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The Things They Carried


The Things They Carried Tim O Brien In the Field Good Form Consider how this same luck visited the Viet Cong soldier O Brien killed in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Things They Carried

The Things They Carried
  • Tim OBrien

The Things Writers Carry
  • Preliminary thoughts
  • Memory can be highly unreliable. Our remembered
    truths may be completely different from the
    remembered truths of those who grew up in the
    very same house.
  • Humor is the writers armor against hard emotions
    and therefore, in the case of memoir, one more
    distortion of the truth.

The Things Writers Carry
  • From author Toni Morrison
  • The act of imagination is bound up with memory.
    They straightened out the Mississippi River in
    places to make room for houses and live-able
    acreage. Occasionally, the river floods these
    places. Floods is the word they use, but its
    not flooding, its remembering. Remembering where
    it used to be. All water has a perfect memory and
    is forever trying to get back where it was.

The Things Writers Carry
  • Writers are like that remembering where we were,
    what valley we ran through, what the banks were
    like, the light that was there and the route back
    to our original place. It is emotional memory
    the rush of our imagination is the flooding.
  • All of us live with a life history in our mind.
    We are storytelling creatures. The crux is how
    well we tell our stories and how well we
    recognize that there is no true history.

The Things They Carried
  • Themes
  • Physical and emotional burdens
  • Fear of shame as motivation
  • Subjection of truth to storytelling

The Things They Carried
  • Storytelling
  • Fact and fiction is blurred The objective truth
    of a war story is less important than the act of
    telling the story itself.
  • Technical facts around any one event are less
    important than the subjective truth of what the
    war meant to the soldiers and how it changed
  • Notes adapted from Jill Collela,Wiley Publishing
    Inc. New York 2001

The Things They Carried
  • The books different storytellers are designed
    to relate the truth of experience.
  • OBrien Stories contain immense power tellers
    and listeners confront past together and share
    otherwise unknowable experiences.
  • By telling stories, O'Brien is able to gain some
    distance from the harrowing experience he had in
    Vietnam. But while stories are a coping
    mechanism, they are also blueprints for
    communicating in life.

On The Rainy River
  • Explores the role of shame in war and
    embarrassment as a motivating factor.
  • This story is a most obvious example of OBriens
    fiction-as-truth Its point is to convey an
    emotional truth, not facts.
  • He clearly puts the reader in his position as a
    young, naïve person facing a difficult decision.

On the Rainy River
  • How the Vietnam War differed from other wars
  • Average age of soldier 19 (WW II 26)
  • In Vietnam War, many went to college to avoid war
  • Men had to explain why they served not serving
    was acceptable
  • Soldiers served a tour of duty
  • In combat, there was no safety in the rear
    there was no rear in Vietnam
  • There was little support for either the soldier
    or the war from the general population of the
  • Vietnam had not directly threatened the U.S.

On the Rainy River
  • The war was fought in a country whose history,
    culture, religions, and values were quite
    different from ours
  • The wars goal was unclear There was never a
    clear indication that America would do whatever
    was necessary to win
  • The officers in charge were often inexperienced
    and/or inconsistent. Fragging occurred
  • Fighting casualties exceeded those in WW II
  • Territory was taken, lost, and taken repeatedly
  • There were no clear combat zones there was no
  • No emotional support was offered returning

On the Rainy River
  • All of the soldiers did not return home at the
    same time
  • No war since the Civil War caused such a split in
    U.S. public opinion, leading to social unrest and
  • Vietnam was the first war the U.S. lost
  • The war was broadcast on TV daily
  • Drug use was part of the combat scene problems
    in the military included financial corruption,
    racism, low morale, theft, murder, and suicide

The Things They Carried
  • Hand grenades smoke bombs
  • M-16 assault rifle (7.5 pounds, unloaded
  • with 8.5 to 14 pounds of ammunition)
  • M-16 maintenance gear 1 pound
  • Hatchet (7 pounds) flashlight (2 pounds)
  • Poncho (2 pounds) Steel helmet (5 pounds)
  • Flak jacket (7 pounds) jungle boots (7 pounds)
  • M-60 (23 pounds, unloaded 10-17 pounds of ammo)
  • PRC-25 radio (26 pounds) Medic gear 20 pounds
  • M-79 grenade launcher 6 pounds 50 pounds of

