Title: Utah League of Cities and Towns
1Utah League of Cities and Towns
After the Bonds are Issued
- Jon Bronson and Johnathan Ward
- Zions Bank Public Finance
- September 14, 2006
2Spending Tests
3Spending Tests
- 3 Year Hedge Bond Test
- You must have a reasonable expectation to spend
all of the bond proceeds within 3 years - If you dont spend the money in 3 years, the
bonds can be deemed taxable - Spend Down Tests
- 24 month
- 18 month
- Each 6 month test must be met to keep arbitrage
4Pop Quiz 1
Name this man.
Ben Bernake Federal Reserve Chairman
5Bond Payments
6The Nuts and Bolts
- Q Will someone send the City a bill for the bond
payments? - A Yes if the City uses a Trustee or a Paying
Agent. - Q When are the payments due?
- A When the Bond Resolution or the Indenture says
they are due. (Usually 15 days before the payment
must be made to the bond holder.)
7The Paying Agent
- Q What does a Paying Agent do?
- A Keeps a tickler file to remind the City when a
payment is due, collects the payment, and sends
that payment on to the bond owners. - Q Does the Paying Agent charge a fee?
- A Yes Usually 500 per year.
- Q What does a Trustee do?
- A Whatever the Indenture directs the Trustee to
do. - Holds funds in segregated accounts for the
benefit of the City and bondholders - Invests those funds at the direction of the City
and in accordance with the Indenture - Provides periodic statements to the City
regarding those funds - Acts as Paying Agent and Bond Registrar
- Q Is there anything else the Trustee does?
- A Yes.
- Ensures bond covenants are kept
- Makes calculations for interest rate changes on
variable rate debt - Protects the bondholders rights and assets in a
10Pop Quiz 2
Who is the worlds wealthiest woman?
Alice Walton - 7
11Bond Covenants
12Bond Covenants
- Coverage calculations on revenue bonds
- Maintenance of funds
- Debt Service (1/6th and 1/12th)
- Debt Service Reserve
- Repair and Replacement
- Rate Stabilization
- Compliance with tax-exemption covenants
- Private Use Test
13Reinvestment of Proceeds
14What do I do with all this cash?
15The Interest Rate Environment
16Reinvestment Options
17Guaranteed Investment Contracts
- Agreement to deliver a specified amount of money
for investment at a specified interest rate - Governed by the Money Management Act of Utah
- Required by law to solicit at least three bids
- Must know your draw down schedule for proceeds
18Pop Quiz 3
Name the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
Henry Paulson
19Arbitrage Compliance
- DefinitionArbitrage is the difference between
the yield on tax-exempt debt and yields on
investments of bond proceeds.
21Arbitrage Regulations
- The IRS requires tax exempt issuers (with a few
exceptions) to calculate their arbitrage rebate
liability every 5 years and at the final maturity
of the debt - If during the 5 years, a cumulative positive
arbitrage has been earned, the positive amount
must be rebated to the IRS
22Arbitrage Regulations
- Bond documents may dictate that you submit a
calculation to the Trustee - If you are not sure, pay for the calculation. If
you are sure you havent had positive arbitrage,
do the calculation yourself.
23Arbitrage Example
24Arbitrage Exemptions
- Small Issuers
- Remember the 2 Year Spend Down Test
- 10 in 6 months
- 45 in 12 months
- 75 in 18 months
- 100 in 24 months
- Earnings in Debt Service Fund
25The Penalties
- Loss of tax exemption (increased interest
expense) - IRS and/or SEC fines
26Pop Quiz 4
Name the actor who played this character.
Charles Laughton Hunchback of Notre Dame
28Continuing Disclosure Requirements
- Beginning in January, 1996, municipal entities
issuing debt (subject to certain exemptions) were
required to comply with Rule 15c2-12, Municipal
Securities Disclosure of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 - Internet web site sec.gov/info/municipal.shtml
29Purpose of the Rule
- Designed to prevent fraudulent, deceptive or
manipulative acts or practices - Makes it unlawful for any broker/dealer to
recommend the purchase or sale of municipal
security unless procedures in place that provide
continuing disclosure.
30Continuing Disclosure Details
- Approximately six months from end of fiscal year
- Dissemination Agent
- Submitted electronically through
DisclosureUSA.org. Disclosure USA sends to
NRMSIRs - Underwriters get disclosure information from
31Limited vs. Full Disclosure
- Issue size is 999,999 or less
- Private Placement (denominations of 100,000 or
more) - Sold to not more than 35 persons (knowledgeable
investors) - Maturity of nine months or less
- Variable interest rate
- Stated maturity of 18 months or less (must
disclose Material Events Notice or 11 Deadly
33What are the 11 Deadly Sins?
- Modifications to rights of security holders
- Bond calls
- Defeasances
- Release, substitution or sale of property
securing repayment of the securities - Rating changes
- Principal and interest payment delinquencies
- Non-payment related defaults
- Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves
- Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements
- Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or
their failure to perform - Adverse tax opinions or tax events
34What if the information is late?
- Usually caused by a late audit report.
- When issuing future debt, the entity must
disclose its late filing for the next five years.
35Late Disclosure Filings
- Can late disclosure filings hurt a municipal
entity when issuing future debt?
A large Wall Street firm would not submit a
competitive bid because the municipal entity was
delinquent in filing its continuing disclosure!
36Financial Reports
37Annual Audits
- Bond and lease balances from paying agent or
trustee - Audit mailing lists should include
- Financial advisor
- Bond insurer
- Rating agency
- Purchaser if privately placed
- Dissemination agent
38Pop Quiz 5
Who is this woman?
J.K. Rowling
Author of the Harry Potter series of books
39Variable Rate Resets
40Popular Mechanics
- 1, 5 and 10 year resets
- Recalculating the rate
- Recalculating the amortization schedule
- Bond documents hold all of the secrets
41Refinancing and Prepayment
42Refinancing and Prepayment
- Typically not allowed prior to 10 years without
penalty - Exceptions
- Advance refunding
- Cash defeasance
- Industry standard suggests a minimum Net Present
Value Benefit of 3
43Refinancing and Prepayment
- Other factors to consider beyond the 3 NPV
standard - Period of time before the call date and maturity
- Principal amount of bonds outstanding
- Current dollar savings compared to cost of
issuance - Current cash flow needs
- Bond terms and conditions
44Mechanics of an Advanced Refunding
Original Bondholders
Refunding Bond Proceeds
Escrow Agent
Refunding Escrow with SLGS/Open Market Securities
NOTE The interest earnings in the Refunding
Escrow should be as close to the Original Bond
Interest Rates for maximum escrow efficiency.
Refunding Bondholders
Original Bondholders Until Call Date
45Mechanics of Cash Defeasance
Original Bondholders
Excess Cash
Escrow Agent
Refunding Escrow with SLGS/Open Market Securities
NOTE The interest earnings in the Cash
Defeasance Escrow should be as close to the
Original Bond Interest Rates for maximum escrow
Original Bondholders Until Call Date
46SID Administration
47The Truth