Title: The Rise of the National Socialists
1The Rise of the National Socialists Germany
1933-1938Back to Authoritarianism
- Introduction to Modern GermanyWeek Eight, Sem 1
- Underline hyperlink
- National Socialism before 1929
- Nazis, Nationalists the Economic Crisis
- National Socialist Germany 1933-1938
3National Socialism before 1929From DAP to NSDAP
- Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Anton Drexlerone of
very many small völkisch parties and nationalist
groupings - National-Sozialistische-Deutsche- Arbeiter
Partei NSDAP
4National Socialism before 1929Hitlers early
- b. 12.4.1889 at Braunau, Austria
- Early adult years in Vienna as a (semi-)
vagrant see George Taboris play Mein Kampf - Social political fabric of pre-WWI Vienna
- Christian Socialism of Karl Lueger, its Mayor
- Anti-Semitism protection of lower-middle classes
and peasantry against capitalists and
proletarians - Rejection of internationalism in favour of
5National Socialism before 1929Hitlers early
- Brief sojourn in Munich
- Outbreak of WWI joins Bavarian List Regiment.
- Service at 1st Battle of Ypres (Langemarck
Fronterlebnis) - Lance-Corporal
- Wounded, gassed, Iron Cross Class I/II
6National Socialism before 1929Hitlers early
- With financial support of Reichswehr makes
contact with DAP and soon becomes its Führer - Later subsidies form Munich Nationalists
Reactionary Bavarian Government and -inter alia -
7National Socialism before 1929Hitlers early
- Ruthlessness of methods
- Skills as a propagandist
- Semi-military Sturm-Abteilung (SA Ernst Röhm)
8Munich Putsch
- Hitlers first bid for power (9.11.1923)Attempted
ignominiously botched military coup - Republican justice miserably weak against
counter-revolutionaries of the Right - 5yrs prison sentence, commuted to less than one
year in Landsberg - Assisted by R. Hess, writes Mein Kampf
91925 - 1929
- Abandonment of putschist approach in favour of
- legal, parliamentary path for
anti-parliamentary ends and attempts to widen
base on a national scale - Few inroads made in during the years of so-called
stabilisation of Weimar democracy - 1927 Party Membership 40,000
- 1928 elections 2.6 of vote/12 seats, 870,000
voters (full statistics here)
10Economic Crisis of 1929-
- World recession has harsh reverberations in
Germany, in particular (why?) - Weimar already fragile and with many opponents
- Great Depression causes great shift to right
- More insistent calls for Third Reich
- Tide turning politically against progressive
forces - Air of panic
- Campaign against Young Plan on reparations(Hugenb
erg DNVP) converts NS to nationwide organisation
and brings financial backing
11Unemployment Trends
12Presidential Rule from 1930Return to
- Hindenburg and Article 48
- Promulgation of emergency decrees
- Parliamentary legislation (and sittings) cease
- Deflationary policies under Brüning (reparations
repayments) exacerbate domestic economic
conditions e.g. cuts in unemployment benefit.
Simultaneously Osthilfe
13Main Factors
- Attacks on system by old elites combine with
- Economic Crisis and coincide with
- Mobilisation of mass movement headed by
charismatic leadership (Ian Kershaw) of Adolf
Hitler and employing mass propaganda - NSDAP achieves electoral breakthrough in Sept.
1930 2nd largest party after SDP with 107 seats
(6m voters)
14The Hitlerian Vision
- Defeat of external enemies
- Reunion of all Germans in one state
- Destruction of Jews, Marxists, and other internal
- Picture of great united society of all patriotic
Germans united in working for the glory and
harmony of the fatherland - Fanatical devotion to a fanatical Führer
15Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer
16Meaning of the Hitlergruß
Significance of Nov.1932 elections
17Drittes Reich
- National Socialist Dictatorship 1933-1945
- Implied continuity (HRE, Kaiserreich)
- Das dritte Reich (1923) by Arthur Moeller van
den Bruck - Use of term banned by Ministry of Propaganda in
18National SocialismIdeology
- German Manifestation of Fascism(cf. Italy,
France, Spain, GB, Hungary etc) - Anti-Semitism
- Myth of the Volksgemeinschaft
- Racist Policy
- Anti-Communist Anti-Capitalist(?) Anti-Modern
19Nazi Germany 1933-1938Gleichschaltung
- Bücherverbrennung (10.5.1933) here for video file
- Reichskulturkammerfounded 22. 9. 1933, to
encourage all forms of artistic creation on
behalf of Nazi ideology. The Chamber was linked
to the Ministerium für Volksaufklärung und
Propaganda under Joseph Goebbels - divided into seven subordinated chambers for
literature, music, films, theatre, radio, fine
arts, and press. All were directed by Goebbels.
20War against the inner enemies
- Opposition Parties
- Any Dissidents 1st concentration camps
- 1934 purge of party (night of long knives)
- Series of Anti-Jewish Laws, including
- Nuremberg Racial Laws
- Gleichschaltung of society/creation of Nazi
Organisations e.g. Arbeitsfront/ Hitlerjugend,
etc. Feelgood Factor in every day life (KdF,
Berlin Olympics) - Economy put on a war footing
- More here on domestic policy
21Foreign Policy Triumphs
- January 1935 Saarland Heim ins Reich
- March 1935 Reintroduction of general military
service in contravention of Versailles Treaty - June 1935 Anglo-German Naval Treaty
- 7.3.1936 Occupation of demilitarised Rhineland
22Territorial Expansion
- Four Year Plan for War of 1938
- Legion Condor involvement in Spanish Civil War (3
Fascist powers in concert) - Anschluß of Austria (March 1938)
- Sudeten Crisis Summer 1938
- Munich Conference of 1938border areas ceded to
Germany and Chamberlain proclaimed peace in our
time - March 1939, Czechoslovakia invaded, with no
intervention by Western nations in a far-away
country of which they knew very little - More here on foreign policy