Slajd 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slajd 1


... day four years comes into being, that is why what leap-year having of 366 days ... the change of the length of day and night on the Ground ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Slajd 1

The current movement of the Ground and his
They worked out the students of high school from
Laskowa - Poland
In the whole world people millions the last
December get ready on the greeting of the New
Year. We do the recapitulation often then, we
remember, we fold wishes. We remember about this
seldom then, that 365 days, that is the year,
then the period in which the full circulation of
the Ground follows around Sun. Our knowledge on
this subject is Nicolaus Kopernik contribution.
He discovered that the earth together with
executed the current movement with the different
planets of Solar System.
Ostatniego grudnia miliony ludzi na calym swiecie
szykuja sie na powitanie Nowego Roku. Czesto
wtedy robimy podsumowania, wspominamy, skladamy
zyczenia. Rzadko wtedy pamietamy o tym, ze 365
dni, czyli rok, to okres, w którym nastepuje
pelny obieg Ziemi wokól Slonca. Nasza wiedza na
ten temat to zasluga Mikolaja Kopernika. Odkryl
on, ze Ziemia wraz z innymi planetami Ukladu
Slonecznego wykonuje ruch obiegowy.
The current movement of the Ground is this her
movement around Sun after the orbit the shape of
approximate to the ellipse. Sun is in one of two
focal lengths of this ellipse (orbit), that is
why the earth is once nearer, and once farther
than Sun.
Ruch obiegowy Ziemi jest to jej ruch wokól Slonca
po orbicie ksztaltem zblizonej do elipsy. Slonce
znajduje sie w jednej z dwóch ogniskowych tej
elipsy (orbity), dlatego Ziemia znajduje sie raz
blizej, a raz dalej od Slonca.
One circulation of the Ground around Sun lasts 1
astronomical year that is 365 days, 5 hours, 48
minutes and 45,9 sekonds.
Jeden obieg Ziemi wokól Slonca trwa 1 rok
astronomiczny czyli 365 dni, 5 godzin, 48 minut i
45,9 sekundy.
From these additional six hours what the
additional day four years comes into being, that
is why what leap-year having of 366 days four
years steps out.
Z tych dodatkowych szesciu godzin co cztery lata
powstaje dodatkowa doba, dlatego co cztery lata
wystepuje rok przestepny majacy 366 dni.
The consequences of the current movement of the
Ground this
Konsekwencje ruchu obiegowego Ziemi to
occurrence of the times of the year
wystepowanie pór roku
the change of the place of east and the west of
Sun on the horizon
zmiana miejsca wschodu i zachodu Slonca na
the zone of the lighting of the Ground
strefy oswietlenia Ziemi
the change of the height of Sun over horizon in
various geographical widths in the draught of the
zmiana wysokosci Slonca nad horyzontem w róznych
szerokosciach geograficznych w ciagu roku
the change of the lighting of the Ground in the
draught of the year
zmiany oswietlenia Ziemi w ciagu roku
the year- old changes of the temperature of the
roczne zmiany temperatury powietrza
the change of the length of day and night on the
( the source http//
zmiana dlugosci dnia i nocy na Ziemi
the occurrence of days and polar nights- the
astronomical year
he Arctic - the polar night ( the source
wystepowanie dni i nocy polarnych- rok
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