Title: Who exercises and how much
1 Who exercises and how much? How fit are we? How
do we measure these things? SEH module
lecture Bruce Lynn December 06
2An active policy area for the UK government. Key
documents At least five a week Evidence on the
impact of physical activity and its relationship
to health A report from the Chief Medical
Officer 2004 Choosing Health UK Govt White Paper,
2004 Choosing Activity a physical activity
action plan Dept of Health, 2005
3(No Transcript)
4Body mass index by year and sex From Health
Surveys in England
5Methods of assessing exercise levels Direct
measurement of metabolic rate Double
isotope expensive Oxygen consumption via face
mask awkward time consuming Measures of
physical activity Accelerometers pedometers
calibration issues Questionnaires Measures of
related variables BMI (Wt in Kg)/(Height in
m)2 Very easy to collect accurately also
depends on diet Heart rate can be combined
with accelerometer Or take the alternative
direct approach of measuring FITNESS LEVELS (e.g.
VO2max) as in 1990 National Fitness
Survey. Relatively expensive
6Principle of the doubly-labelled water method
k experimentally-determined rate constant r
production rate From The Doubly-labelled Water
Method for Measuring Energy Expenditure A
consensus Report by the IDECG working group,
Vienna, 1990 http//www.unu.edu/unupress/food2/UID
7Log transformed data The initial values have been
normalised on the y axis for clarity.
TELEPHONE FORMAT For use with Young and
Middle-aged Adults (15-69 years) The
International Physical Activity Questionnaires
(IPAQ) comprises a set of 4 questionnaires. Long
(5 activity domains asked independently) and
short (4 generic items) versions for use by
either telephone or self-administered methods are
available. The purpose of the questionnaires is
to provide common instruments that can be used to
obtain internationally comparable data on
healthrelated physical activity. www.ipaq.ki.se
9Short Last 7 Days Telephone IPAQ READ I am
going to ask you about the time you spent being
physically active in the last 7 days. Please
answer each question even if you do not consider
yourself to be an active person. Think about the
activities you do at work, as part of your house
and yard work, to get from place to place, and in
your spare time for recreation, exercise or
sport. READ Now, think about all the vigorous
activities which take hard physical effort that
you did in the last 7 days. Vigorous activities
make you breathe much harder than normal and may
include heavy lifting, digging, aerobics, or fast
bicycling. Think only about those physical
activities that you did for at least 10 minutes
at a time. 1. During the last 7 days, on how
many days did you do vigorous physical
activities? _____ Days per week VDAY Range
0-7, 8,9 8. Don't Know/Not Sure
9. RefusedInterviewer clarification Think
only about those physical activities that you do
for at least 10 minutes at a time.
10Short Last 7 Days Telephone IPAQ 1. During
the last 7 days, on how many days did you do
vigorous physical activities? 2. How much
time did you usually spend doing vigorous
physical activities on one of those days?
3. During the last 7 days, on how many days
did you do moderate physical activities? 4.
How much time did you usually spend doing
moderate physical activities on one of those
days? 5. During the last 7 days, on how many
days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a
time? 6. How much time did you usually spend
walking on one of those days? 7. During the
last 7 days, how much time did you usually spend
sitting on a week day?
11Percentage of population doing moderate or
vigorous exercise on at least 3 days per week by
age. Health Survey of England, 1998
12Percentage of population doing moderate or
vigorous exercise on at least 3 days per week by
age and sex. Health Survey of England, 1998
13Average aerobic fitness by age. ADNFS, England
1990, n 150
14- Measuring fitness in populations
- Standard maximal tests only suitable for
relatively young subjects. - Range of submaximal tests available. Step,
bicycle, treadmill. All depend on measuring heart
rate and using the heart rate-O2 consumption
relation for the particular exercise and
extrapolating to heart rate of 220-age - Can also get estimates from walking/running
speeds. - Can use heart rate variability (as in 2002
Finrisk study) but accuracy low.
15Percentage of population reaching an age-related
criterion level of exercise by age. ADNFS,
England 1990
16Proportion of adolescents regularly taking part
in vigorous exercise (running, jogging,
swimming) U.S. National Health Interview Survey,
1991 and 1992. From CASPERSEN Med Sci Sports
Exerc, Volume 32(9).September 2000.1601-1609
17(No Transcript)
18Health Survey for England - The Health of
Minority Ethnic Groups '99
19(No Transcript)
20Proportion of the population doing at least 5
sessions of gt30 min moderate or vigorous
physical activity each week, 1990-2004Sources,
ADNFS 1990, Health Surveys of England 95-04
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Congestion Charge
26Reference List Who exercises? How fit? How to
measure? Lynn, B. Sections on Fitness Testing
and on Exercise Promotion. In Narvani et al, Key
Topics in Sports Medicine, 2006 Caspersen, C.
J., Pereira, M. A., Curran, K. M. (2000).
Changes in physical activity patterns in the
United States, by sex and cross-sectional age.
Med.Sci.Sports Exerc. 32, 1601-1609. Wareham, N.
J. Rennie, K. L. (1998). The assessment of
physical activity in individuals and populations
why try to be more precise about how physical
activity is assessed? Int.J Obes.Relat Metab
Disord. 22 Suppl 2, S30-S38. Allied Dunbar
National Fitness Survey. Main findings. HEA,
Sports Council. 1992 Stephens, T Caspersen, CJ.
(1990) The Demography of Physical Activity. Chapt
12 in Bouchard, Shepherd et al, Exercise, Fitness
and Health. Human Kinetics. Pp 204-213. Attempt
to compare different countries Lots of
information in Health Survey of England,
1995-2004 and U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services. Physical Activity and HealthA
Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, 1996. The Doubly-labelled Water Method
for Measuring Energy Expenditure A consensus
Report by the IDECG working group, Vienna, 1990,
htmContents or http//www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/c
ourses/Tatner/biometry/dlw/sld001.htm. Detailed
accounts of using double labelled heavy water