Title: Collaboration In Action: A Success Story
1Collaboration In Action A Success Story W. Van
Straten, NPL Board Chair K. Dubeau, NPL Board
3Shared Digital Infrastructure
- Enable transformation of the community
- Strategic opportunities to share investments in
IT infrastructure, programs and services - Spark the development of a knowledge sector
4SDI Executive Leaders
- Town of Newmarket
- Mayor
- Director of IT
- Economic Development Officer
- Library
- Board Chair
- Deputy CEO
- Newmarket Hydro
- President
- Southlake RHC
- Vice President
- Chamber of Commerce
- Past Chair
- President
- Vice President
6Key Components
- Digitization Lab
- Community Messaging
- RFID/Library System
- New LMS, web site
- Outreach Programs
- Video Conferencing
- Business Education
- Strategic Planning
7Newmarket History
- Digitization Lab at Library
- Hardware, software, workstations
- Leading-edge processed and methodologies
- 125 Years of ERA Banner
- Digitized, indexed, publicly available online
- Rescue Mission Our History Preserved for Future
Generations - Arts Culture Key Support
11Digital Art Collections
http//www.ourontario.ca Search Newmarket
13Community Messaging Information
- Content sharing between SRHC NPL
- Ability to target content
- Content library for community
- Potential to integrate with other systems
- Future available to Police EMS
14RFID Self Checkout
- Streamlined Inventory Control Management
- Self-service
15Video Conferencing Presentation Centres
- NPL, Chamber, SRHC
- Video conferencing, webcasts/webinars
- Document Imagers, Digital Panels
16Business Education Knowledge
Over 100 companies assisted Strategic support
for local businesses www.teambki.ca
17BKI Activities Engagement
18BKI Activities
19Strategic Planning
- Exploring SDI as a key tactical strategy
supporting economic development - As an enabling foundation for Knowledge Sector
- Create a knowledge-rich environment facilities
- Create a digital infrastructure for competitive
- Community, Powered by Knowledge
- Collaboration Innovation Opportunities
- Community Opportunities Prosperity
21SDI Project Summary
- Project exceeded expectations significant
benefits - Harnessed collective leadership Key Asset
- Foundation for future collaboration
- Post project review Lessons Learned
- Catalyst for community transformation
- Many new opportunities
- Aligns with Towns Strategic Goals
- Aligns with Federal and Provincial Priorities
Canadas MoonShot
22Factors for Success
- Shared goals and vision macro and project-based
- "The purpose of life is to collaborate for a
common cause the problem is nobody seems to know
what it is." - Gerhard Gschwandtner - Library as the Lead Switzerland
- Mutual benefits understood by all
- Multiple levels of engagement
- Clear roles and responsibilities
- Dedicated Project Management Office
- Transparency, collaborative online workspace
23Context Why SDI
- The Context
- The economic impacts
- Canadas trending behind other nations on access
and affordability - The Opportunity
- Only 6 of SMEs use e-commerce
- The Council of Canadian Academies has identified
new media as having the greatest momentum and the
highest growth potential for Canada, second only
to the oilsands. - The Digital Media sector globally is one of the
fastest growing industries in the knowledge
economy, with a projected valuation of US 2.2
trillion over the next five years. - Key How to differentiate our community
24The Future of SDI The Challenges
- Ongoing Challenges
- Communications
- Leadership changes
- Governance framework expanding participation
- Engagement of private sector
- Long terms sustainability planning
- Community awareness
25SDI The Future
- DLab expansion
- Medical simulation and training lab
- Shared data analytics
- Integrated Library systems (NPL SRHC)
- Shared GIS
- Integrated e-commerce/service kiosks single
sign-on - Shared IT Infrastructure
- Coordinated planning, IT investments
- Open access, high speed networks ? ubiquitous
access - Intelligent Community Master Plan
- Defining how to build Knowledge in an Intelligent
26Partnership Collaboration Portfolio
- Learn to see the public library in a new light,
and re-define advantages and resources that it
can contribute - Board-led engagement to ensure focus on
innovation, partner engagement and incorporation
to strategic planning - wvanstraten_at_yahoo.ca
- kwdubeau_at_yahoo.com