Title: Part 3: Safety and liveness
1Part 3 Safety and liveness
2Safety vs. liveness
Safety something bad will never
happen Liveness something good will happen
(but we dont know when)
3Safety vs. liveness for sequential programs
Safety the program will never produce a
wrong result (partial
correctness) Liveness the program will produce
a result (termination)
4Safety vs. liveness for sequential programs
Safety the program will never produce a
wrong result (partial
correctness) Liveness the program will produce
a result (termination)
5Safety vs. liveness for state-transition graphs
Safety those properties whose violation always
has a finite witness (if
something bad happens on an infinite run, then
it happens already on some finite prefix)
Liveness those properties whose violation never
has a finite witness
(no matter what happens along a finite run,
something good could still happen later)
6This is much easier.
Safety the properties that can be
checked on finite executions Liveness the
properties that cannot be checked on
finite executions (they need to
be checked on infinite executions)
7Example Mutual exclusion
It cannot happen that both processes are in their
critical sections simultaneously.
8Example Mutual exclusion
It cannot happen that both processes are in their
critical sections simultaneously.
9Example Bounded overtaking
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, then process P2 gets to enter at most
once before process P1 gets to enter.
10Example Bounded overtaking
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, then process P2 gets to enter at most
once before process P1 gets to enter.
11Example Starvation freedom
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, provided process P2 never stays in the
critical section forever, P1 gets to enter
12Example Starvation freedom
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, provided process P2 never stays in the
critical section forever, P1 gets to enter
13Example Starvation freedom
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, provided process P2 never stays in the
critical section forever, P1 gets to enter
14LTL (Linear Temporal Logic)
-safety liveness -linear time
Pnueli 1977 Lichtenstein Pnueli 1982
15LTL Syntax
? a ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? U ?
16LTL Model
infinite trace t t0 t1 t2 ... (sequence of
Run q1 ? q3 ? q1 ? q3 ? q1 ? q2 ? q2
? Trace a ? b ? a ? b ? a ? a,b ? a,b
18Language of deadlock-free state-transition graph
K at state q L(K,q) set of infinite traces
of K starting at q
(K,q) ? ? iff for all t ? L(K,q),
t ? (K,q) ? ? iff exists t ?
L(K,q), t ?
19LTL Semantics
t a iff a ? t0 t ? ? ? iff
t ? and t ? t ?? iff
not t ? t ? ? iff t1
t2 ... ? t ? U ? iff exists n ? 0
s.t. 1. for all 0 ? i lt n, ti ti1 ...
? 2. tn tn1 ... ?
(K,q) ? ? iff ? (K,q) ? ??
20Defined modalities
- ? X next
- U U until
- ? ? true U ? F eventually
- ? ? ? ? ?? G always
- W? (? U ?) ? ?? W waiting-for
21Important properties
Invariance ? a safety
? ? (pc1in ? pc2in) Sequencing
a W b W c W d safety
? (pc1req ?
(pc2?in) W (pc2in) W (pc2?in) W
(pc1in)) Response ? (a ? ? b) liveness
? (pc1req ? ? (pc1in))
22Composed modalities
?? a infinitely often a ?? a almost always a
23Example Starvation freedom
Whenever process P1 wants to enter the critical
section, provided process P2 never stays in the
critical section forever, P1 gets to enter
?? (pc2in ? ? (pc2out)) ? ? (pc1req ? ?
24State-transition graph
- Q set of states q1,q2,q3
- A set of atomic observations a,b
- ? Q ? Q transition relation q1 ?
q2 - Q ? 2A observation function q1
25(K,q) ? ?
Tableau construction (Vardi-Wolper)
(K, q, BA) where BA ? K Is there an infinite
path starting from q that hits BA infinitely
Is there a path from q to p ? BA such that p is
a member of a strongly connnected component of
26dfs(s) add s to dfsTable for each
successor t of s if (t ? dfsTable) then
dfs(t) if (s ? BA) then seed s ndfs(s)
ndfs(s) add s to ndfsTable for
each successor t of s if (t ? ndfsTable)
then ndfs(t) else if (t seed) then
report error