Title: Some things to talk about
1Some things to talk about
- Social and political polarization
- A cool dynamic network simulation (which we
havent done yet) - Statistical cutoffs and p-values (work of Wald,
Berger, ) - Survey weighting and poststratification
2Studying social and political polarization
- Andrew Gelman
- Departments of Statistics and Political Science,
Columbia University - 7 Feb 2009
- Also Tian Zheng, Thomas DiPrete, Julien
Teitler, Jiehua Chen,Tyler McCormick, Rozlyn
Redd, Juli Simon Thomas, Delia Baldassarri, David
Park, Yu-Sung Su, Matt Salganik, Duncan Watts,
Sharad Goel
3Studying social and political polarization
- Questions from sociology
- Questions from political science
- Sources of data
- Statistical challenges
4Questions from sociology
- The degree distribution
- Characteristics of the social network
- Homophily
- Quantifying segregation
- Knowing and trusting
5Questions from political science
- Polarization of Democrats and Republicans
- Polarization of political discourse
- How are people swayed by news media, talk radio,
each other, - Geographic polarization
- Polarization and the perception of polarization
6Sources of data
- Complete data on small social networks (schools,
monks, ) - Very sparse data on large social networks
(Framingham, ) - Complete data on other networks (scientific
coauthors, ) - Other network datasets (email, Facebook, )
- From random sample surveys
- Questions about close contacts (GSS 1985/2004,
NES 2000) - Questions about acquaintances (How many Xs do
you know?)
7Statistical challenges Misconceptions of others
- Examples
- Name
- Disease status
- Sexual preference
- Political leanings
- Challenge/opportunity attributed and perceived
attributes - Appearance vs. reality
- How large is the footprint of a group?
8Statistical challenges Learning about small and
large groups
- 1500 respondents x 750 acquaintances 1 million
- Potential to learn about small groups
- Potential to learn about people you cant
interview - Difficulty with large groups
- For example, How many Democrats do you know
- known is too high to quickly estimate
- Potential solution look at subnetworks
- Cube model (individuals x groups x subnetworks)
- Need main effects and two-way interactions
9Statistical challenges Network structure
- Social network is patterned
- Sex, age, ethnicity, SES, location
- Names, occupations, attitudes
- Correct for non-uniform patterns by using a mix
of names - Estimate non-uniform patterns using a conditional
probability matrix for ages - Overdispersion to model unexplained variation
- Cant do much with triangles, 4-cycles, etc.
10Statistical challenges Recall bias
- Some people are easier to recall than others
- David, Olga, Sharad
- For some sets of names, can be quantified
Nicole/Christine/Michael - Sliding definitions
- Who are your friends?
- Estimates of average known range from 300 to 750
to - Estimates of average trusted range from 1.5 to
15 to 150
11(No Transcript)
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13Statistical challenges Returning to the social
science questions
- Polarization as political segregation in the
social network - Comparing polarization to perceived polarization
- Answering conjectures such as People in big
cities know more people but trust fewer people - Getting geography back in the picture
14Forming Voting Blocs and Coalitions as
aPrisoner's Dilemma A Possible
TheoreticalExplanation for Political Instability
- Andrew Gelman
- Departments of Statistics and Political Science,
Columbia University - 7 Feb 2009
15Dynamic network model for political coalitions
- Mathematics of coalitions
- Forming a coalition helps the subgroup (or they
wouldnt do it) - But it hurts the general population (negative
externality) - Coalitions are inherently unstable
- Coalitions of coalitions
- Opportunistic acts of secession, poaching, and
dissolution - The simulation I want to do
- Set up a political settings agents with
attributes and locations - Payoff function for agents
- Locally optimal moves
- Scheduling
- Implementation
16Statistical cutoffs and p-values
- Andrew Gelman
- Departments of Statistics and Political Science,
Columbia University - 7 Feb 2009
17Setting a cutoff for selecting patterns for
further study
- Old problem in statistics Neyman, Wald, Berger,
- Also of interest to biologists!
- Some different goals
- Finding patterns that are statistically
significant - Classifying into those to study further, and
those to set aside - Mathematical framework distribution of a
score - Solution depends upon
- Distribution of the score among uninteresting
cases - Distribution of the score among interesting
cases - Number of uninteresting and interesting cases
- Cost of follow-up of uninteresting cases
- Cost of follow-up of interesting cases
18Survey weighting and poststratification
- Andrew Gelman
- Departments of Statistics and Political Science,
Columbia University - 7 Feb 2009
19Survey weighting and poststrafication
- General framework for adjusting for differences
between sample and population - Population estimate avg over poststratification
cells - You might have to model
- The survey response
- Size of poststratification cells
- Probabilities of selection
- Respondent-driven sampling example
- Cells determined by gregariousness and
distance - Could approx correlations using clustering