The Things They Carried
  • C-rations 2 lbs P-38 can openers
  • Pocket knife 1 lb Heat tabs
  • Watch Dog tags
  • Insect repellent Gum/candy
  • Cigarettes/lighters salt tablets
  • Iodine tablets Kool-Aid packets
  • Sterno/matches Sewing kits
  • 2 or 3 canteens of water
  • Total 15 to 20 pounds, depending on the man

The Things They Carried
  • The Things They (and we) Carry
  • The metaphor of carrying gives weight to the
    idea that the things we carry whether physical
    or emotional enable us to navigate lifes

The Things They Carried
  • The notion that people carry heavy emotional
    burdens is a universal one OBrien switching
    between first-person narrative and third-person
    throughout the book reflects his belief that by
    telling his own story, he is telling the story of

The Things They Carried and Platoon
  • Possible character parallels
  • TTTC Platoon
  • OBrien Taylor
  • Lt. Cross Lt. Wolfe
  • Kiowa King
  • Lavendar Gardner
  • Rat Kiley Rhah
  • Azar Bunny
  • Henry Dobbins Big Harold

  • Lt. Cross shows how repression of painful
    memories can be essential for survival.
  • The feelings behind the story are the investment
    for the reader, rather than what is truth and
  • In a twist, we dont know if what Cross has asked
    OBrien to leave out of the story is in there or

  • At the end of the Love chapter, Jimmy Cross
    says, Dont mention anything about but is
    cut off by OBrien. What two questions does this
    create for the reader about the story and about
  • The ambiguous ending reflects veterans
    difficulty in articulating traumatic experiences
    a task storytelling can address.

  • The unconnected anecdotes here echo the
    fragmentation of the war experience.
  • War has no winners or losers, unlike Dobbins and
    Bowkers game of checkers.
  • OBriens relationship with his daughter,
    Kathleen, reveals the importance of storytelling
    to deliver the past into the future, for giving
    perspective and understanding.

  • Jot down these important quotes
  • As a writer, You take your material where you
    find it, which is in your life, at the
    intersection of past and present.
  • Remembering leads to a story, which makes it
    forever. Thats what stories are for. Stories are
    for joining the past to the future. Stories are
    for eternity, when memory is erased, when there
    is nothing to remember except the story.

  • OBrien presents a fight within a war a
    microcosm to the macrocosm of Vietnam.
  • The meaninglessness of the fight It was over a
    stolen jackknife.
  • This is a metaphor for the meaninglessness the
    men feel over the war itself.
  • This is seen when Strunk laughs when Jensen
    breaks his own nose After all, Strunk thinks
    Jensen was justified in his fight with Strunk,
    because Strunk does admit he stole Jensens

  • However, the fight is more personal and emotional
    than the war Strunks nose is broken because his
    enemy relentlessly beats him and crushes his
  • Strunk loses his leg for no reason other than
    where he stepped. He could not have known or
    prevented it.
  • So in the fight between the two men, the enemy is
    visible and is physical. Conversely, the war
    often lacks a visible opponent.

How To Tell A True War Story
  • This chapter really blurs the distinction between
    truth and fiction. OBrien immediately brands the
    story as true then he states later that none of
    it happened.
  • He doesnt lie He changes the definition of
    telling the truth.
  • Lemons sister doesnt get the truth of the
    story Kiley is telling her Kileys brotherly
    love for Lemon.
  • On one hand, Lemons sister doesnt respond to
    Kileys letter on the other hand, her response
    is that she doesnt answer Kileys letter.

How to Tell A True War Story
  • According to University of Maryland professor
    Jill Colella, who has critiqued the novel, this
    suggests a meaning that can be applied to readers
    and hearers of stories that they can tell when
    stories hold a truth, whether the events of the
    story actually occurred, based on certain
  • Colella says that according to OBrien, then, the
    truth of a story depends solely on the audience
    hearing it told.
  • If it strikes you as true, then it is.

The Dentist
  • This chapter forces us to reconsider how and why
    we honor the memory of war and war heroes.
    OBrien finds it difficult to mourn Lemons
    death, because Lemon did not earn that right
    when he was alive.
  • OBrien sees Lemon as someone who strove for some
    false image of machismo Lemon was still afraid
    of the dentist, even after he had his healthy
    tooth pulled, but he was more afraid of losing
    face with his fellow soldiers an image he worked
    hard to maintain.
  • So the issue for OBrien In a war, we tend to
    mourn people because they died, not for how they

Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong
  • A spooky one with a compelling metaphor
  • This is not truly a story of Mary Annes
    transformation Its more about storytelling and
    the loss of innocence.
  • Many of the soldiers are represented by Mary
    Anne They, too, left America as young and naïve,
    and like her, they lost their innocence in
    Vietnam. Eventually, they all crossed over into
    the dark side of the war experience, and their
    innocent selves were lost for good.
  • The reason why the soldiers listening to the
    story want Kiley to get it right and to tell
    them how it ends is two-fold One, endings
    complete stories and make them true. Secondly,
    the men want to subconsciously know how the
    story will end for them.
  • Will they, too, go to the dark side and never

Stockings, Church
  • In Stockings, Dobbins wears his girlfriends
    panty hose around his neck because they symbolize
    love, home and most of all, some kind of mojo
    that comes from both.
  • Even after his girlfriend breaks up with him,
    Dobbins wears the pantyhose to keep this state of
    mind, rather than memories of the girl. They will
    continue to protect him as long as he believes in

Stockings, Church
  • The soldiers have blurred the boundaries between
    the war and church something Dobbins and Kiowa
    think is wrong.
  • When Dobbins imitates the hand-washing action, he
    doesnt know what it means, only that he is
    trying to make amends for having violated this

The Man I Killed
  • OBrien copes with his feelings about the young
    mans death by taking himself out of the
    narration He focuses on physical characteristics
    of the young man, rather than on OBriens own
    feelings of guilt.
  • The reader can only infer what OBrien is
  • He creates an entire identity for the young man
    sharing many similarities with his own life in
    coming to grips with his own mortality.

Ambush, Style
  • Recounts The Man I Killed in first person He
    is much more direct about it, in part, for
    Kathleens benefit.
  • He has a clear memory of the mans actual death
    that only time and distance has allowed to
  • In Style, just as in Church, the soldiers try
    to derive meaning from something they dont
    understand in this case, the girls dancing amid
    the destruction and human carnage.
  • Its confusing. Dancing is purposeful, graceful,
    and meaningful everything the war is not.
  • When Azar dances, he may be mocking the girl Or
    he may be trying to derive meaning from the dance
    (and hence, the war).

Speaking of Courage
  • Intricate storytelling structure here Whereas
    OBrien writes in past tense, separating his
    current self from the self that fought in the
    war, Bowker is unable to use storytelling as a
    way to deal with his war trauma.
  • Bowker has no one to talk to as a way to leave
    his war experiences behind him.
  • Compelling metaphor The sewage field represents
    an unpleasant, meaningless battle that none of
    the soldiers can escape literally Kiowa, and
    symbolically Bowker, whose wading into the lake
    he drives around (and even tasting it) signals
    his desire to return to Vietnam to change the
    events that ended Kiowas life.
  • (Collela) Bowker represents the paradox between
    the need for emotional truth and the pain many
    feel in expressing it.

  • Its here where we get to the crux of the
    question, What is patriotism? (page 156).
  • This is O'Brien's search for authenticity in
    storytelling Most of his writing comes from the
    simple need to talk, illustrating that his
    writing is his chosen form of relief from mental
  • As such, his success in dealing with his mental
    anguish is directly related to his success as a
    storyteller By telling stories, you objectify
    your own experiences. You separate it from
    yourself. You pin down certain truths.
  • Bowker has no such avenue for relief.

In The Field, Good Form
  • No one emerges emotionally intact from the three
    perspectives of In The Field.
  • Lt. Cross blames himself for not going against
    orders and setting up camp in a better spot.
  • The young, unnamed soldier (Tim?) blames himself
    for his carelessness, turning on the flashlight
    to show Kiowa a picture of the young soldiers
  • When the men discover Kiowas body, they are
    overwhelmed by the sense of bad luck that
    caused his death bad luck that could have
    claimed (and still could claim) any one of them.

In the Field Good Form
  • Consider how this same luck visited the Viet
    Cong soldier OBrien killed in The Man I
  • Reality, randomness, luck, and war overwhelm all
    of them.
  • Good Form OBrien distinguishes, again, the
    difference between story truth and happening

Field Trip
  • The scene in the field is the climax of the
  • OBrien finds a sense of closure through the
    physical act of wading into the water and
    depositing Kiowas moccasins.
  • Still, he is unable to explain this to his
    daughter, Kathleen, who represents the future.
  • OBriens lingering questions about Vietnam 20
    years later Is it a country, a memory, both, or

The Ghost Soldiers
  • This story, and the one that follows (Night
    Life), both deal with how the night affects
    people It is at night that OBrien holds the
    most hatred for, and plots his revenge against,
  • It is at night that Vietnam comes alive not the
    country but the war experience.
  • Part of OBriens bitterness is in the
    embarrassment of his wound (in the rear end) and
    the fact that he almost died, but more in the
    loss of his life as a combat soldier. He
    especially misses the brotherhood that he is now
    on the outside of, looking in.

