Title: 50 Strength Exercises for Track and Field
150 Strength Exercises for Track and Field
2The only difference between a rut and a grave is
the depth.
- What current exercises are you using?
- Why are you using them?
- Are they addressing needs/weaknesses?
3How to determine your exercises
- Examine the sport movement.
- Is there a deficiency? If so where?
- Determine the performance gap.
- Prescribe the correct exercise for the gap.
Tanya Pater, LSHS grad 11.71
4Exercise Groupings
- Total Body
- Lower Body
- Posterior Chain
- Upper Body
- Shoulder work/prehab
- Core
- Circuits
- Total Body
- Upper Body
- Core
- Lower Body
- Recovery
some materials will be presented in handouts
- Whole body movement
- Cleans Variations
- Snatch Variations
- Complex/Stage Movements
- Triple Extension
- Hip/Knee/Ankle
- Common Uses
- Power-Speed
- Maximal Effort
Matt Williams, LSHS grad 3A State Record 4x400
6Total Body Lifts
- Hang Clean (above knees)
- Hang Snatch (above knees)
- Power Clean from deck
- Power Snatch from deck
- Push Press
- Push Jerk
- Clean Pull
- Snatch Pull
- Complex/Combinations
- Vertimax
7Hang Clean (Above Knee)
- Used mostly for Strength-Speed
- Can be used for Maximum Effort
- Triple Extension!
Logan Harding Junior LSHS Disc 1481
8Power Snatch/Power Clean (from deck)
- Push through heels
- Hips/Shoulders rise at same rate
- 2nd pull faster than 1st
- Triple Extension
9Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk
- Used Primarily for throws
- Can be substituted with Med Ball throws
10Clean/Snatch Pull
- Used from Hang or Deck
- Hip Extension
- How much weight?
- Used as Speed or Max Effort
11Combo Lifts/Complex
- Combo movements are those exercises that
combine two or three distinct movements within
one repetition. The first movement is always a
total body movement. The second and third can be
a total, lower or upper body exercise. - Complex movements are those exercises that
combine three or more distinct movements in
succession within one repetition. Usually
repeated several times before rest.
12Complex Movement
Combo Movement
- Used in place of and in addition to, total body
movements. - Very good developer of lower body power and hip
Andrea Patterson senior LSHS TJ 376 ¾
14Lower Body
- Increase overall lower body strength.
- Particular attention paid to hip extensors,
glutes, hamstrings. - Closely tied with Posterior Chain work.
Nik Williams, LSHS Grad, 400m - 47.90 (hs)
15Lower Body
- Squats Reg/Oly/Power
- Box Squats - Reg/Oly/Power
- Front Squats
- Stop Squat
- Single Leg Split Squat
- Step ups
- Lunge front/reverse/lateral/matrix
- Reverse Leg Press
- Leg Extensions
- Sleds
- Exercise can be done with Chains/bands etc.
16Box Squats
- Great for Technique
- Depth varies for cycle
- recovery
- Flexibility (feet place)
- Tremendous stretch reflex on glutes, hamstrings,
spinal erectors and abs.
17Box Squats w/ bands and chains
Andrea Patterson senior LSHS TJ 376 ¾
18Single Leg Split Squat
- Excellent for hamstrings, glutes, hip
musculature. - Good Uni-lateral exercise.
Raelynne Lee Soph. LSHS Distance Crew U-16
National pool soccer.
19Reverse Leg Press
- Trains hamstrings as hip extensors not only as
knee flexors - Can also be used in a running fashion or dual leg
drive. - Bands can be added for a more dynamic movement.
Keefe Driscoll Junior LSHS
20Sled Dragging
- Single leg walking (front/back) for hip flexors
and glutes. - Lateral slides.
- Walking (front/back)
- GPP phase
- Imagination!
21Other Lower Body Lifts
- Front Squats(ME)
- More stress on quads
- Stop Squats
- Dynamic day sub.
- Step Ups
- Supp. Unilateral lift
- Lunge
- Leg Extensions
- Lunge
- Front/Rev(ME)/lat/Matrix
- Leg Extensions
- Balance upper leg work. Used mostly in circuits
- Leg Curls
- Balance upper leg work. Used mostly in circuits
22 Posterior Chain
- Provide the major torque-producing capacity of
the body during locomotion. - Powerful hip extension in sprinting and back
extension in starts. - Assist in powerful requirements of locomotion.
- Evidence in lower back, gluteal and hamstring
development of elite sprinters.
23Glute/Ham Raise
Single leg/Dynamic
24Reverse Hyperextension
Single leg/Iso
Taylor Cochran Soph. LSHS 300h U16 National
pool soccer
Elise Page Jr. LSHS 800m 220.04
25Posterior Chain (cont.)
- Romanian Deadlift
- Straight Leg DL
- Back Extensions
- Good Mornings
- Pull Throughs
- Leg Curls
- Power Wheel curls
- Sprinters
Power Wheel curls
26Upper Body
- Bench Press (vary grip)
- Incline Bench Press
- Board Press
- Speed Bench
- Military Press
- Pulldowns
- Rows
- Triceps
- Pullups
- Dips
- St. Arm Pulldowns
27Bench Press
- Increase upper body strength/power
- Not only how much liftedbut more importantly how
fast you are trying to move it! - (ex. 135 vs. 300)
- Maximum Effort (ex.)
- Board Press
- Floor Press
- Bands
Bill Gillespie, Seahawks asst. Str. coach 749
28Dynamic (speed) Bench
- Bar Speed (135 vs 300)
- Accommodating leverage
- Raw/Chains/Bands/WR
- Used as a recovery modality and/or increase
general work capacity. - Supplements core lifts
- Usually consist of bodybuilding type exercises.
- Super Circuit
- Military Press
- Upright Row
- 3 Way shoulder
- St. arm pulldowns
- Bicep curls
- Tricep Extensions
- sets/reps vary on cycle
30Shoulder work/Prehab
- Blackburns
- Ts, Ys, Is
- 4 way shoulders
- Iso alt. front raise
- Empty cans
- Band reverse fly
- Tri planar retractions
- Tri planar protractions
- Suspended Push-ups
31Tri-planar retractions
Tri-planar protractions
Iso alt. front raise
Empty cans
32Suspended push-ups
33Thank you for your time and patience!
Chris_Mattingly_at_lkstevens.wednet.edu 425-335-1515
Lake Stevens High School