Title: Be Proactive Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
1Be Proactive Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
- Eng. Mohamed Aboud
- Past EGYPT GOLD Chair
- ASTF Business Development Manager
- Â M_aboud_at_ieee.org
- Maboud_at_astf.net
2(No Transcript)
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4First Key of Success
- The first key of success is believing in the
necessity of change. People who do not have the
ability or the desire to change through the
investment in the their own characters are far
from being named truly successful.
- What changes do you think will take place?
5 Second Key of Success
- The second key of success is having a very clear
goal in your mind. An overwhelming target
surrounding ones life. This goal or target should
express your sense of purpose and meaning in life.
What goals are there in your lives?
6Kinds of People
- Ineffective Those have no goals in life dont
change themselves accordingly. - Effective Those have goals in life and try to
accomplish them. - Highly effective Those are the people who
master the 7 habits in their true meaning. - Effectiveness here is treated as equally as
7Signs of Success
- 1- To feel an inner relief and comfort in
yourself. - 2- To have a balanced social relations with those
around you. - 3- To have a great achievement.
8Steps of Success
9The Seven Habits An Overview
- Our character is a composite of our habits
- Habits can be learned and unlearned
- Habits defined
107- Renewal
11Part 1 Private Victory
127- Renewal
13Are you a proactive person?
- You are responsible for your behavior and the
choices you make in life. - You must accept this responsibility, and respond
to life according to your values and not your
feelings. - Nothing can change unless you want to change from
the inside.This inside-out approach is what you
must experience first with yourself by focusing
on your circle of influence.
14Reactive Behavior
- Reactive people allow outside influences (moods,
feelings, or circumstances) to control their
15Proactive Behavior
- Proactive people use the margin of freedom to
make choices that best apply their values. Their
freedom to choose expands as they wisely use the
space between stimulus and response
16Focusing on the Circle of Influence
Circle of Influence (????? ???????) A persons
Circle of Influence includes those things he or
she can affect directly.
Circle of Concern (????? ????????) A persons
Circle of Concern comprises all matters about
which he or she cares.
17Focusing on the Circle of Influence
18Freedom to Choose
Independent Will
The Proactive Model
19Circle of
Circle of
Circle of Influence
Circle of Influence
Reactive Focus Negative energy reduces COI
Proactive Focus Positive energy enlarges COI
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
21Begin with the End in Mind(Principles of
Personal Leadership)
- Begin today with the image, picture or paradigm
of the end of your life as your frame of
reference - Start with a clear understanding of destination
- All things are created twice
- First creation (mental)
- Second creation (physical)
- Measure twice, cut once (plan)
- Do you have a mission statement?
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
23Put First Things First(Principles of Personal
- Emergence of Habits 1 and 2
- Exercise of independent will
- Effective self-management
- A good disciple of your values
- Address questions in life and time mgmt.
- Organize and execute around priorities
24The Time Management Matrix
25Part 1 Public Victory
26Paradigms of Interdependence
- Public Victory comes after Private Victory
- Succeed with yourself, then succeed with people
- The Emotional Bank Account
- Amount of trust in a relationship
- Six major deposits
27Paradigms of Interdependence
- Understanding the individual
- Attending to the little things
- Keeping commitments
- Clarifying expectations
- Showing personal integrity
- Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
29Think Win/Win (Principles of Inter-personal
- Six paradigms of human interaction
- Lose/Lose
- Win
- Win/Win or No Deal
- Win/Win
- Win/Lose
- Lose/Win
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
31Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
(Principles of Empathetic Communication)
- Seek to Understand
- Diagnose before prescribing
- Understand before influencing
- We listen at one of four levels
- Ignoring, pretending, selecting and attentive
- Fifth level empathetic
- Listen with your ears, eyes and heart
- Listen for feeling and meaning
32Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
- Seek To Be Understood
- Equally critical as seeking to understand
- Essence
- Ethos
- Pathos
- Logos
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
34Synergize (Principles of Creative Cooperation)
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- The true test of all other habits
- Unleashes the greatest powers within people
- Essence is to value difference
- Mental, emotional and physical
- Search for the third alternative
6- Synergize
5- Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
Public Victory
4- Think Win/Win
7- Sharpen the Saw
3- Put First Things First
1- Be Proactive
Private Victory
2- Begin with the End in Mind
36Sharpen The Saw (Principles of Balanced
37The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
- A Personal Note
- The source of correct principles?
- He who creates
- He who provides
- He who teacheth by the pen, teacheth man that
which he knew not - He who is ALLAH