Title: Issue of gouvernance of cooperatives
1Issue of gouvernance of cooperatives
- Présenté par Oumou Sidibé VANHOOREBEKE
- Expert en microfinance, chef de projet CCOM
2Plan de la présentation
- Part I Cooperatives
- Types
- Nature of cooperatives
- Financial cooperatives
- Assumptions
- Part II Governance
- Concepts
- Democratic structure
- Dual structure
- Characteristics of the cooperatives
- Management demands
- Combination of governance strategies
- Roles of the stakeholders
- Conclusion
3Cooperatives general characteristics
- Types of cooperatives
- Two groups of cooperatives
- Financial cooperatives (savings and credit
cooperatives, Sacco, housing cooperatives) - Non-financial cooperatives
- Workers
- Producers (coffe, cocoa, cotton)
- Consumers
- Shared services
4Nature of cooperatives
- A cooperative could be defined as a corporate
body bringing together individuals who have
shared economic and social concerns and whom, in
order to address them, join forces to run an
organisation in accordance with standards, norms,
principles and values proper to co-operative
5Cooperatives (cont.)
- A company controlled by an association
constituted of persons (members) - This association groups one or many types of user
of the company - suppliers and/or clients, and/or
6Cooperatives (cont.)
- 3. The first objective of a cooperative is not to
maximise profit, or to effect social change? but
to maximise the benefits or profits that its
members can earn from their transactions with the
cooperative. - 4. This form of company is regulated (governed)
by particular rules of equity and values.
7Financial cooperatives
- A group of people constituting a legal entity,
which is non-profit and with variable equity,
based on the principles of union, solidarity,
mutual help, with the aim of collecting the
savings of its members and offering them credit.
- General consensus about
- the role and impact of cooperatives in economies
- a large number of members are involved
- Possible contribution to achieving the millenium
goals, - Cover an increasing number of people
- widespread Europe, North America, Africa, Asia,
Latin America - They are neglected by policies makers because of
their structure, - The view of cooperatives is changing
- Good governance is fundamental to the viability
of cooperatives and influences their rate of
9Part II Governance of cooperatives
- Concept All institutional and behavioural assets
governing the life of an institution are
implemented to achieve its goal - Â Lensemble du dispositif institutionnel et
comportemental régissant la vie dune
institution et mis en œuvre pour réaliser sa
11Particular structure (all types)
- Association
- Board of managers
- Administration committee
- Credit committee
- Control Committee
- Ethical or deontology Committee
- General Assembly
12Special Characteristics ..
- Rules of associations
- Members are influenced by their living conditions
- Influenced by politics
- Rules of the corporation
- Management demands,
- Performance,
- Efficiency
- Viability
13A democratic structure
Local level
Cooperatives Annual General Assembly
regional level
Union Annual General Assembly (meeting of all
delegates of each cooperative
Network level
Administration board and control comettee
President of board And others officials
14Financial cooperative
- Because of a cooperatives nature, it has both an
economic and a social goal that is to offer
advantageous financial services (or other types
of service) to its members whilst also providing
training to its members. - So, if the members constitute a homogenous group
with similar concerns, their financial service
requirements will be the same (segmentation) and
decisions about the direction that the
cooperative should take and the products that it
should offer will be easier to negotiate. - Therefore when the target group is heterogeneous,
and individuals approach a cooperative with a
range of ambitions and expectations (this is
usually the case), the management and the elected
postholders tasks become very complex.
- State
- Members (owners, representatives, clients)
- Employees ( salaried ),
- Officials, or board members (administration,
supervisory or control committee, deontology
committee) - Partners
16Dual structure.
- Association
- Board or managers
- Administration committee
- Credit committee
- Control Committee
- Ethical or deontology Committee
- General Assembly
- Benevolat
- Company
- Management
- Executive
- Staff
- Salariat
The board of director
17Double structure
- The board of directors is the link between the
association and the company. He is responsible
for general management, the establishing of
performance targets, the employment or dismissal
a general manager, the definition and validation
of the pay and staff management policies. - Its role, its cohesion, solidarity and its
integrity are essential for the survival of the
cooperative and the Union.
18Management requirements
- If cooperative values and principles have not
changed much, a range of roles and
responsibilities for the elected post holders
emerge as the cooperative itself develops
(different phases of the institution). However,
changes in the external environment in terms of
behaviour and social values (on the part of the
clients, staff, the competition etc) also bring
new demands for the managers.
19Management requirements
- As the result of the global shift in the economic
and social environment, todays leaders must be
skilful in order to anticipate future
developments, solve problems, lay down strategic
objectives, make choices, reduce uncertainties,
evaluate performance, re-direct, and lay down
objectives. These are also the challenges facing
the leaders of the cooperatives. However,
competence is not one of the criteria that is
necessarily considered when there are elections
(one member one voice) and this results in
shortcomings in some places.
20Examples of governance problems
- Confusion of role and mission,
- Culture of silence
- Gerontocracies especially in Africa
- Conflict between the principles of profitability
and the social objectives, - Slowness in the decision-making
- Lack of confidentiality concerning the
strategies, - Lack of solidarity
- Conception of volunteering (the Benevolat),
- Politicisation of the system
- Corruption
- Increase in costs
- Poor motivation amongst the staff.
- All these problems have a direct impact on the
image of cooperatives
21Combination of governance approaches
- A combination of the elements within the
organization - The structure of the process, the division of
power throughout the institution should be
dynamic and proactive in accordance with the
internal environment but also in accordance with
the external environment. - Here are some elements of this governance make-up
drawn from my own experience
22Element of governance mix
- To institutionalise the mechanisms and means of
control and protection - Mechanisms to ensure the re-taking control of
power (preventive and curative measures) - Develop a company culture based on the
performance (economic, gender and social issues) - Limit the leaders mandates and prevent an
accumulation of functions - Renew board (one third of members or partial
renewal) and have a limited term - To remain faithful to its mission
- If the need for a renewal of the cooperative is
accepted, the question is then who is to fulfil
which role and at which level? Can one have a
common charter for all types of cooperative?
- Elements that are external to the institution
- National law governing cooperatives revised
regularly , - Standards of performance, institutional
supervision mechanisms... etc - Elements that are internal to the institution
Statutes and internal regulations revised
regularly - Manual covering policies, procedures and
accounting practices - Codes of ethics applicable to the leaders and the
employees, - Clear separation between the administrative and
the supervisory bodies
- If it is clear that a cooperative needs to be
renewed, we must determine what the common
principles are, what the indicators should be,
what the management norms should be, and the
roles of each stakeholder - Establish what is necessary to create an enabling
environment. - What the internal control measures should be
- What the role should be for the government,
partners, professional associations, UN
organisations, international cooperative
organisations and practitioners - Determine whether it is possible to have the same
legislation, or standards for all types of
cooperative - Of course all this should happen within the
framework of the governance of cooperatives
25Thanks , Merci, obrigada
- Oumou Sidibé vanhoorebeke