3 distinct keys
  • but can use 2 keys with E-D-E sequence
  • C EK1(DK2(EK1(P)))
  • nb encrypt decrypt equivalent in security
  • if K1K2 then can work with single DES
  • standardized in ANSI X9.17 ISO8732
  • no current known practical attacks

3DES with Two-Keys (cont.)
Triple-DES with Three-Keys
  • although are no practical attacks on two-key
    Triple-DES have some indications
  • can use Triple-DES with Three-Keys to avoid even
  • C EK3(DK2(EK1(P)))
  • has been adopted by some Internet applications,
    eg PGP, S/MIME

3DES with Three-Keys (cont.)
Other Symmetric Block Ciphers
  • International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
  • 128-bit key
  • Used in PGP
  • Blowfish
  • Easy to implement
  • High execution speed
  • Run in less than 5K of memory

Other Symmetric Block Ciphers
  • RC5
  • Suitable for hardware and software
  • Fast, simple
  • Adaptable to processors of different word lengths
  • Variable number of rounds
  • Variable-length key
  • Low memory requirement
  • High security
  • Data-dependent rotations
  • Cast-128
  • Key size from 40 to 128 bits
  • The round function differs from round to round

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

  • clear a replacement for DES was needed
  • have theoretical attacks that can break it
  • have demonstrated exhaustive key search attacks
  • can use Triple-DES but slow, has small blocks
  • US NIST issued call for ciphers in 1997
  • 15 candidates accepted in Jun 98
  • 5 were shortlisted in Aug-99
  • Rijndael was selected as the AES in Oct-2000
  • issued as FIPS PUB 197 standard in Nov-2001

AES Requirements
  • private key symmetric block cipher
  • 128-bit data, 128/192/256-bit keys
  • stronger faster than Triple-DES
  • active life of 20-30 years ( archival use)
  • provide full specification design details
  • both C Java implementations
  • NIST have released all submissions unclassified

  • 128-bit plaintext block
  • Key length -gt 128, 192, 256 bits
  • 10 rounds for each encryption and decryption
  • 128-bit plaintext is divided into 16 8-bit
    (1-byte) blocks.
  • 128-bit key is generated to 44 32-bit words,
    and 4 different words will be used in each round
  • 11 sets of 4-word keys are used in 10-round
    encryption !
  • Decryption algorithm is not identical to
    encryption algorithm

AES Parameters
AES Key Expansion
AES Encryption and Decryption
AES Encryption
  • 4 stages in each round
  • Substitution bytes -gt use S-box for byte-to-byte
  • Shift rows -gt simple row-by-row permutation
  • Mix columns -gt a substitution that alters each
    byte in a column as a function of all of the
    bytes in the column
  • Add round keys -gt bitwise XOR of the current
    block with the key

AES Encryption Round
16 bytes
SubBytes (cont.)
SubBytes (cont.)
Inverse S-box
SubBytes (cont.)
MixColumns (cont.)
AddRoundKey (cont.)
AES Operations
Implementation Aspects
  • can efficiently implement on 8-bit CPU
  • byte substitution works on bytes using a table of
    256 entries
  • shift rows is simple byte shift
  • add round key works on byte XORs
  • mix columns requires matrix multiply in GF(28)
    which works on byte values, can be simplified to
    use table lookups byte XORs

Implementation Aspects (cont.)
  • can efficiently implement on 32-bit CPU
  • redefine steps to use 32-bit words
  • can precompute 4 tables of 256-words
  • then each column in each round can be computed
    using 4 table lookups 4 XORs
  • at a cost of 4Kb to store tables
  • designers believe this very efficient
    implementation was a key factor in its selection
    as the AES cipher

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers Vs Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • A Cryptographic algorithm should be efficient for
    good use
  • It should be fast and key length should be of the
    right length e.g. not too short
  • Cryptographic algorithms are not impossible to
    break without a key
  • If we try all the combinations, we can get the
    original message

Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems (cont.)
  • The security of a cryptographic algorithm depends
    on how much work it takes for someone to break it
  • E.g. If it takes 10 mil. years to break a
    cryptographic algorithm X using all the computers
    of a state, X can be thought of as a secure one
    reason cluster computers and quantum computers
    are powerful enough to crack many current
    cryptographic algorithms.

Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems (cont.)
  • Encryption Algorithm Design
  • Should the block size of messages be small or
  • Should the keyspace be large?
  • Should we consider other search rather than
    brute-force search?

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Placement of Encryption
  • have two major placement alternatives
  • link encryption
  • encryption occurs independently on every link
  • implies must decrypt traffic between links
  • requires many devices, but paired keys
  • end-to-end encryption
  • encryption occurs between original source and
    final destination
  • need devices at each end with shared keys

Locations of Encryption Devices
Placement of Encryption (cont.)
  • when using end-to-end encryption must leave
    headers in clear
  • so network can correctly route information
  • hence although contents protected, traffic
    pattern flows are not
  • ideally want both at once
  • end-to-end protects data contents over entire
    path and provides authentication
  • link protects traffic flows from monitoring

Placement of Encryption (cont.)
  • can place encryption function at various layers
    in OSI Reference Model
  • link encryption occurs at layers 1 or 2, 3
  • end-to-end can occur at layers 4, 6, 7
  • as move higher less information is encrypted but
    it is more secure though more complex with more
    entities and keys

Link Encryption VS End-to-end Encryption
Encryption VS Protocol Level
Traffic Padding
  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Key Distribution
  • The security of symmetric cryptosystem is based
    on the security of key distribution.
  • Important process ? two hosts need a shared key
    before transmitting a message securely.
  • Secret key must be securely distributed between
    hosts, and need to be updated frequently.
  • But, HOW can we securely distribute the shared

Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography
  • Two kinds of keys
  • Session key
  • temporary key
  • used for encryption of data between users
  • for one logical session then discarded
  • Master key
  • used to encrypt and distribute session keys
  • shared by user key distribution center
  • Key Distribution Center (KDC)
  • Shares permanent key with hosts
  • Distributes session keys upon the requests of

Key Distribution Scenario
  • Alice sends a request (IDA, IDB) for a session
    key and a nonce (N1) to KDC.
  • Nonce may be a random number.
  • What is nonce for?
  • KDC sends an encrypted message to A containing
  • Session key KS
  • Encrypted session key for Bob EKb(KS, IDA)
  • Alice forwards EKb(KS, IDA) to Bob. Bob can
    decrypt it. (anyone else?)
  • Bob confirms that he has received KS by sending
    Alice EKsN2.
  • Alice responses by sending f(N2) encrypted with

Hierarchical Key Control
  • In a very large network, a single KDC is not
    enough -gt a hierarchy of KDCs can be established.
  • Local KDCs and a global KDC
  • Local KDC is responsible for parties in the same
    domain, whereas global KDC is taking care of
    communications of parties in different domains.

Key Distribution Issues
  • hierarchies of KDCs required for large networks,
    but must trust each other
  • session key lifetimes should be limited for
    greater security
  • use of automatic key distribution on behalf of
    users, but must trust system
  • use of decentralized key distribution
  • controlling key usage

Session Key Lifetime
  • The more frequently session keys are exchanged,
    the more secure they are.
  • However, each session key distribution causes
  • In connection-oriented protocols, a new session
    key is issued for each connection.
  • However, if the connection is open for a long
    time, it may be needed to retransmit a new
    session key.
  • In connectionless protocols, not obvious how
    often the new session key is exchanged.
  • A better strategy is to use a given session key
    for a certain fixed period only or for a certain
    number of transaction.

A Transparent Key Control Scheme
Decentralized Key Control
  • Centralized Key Control -gt KDC is normally
    assumed to be trusted and secured from attacks.
  • However, attacks may occur. -gt try decentralized
  • Decentralization is suitable for local
  • Involved parties need a master key between pairs
    of parties as many as n(n-1)/2 keys among n

Decentralized Key Distribution
Decentralized Key Distribution (cont.)
  1. Alice and Bob share a master key MKm.
  2. Alice sends a request for a session key with a
    nonce N1 to Bob.
  3. Bob sends KS encrypted with shared master key
    MKm. The message contains a nonce N2.
  4. Alice responses with f(N2) encrypted with the
    session key.

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Random Numbers
  • many uses of random numbers in cryptography
  • nonces in authentication protocols to prevent
  • session keys
  • public key generation
  • keystream for a one-time pad
  • in all cases its critical that these values be
  • statistically random, uniform distribution,
  • unpredictability of future values from previous

Pseudorandom Number Generators (PRNGs)
  • often use deterministic algorithmic techniques to
    create random numbers
  • although are not truly random
  • can pass many tests of randomness
  • known as pseudorandom numbers
  • created by Pseudorandom Number Generators

Using Block Ciphers as PRNGs
  • for cryptographic applications, can use a block
    cipher to generate random numbers
  • often for creating session keys from master key
  • Counter Mode
  • Xi EKmi
  • Output Feedback Mode
  • Xi EKmXi-1

Seed value
ANSI X9.17 PRG (cont.)
  • It uses date/time seed inputs and 3 triple-DES
    encryptions to generate a new seed random
  • DTi - Date/time value at the beginning of ith
    generation stage
  • Vi - Seed value at the beginning of ith
    generation stage
  • Ri - Pseudorandom number produced by the ith
    generation stage
  • K1, K2 - DES keys used for each stage
  • Then compute successive values as
  • Ri EDE(K1, K2, Vi XOR EDE(K1, K2,
  • Vi1 EDE(K1, K2, Ri XOR EDE(K1, K2,

Natural Random Noise
  • best source is natural randomness in real world
  • find a regular but random event and monitor
  • do generally need special h/w to do this
  • eg. radiation counters, radio noise, audio noise,
    thermal noise in diodes, leaky capacitors,
    mercury discharge tubes etc
  • starting to see such h/w in new CPU's
  • problems of bias or uneven distribution in signal
  • have to compensate for this when sample and use
  • best to only use a few noisiest bits from each

Published Sources
  • a few published collections of random numbers
  • Rand Co, in 1955, published 1 million numbers
  • generated using an electronic roulette wheel
  • has been used in some cipher designs cf Khafre
  • earlier Tippett in 1927 published a collection
  • issues are that
  • these are limited
  • too well-known for most uses

  • Overview of Cryptography
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Classical Cryptographic Techniques
  • Block Ciphers VS Stream Ciphers
  • DES and 3DES
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Design of Symmetric Cryptosystems
  • Locations of Encryption Devices
  • Key Distribution
  • Random Numbers
  • Problems of Symmetric Cryptography

Problems of Symmetric Cryptography
  • Keys must be distributed in secret.
  • Keys are valuable as all the messages they
  • If a key is compromised, then so the security of
    the entire system.
  • Not scalable -gt assume that each pair of total n
    users shares different secrets. Number of keys
    needed is n(n-1)/2 keys
  • Algorithms are easy to break compared to
    public-key cryptographic algorithms
  • However symmetric one can be performed faster -gt
    less time -gt less power consumption -gt suitable
    for being implemented in mobile devices
  • Lack of necessary security services e.g. non
    repudiation, provide low-level of integrity check

  • Next week
  • Public-key Cryptography

  • Discuss two differences between Block Cipher and
    Stream Cipher
  • Explain how symmetric cryptography can provide
  • Suggest a key distribution technique that
    provides offline key generation and distribution
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