Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party


Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party Part II Chapter 13.5 Adolf Hitler Hitler was released from prison after one year Many Germans believed that energetic leader ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party

Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party Part II
  • Chapter 13.5

Adolf Hitler
  • Hitler was released from prison after one year
  • Many Germans believed that energetic leader Adolf
    Hitler would solve Germanys economic problems
    and high unemployment
  • As the head of the Nazi Party, Hitler promised to
    end reparations, create jobs, and re-arm Germany
    in defiance of the terms of the Treaty of
  • Hitler was legally elected chancellor in 1933
  • Within one year he was dictator over the new
    fascist state in Germany

Germans Attracted to Nazism
  • 1) war veterans
  • 2) workers
  • 3) lower middle classes
  • 4) small town Germans
  • 5) business people

Adolf Hitler
Hitlers first steps as dictator
  • Suspended civil rights
  • Destroyed socialists and Communists
  • Outlawed other political parties
  • Hitler executed disloyal Nazi Party members
  • Hitler demanded absolute obedience

The German Reichs
  • First Reich Medieval Holy Roman Empire
  • Second Reich Bismarcks German Empire (1871)
    following German unification
  • Third Reich Hitlers German empire predicted to
    last 1000 years (it lasted from 1933-1945)

Third Reich
  • To appeal to nationalism and recall Germanys
    glorious past, Hitler called his government the
    Third Reich (Reich empire)
  • To combat the Depression, Hitler launched a
    public works program (e.g., highways, housing
  • In violation of the Versailles Treaty, Hitler
    re-armed Germany
  • Hitler wanted to unite Germany and Austria
    because both countries speak German
  • Where was the League of Nations to stop this???

  • Hitler organized a brutal system of terror,
    repression, and totalitarian rule
  • Nazis controlled all aspects of German life
    (government, religion, education, etc.)
  • Nazis used the Gestapo, the secret police, to
    enforce the will of the Nazi Party
  • The Gestapo purged any person who opposed the
    Nazi Party

Nuremberg Laws
  • A fanatical anti-Semite, Hitler set out to expel
    the Jews from Germany
  • Hitler blamed the Jews for Germanys problems
  • In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws,
    which deprived Jews of German citizenship and
    placed severe restrictions on them
  • The Nazis indoctrinated German youth and rewrote
    textbooks to reflect Nazi racial views

Examples of Nuremberg Laws
  • Jews prohibited from marrying non-Jews
  • Jews could not attend German schools
  • Jews could not teach at schools or universities
  • Jews banned from holding government jobs
  • Jews prohibited from practicing law or medicine
  • Jews could not publish books
  • The Nazis began a terror campaign against Jews
    many fled for their lives

Chart to Define if You are Jewish
Instructional chart issued to help bureaucrats
distinguish Jews from Mischlinge (mixed race
persons) and Aryans. The white figures are
Aryans the black figures Jews and the shaded
figures Mischlinge.
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
  • 1938 Young Jew named Herschel Grynszpan killed
    a German diplomat in Paris
  • Nazis retaliated by destroying Jewish synagogues,
    Jewish books, religious symbols, and Jewish
    businesses on November 9-10, 1938
  • Nazi thugs attacked Jews throughout Germany

  • Watch this video about Kristallnacht
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vSCj9RJU2Y1Y

Nazi Cultural and Societal Influences
  • Hitler also limited womens roles and encouraged
    pure-blooded Aryan (blond hair, blue eyes)
    women to bear many children to raise the
  • He sought to purge German culture of what he
    believed were corrupt influences
  • Nazis denounced modern art and jazz, but
    glorified German artists and myths
  • Jazz music was condemned for its African roots

Hitler and Religion
  • Hitler despised Christianity as weak
  • Hitler wanted to replace religion with racial
  • He combined all Protestant sects into a single
    state church
  • Nazis closed Catholic schools
  • Although many clergy either supported the new
    regime or remained silent, some courageously
    spoke out against Hitlers government

Authoritarian Rule in Germany
  • Like Germany, most new nations in Eastern Europe
    slid from systems of democracy to authoritarian
  • Economic problems and ethnic tensions contributed
    to instability and helped fascist rulers to gain
  • The new dictators promised to keep order, and won
    the backing of the military and the wealthy
  • They also supported the growth of anti-semitism
    using Jewish people as scapegoats of national

Powerpoint Questions Part II(18 points)
  • 1. What did many Germans believe about Hitler?
  • 2. What three things did Hitler promise to do as
    head of the Nazi Party? (3 points)
  • 3. How did Hitler become the chancellor of
  • 4. Why was Germany defined as a fascist state?
  • 5. What steps did Hitler take as dictator (5
  • 6. What did Hitler do that violated the Treaty of

Powerpoint Questions Part II(18 points)
  • 7. Identify the German secret police force.
  • 8. What laws deprived German Jews of citizenship
    and placed severe restrictions on them?
  • 9. Identify and describe the events of November
    9-10, 1938.
  • 10. What were Aryan women obligated to do?
  • 11. Why did Hitler dislike jazz music?
  • 12. With what did Hitler want to replace religion?

The End
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