Title: The euromediterranean cooperation' Synergies of instruments
1The euromediterranean cooperation. Synergies of
- Rafael Rodríguez Clemente
- Professor of Research, CSIC
- Estación Biológica de Doñana. Sevilla. SPAIN
2Policy frame
- The Barcelona process revamped by the Union for
the Mediterranean initiative of the French
Presidency aims - Create an area of peace and stability based on
fundamental principles, including respect for
human rights and democracy - Create an area of shared prosperity through
sustainable and balanced socioeconomic
development and the progressive establishment of
free trade between the EU and its partners and
among the partners - Improve mutual understanding among the peoples of
the region and the development of an active civil
3Policy frame
- The Euro-Mediterranean Neighborhood Policy
(ENP-M) - a common Euro-Mediterranean area of justice,
security and migration cooperation - a common sustainable economic area, with a focus
on trade liberalisation, regional trade
integration, infrastructure networks and
environmental protection - a common sphere for socio-cultural exchanges,
with a focus on cultural and people-to-people
exchanges, and raising awareness of the
Partnership through the media.
4Coordination of policies
- European Neighbourhood Policy
- Structural Funds Territorial Cooperation (Former
INTERREG Initiative) - VII Framework Programme
5Better coordination between the Structural Funds
(SF) and the Framework Programme (FP)(CREST
Working Group on Coordination SF and FP, April
- Develop a specific strategy for coordinated use
of FP and SF as part of a RTDA strategy. - ..
- Use FP and SF to improve networking between
research organisations, enterprises,
administration, etc. to develop clusters and
poles. - .
- 9. Use the potential of FP and SF in terms of
transnational and international networking and
RD cooperation to connect the regional or
national research system to international
networks and trends in Europe and beyond. - ..
- 13. Make sue that actors involved in delivering
FP and SF know about the opportunities offered by
the other instruments.
- ? strengthen democracy, promote gender equality,
enhance respect for human rights and freedom of
expression, and guarantee the independence of the
judiciary - ? enhance the security of all citizens,
particularly through counter-terrorism policies - ? intensify cooperation on all aspects of illegal
and legal immigration - ? develop the Mediterranean Strategy for
Sustainable Development and endorse a timetable
to de-pollute the Mediterranean Sea by 2020 - ? meet the Millennium Development Goals,
particularly in the areas of education - ? act jointly against racism, xenophobia and
intolerance, rejecting extremist views - ? strengthen dialogue between governmental and
non-governmental players - ? promote South-South regional integration
8Type of programmes
- (a) country or multicountry programmes, covering
assistance to one partner country or addressing
regional and subregional cooperation between two
or more partner countries, in which Member States
may participate - (b) thematic programmes, addressing one or more
specific challenges which are common to several
partner countries and which may be relevant to
one or more Member States - (c) crossborder cooperation programmes, covering
cooperation between one or more Member States and
one or more partner countries, taking place in
regions adjacent to their shared part of the
external border of the European Community.
- De-pollution of the Mediterranean
- Collaboration with the European Environment
Agency and the secretariat of the Barcelona
Convention - Regional water initiative
- Capacity building and support to civil society
- Environmental data availability across the region
in formats compatible with EU standards - Number of environmental pollution indicators that
are monitored on a regular basis - Measured improvements in these environmental
quality indicators, including reduction of
prevalence of water-borne diseases and reduction
of air pollution in major urban centres - Completion of a number of steps in the
de-pollution roadmap, including the number of
projects for which financing has been identified.
11HORIZON 2020http//ec.europa.eu/environment/enlar
- Euro-Mediterranean governments aim to tackle the
top sources of Mediterranean pollution by the
year 2020 through the Horizon 2020 initiative
that is built around 4 elements - Projects to reduce the most significant pollution
sources focussing on industrial emissions,
municipal waste and urban waste water,
responsible for up to 80 of pollution in the
Mediterranean Sea - Capacity-building measures to help neighbouring
countries create national environmental
administrations that are able to develop and
police environmental laws. - Using the Commission's Research budget to develop
and share knowledge of environmental issues
relevant to the Mediterranean. - Developing indicators to monitor the success of
12Coopération Transfrontalière dans le cadre de
lInstrument Européen de Voisinage et de
Partenariat (ENPI-IEVP)Programme de Bassin
Maritime Méditerranenne
13Priorites specifiques Du Programme Bassin
- 1. Promotion du développement socio-économique et
renforcement des territoires, - 2. Promotion de la durabilité environnementale au
niveau du Bassin, recherchée à travers la
préservation du patrimoine naturel commun, la
réduction des facteurs de risque pour
lenvironnement, l'amélioration de l'efficacité
énergétique et la promotion de lutilisation des
sources dénergie renouvelables. - 3. Promotion de meilleures conditions et
modalités de circulation des personnes, des
marchandises et des capitaux - 4. Promotion du dialogue culturel et de la
gouvernance locale
14- Actions de coopération institutionnelledans le
cadre de lIEVP (ENPI) - Jumelages
- http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/
15(Example) JUMELAGES au MarocEnergie, transports
- Renforcement de la sécurité sûreté maritimes
- France 900 000 (clôturé)
- Appui pour une gestion intégrée de
lenvironnement, une harmonisation de la
législation environnementale nationale et un
rapprochement progressif avec celle de lUE. - Italie/Autriche 700 000 (clôturé)
- Mise en place dune Data Base HazMat (Sécurité
maritime) 200 000 (JL, clôturé) -
- Amélioration de la Sécurité routière (en
16Opportunities of the 7th FP
- All thematic priorities are open to international
cooperation - Collaborative project for specific international
cooperation actions dedicated to international
cooperation partner countries (SICA) - INCO-Net Platforms activities (1 Platform per
region) to support the development of capacities
of the partners countries from different