The Ghost Soldiers
  • OBrien acts out his need for making war on
    Jorgenson but in the process alienates Sanders,
    while befriending Azar.
  • The reader realizes now how much OBrien
    changed He is no longer fighting for an ideal
    but for pure, raw, revenge.
  • In the end, OBrien tremblinghugging
    himself, rocking has lost his friends, his
    memories, and his moral superiority. He is

Night Life
  • This story illustrates the fine emotional and
    mental stability line that the soldiers walk.
  • The change in routine from day to night maneuvers
    pushes Kiley over that line and deep into
    himself, where he battles visions, terror, and
  • OBrien goes to great lengths to show the impact
    of the night routine dark so thick that it
    creates an inability to blink.
  • When Kiley shoots himself in the foot in order to
    get out of there, its unclear if he does so
    because he has gone crazy or if he does so to
    prevent himself from going crazy.

The Lives of the Dead
  • This is the story that encapsulates the novels
    purpose writing in order to make sense of life,
    especially in relation to others deaths.
  • Linda is OBriens first love and his first
    realization that fiction can overcome death.
  • When this beautiful, little child dies, her
    innocence, and OBriens, dies with her.
  • Lindas visits to OBriens dreams begin a
    life-long process of addressing difficulty
    through imagination and illusion an ability he
    carried with him to Vietnam.
  • By keeping Linda alive as well as his Vietnam
    comrades OBrien is keeping himself alive.

The Lives of the Dead
  • Important quotes from Tim OBrien
  • The act of writing is an act of compassion. It
    entails sympathy for human frailties, weaknesses,
    and strengths sympathy for a human condition in
    which we can never be that to which we aspire.
  • Novels are made out of a sense of outrage at the
    world, the way the world treats us the way we
    treat ourselves the mistakes we make ourselves.
    Books come out of that sort of thing, that
    tension to make things better.
  • The thing about a story is that you dream it as
    you tell it, hoping that others might then dream
    along with you ... There is the illusion of

Test Review
  • 65 total points
  • 15 multiple choice 8 true or false 8 matching
  • 4 short-answer questions (9 points) 2
    long-answer questions (25 points total)
  • Study your notes
  • Emphasis on OBriens approach to storytelling
    (its purpose, its value, etc.)
  • Know the characters well, especially those in
    Alpha Company.

Test Review
  • Key chapters to review
  • Speaking of Courage
  • In the Field
  • Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong
  • Notes
  • Spin
  • Lives of the Dead

  • 1. A former Alpha Company soldier, ______
    committed suicide by hanging himself.
  • Norman Bowker
  • 2. Reunited with OBrien after the war, _____
    was still preoccupied with his unrequited love
    for Martha.
  • Jimmy Cross
  • 3. __________, a soldier near Song Tra Bong, had
    not anticipated the effects of the Vietnam
    experience on his girlfriend.
  • Mark Fossie

  • 4. This character, _________, is the first whom
    OBrien could see in his dreams.
  • Linda
  • 5. This soldier, ________, was OBriens
    confidante, especially after OBrien killed the
    unnamed Vietnamese soldier.
  • Kiowa
  • 6. As a medic, this soldier experienced a failure
    and nerve, but _______ later made amends with
  • Bobby Jorgenson

  • 7. As a talisman, _______ carried his
    girlfriends pantyhose around his neck.
  • Henry Dobbins
  • 8. An Alpha Company medic, _________ could not
    handle the strain of war and began to
  • Rat Kiley

  • 9. This character, _________, stole a jackknife
    from fellow soldier Dave Jensen.
  • Lee Strunk
  • 10. While goofing around with Rat Kiley, ______
    was killed by accident.
  • Curt Lemon
  • 11. This character, ________, believes that
    OBrien should forget the war and write about
    something else.
  • Kathleen

  • 12. To get revenge on Bobby Jorgenson, OBrien
    planned with ____________.
  • Azar
  • 13. A former Alpha Company soldier, __________
    returns to Vietnam and brings Kiowas moccasins
    with him.
  • OBrien
  • 14. Because of a pact the two soldiers made,
    __________ was relieved when he learned that Lee
    Strunk died from his battle wounds.
  • Dave Jensen
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