regions West Balkan Countries, MPC, Eastern
Europe and Central Asia, Asia, ACP and Latin
America. (MIRA) - http//europa.eu.int/comm/research/iscp/index_en.h
17International Cooperation in COOPERATION
Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA)
FP 6
INCO (Capacities)
FP 7
Themes (Cooperation)
18SICAS for Mediterranean Region (2008)
- ENV.2008. Nanotechnologies for water
treatment - Programme HEALTH
- HEALTH-2007-3.5-1 Epidemiological investigations
into longterm trends of population health as
consequence of socio-economic transitions,
including life-style induced health problems
(STREP). MPC, Russia and EECA - HEALTH-2007-3.5-2 Universal and equitable access
to health care MPC, ACP24, - HEALTH-2007-3.5-4 Health care intervention
research improving pre-natal and maternal care
19SICAS for Mediterranean Region (2008)
- Programme FOOD
- KBBE-2008-2-2-03 Obesity prevention in the
Mediterranean area SICA, STREP - Programme MATERIALS
- NMP-2008-2.6-1 Novel materials for energy
applications (Joint call with Energy) - Programme ENERGY
- ENERGY.2008.2.1.1 Enhancing strategic
international cooperation initiatives in the
field of concentration photovoltaics (MPC)
REGPOT-2009-2, draft)Area 4.2. International
Co-operation (8 M)
- This activity will provide the opportunity for
the MPC to develop partnerships through twinning
actions with existing or emerging centres of
excellence established in the EUs convergence
and outermost regions and the Member States
and/or the Associated Countries. This will be
realised by improving scientific relationships,
networking and development of the ST Human
Potential, exchanging of know-how and experience
between the countries concerned as well as by
upgrading the ST research capacities of highest
quality and/or promising research entities in the
MPC. Improvements should be aimed at developing
links between their scientific communities and
those of Member States. - This Activity does not finance research and
technological development activities. - Topics Any research topic covered by the EC FP7.
- Participants Proposals should include at least 3
research entities one established in a
convergence or outermost region in the EU, one in
another Member State or Associated country and
one in a MPC. These research entities must not be
a subsidiary or branch of another legal entity
established in a different country.
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22MIRA Mediterranean Innovation and Research
Coordination Action
INCO-Net-MPC. Contract FP7-211359
23AIM (1)
- The present CA aims at developing the objectives
of the INCO-Net MPC action, as described in the
Call for proposal, by, among others - 1) creating a dialogue platform using the state
of the art of the ICT technologies, which will
enable the discussion between relevant
stakeholders from both sides of the Mediterranean
to improve the ST cooperation by, among other
means, connecting and facilitating the
interaction between the dispersed ST cooperation
initiatives already existing supported by the
Member States, the European Commission and other
political bodies - 2) addressing training activities to improve the
quality of the participation and management of
the partners of FP7 from the MPC
24AIM (2)
- 3) creating discussion platforms and organizing
meetings to monitor and discuss the content of
the Thematic priorities of FP7 in term of the
common interest of the EU and MPC - 4) creating an Observatory of the EU-MPC ST
cooperation, which will agree indicators for the
monitoring of RTD cooperation activities -
- 5) creating networks of research institutions
and technological transfer services from both
sides of the Mediterranean, to support strategic
collaboration and provide a reference element for
the development of the Euro-Mediterranean
Innovation Space. - All these activities are aimed at providing a
strong institutional basis for the EU-MPC ST
27M E L I A
Mediterranean Dialogue for Integrated Water
Creating and nurturing the MELIA Community of
Practice (CoP) A strategic Coordination Action
for the establishment of an Information and
Knowledge Management, Sharing and Dissemination
Platform for the IWRM in the Mediterranean Area
28Water Management
- Research on water management is and has been a
priority in national and Euro-Mediterranean
projects, especially in the INCO-Med programme.
- It has been observed that the outcomes of
these research programs and projects rarely
succeeds in improving the efficiency of water use
and its management due to the lack of dialog
between the different protagonists.
- Research in this topic is of common interest
of the EU and its Mediterranean Partner Countries
(MPC) in view of the economic integration of both
sides of the Mediterranean area, the risks
associated to the climatic change and the
increase in frequency of water risks events, such
as droughts or floods, in the area.
29The Partners
- The partnership of MELIA has been structured
in a way to include, on the one hand, players
with experience in the scientific, technical and
socio-economic sectors, experienced in past or
on-going European, national or regional projects
and committed to a dialogue without prejudices.
- Other actors, such as basin management
organisations, water suppliers to cities,
industrial groups, agriculture water users, NGO
with well known experience in daily management of
water related issues, bring their deep knowledge
about the current management systems, the
expected demand and the possible baseline of the
future conflicts.
- The presence of groups and administrations
from different sectors and countries will allow
MELIA to create a wide dialogue to prevent and
avoid conflicts related to water availability.
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31Main targets
- Building a knowledge base for integrated water
resources management (IWRM) planning, based on
integrating contributions from different
perspectives, involving the wide spectrum of
stakeholders and based on the general frame
defined by EU Water Framework Directive.
- Develop a Mediterranean-wide awareness of the
social (cultural and participatory), economic and
technological issues related to water management.
- Propose participatory mechanisms and
prevention tools to avoid competition in
resources allocation between regions states and
different waters users.
- Provide legislative and administrative bodies
with criteria and arguments agreed in a
consensual way by a wide representation of
social, economic, scientific and political actors
from different countries, to support sustainable
water policies and economy.
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33Thank you very much !