Title: First Humans
1First Humans
Western Asia Egypt
India China
Ancient Greece
Rome Christianity
2The earliest humanlike creatures that lived in
Africa three to four million years ago
were -australopithecines or southern
apes -Homo sapiens -Homo erectus -Neanderthals
Answer australopithecines or southern apes
3Paleolithic peoples moved from place to place
following animal migrations and vegetation
cycles. This pattern of living is called -Old
Stone Age -Hominid -Nomadic -Prehistoric
Answer Nomadic
4The study of past societies through an analysis
of what people have left behind is
-History -Radiocarbon dating -Fossil
analysis -Archaeology
Answer Archaeology
5The most complete definition of a civilization is
-Any culture that uses written records and
practices art and religion -The gathering of
humans in farms, settlements, and villages -A
social structure based on economic power -A
complex culture in which a large number of humans
share several common elements
Answer A complex culture in which a large number
of humans share several common elements
6The revolutionary change of the Neolithic
Revolution was the shift from -Gathering food to
growing and raising food -Having no control over
fire to using fire as a tool -Using stone tools
to manufacturing bronze -Living in villages to
living in walled fortresses
Answer Gathering food to growing and raising food
7The Mesopotamian religion, which identified
nearly three thousand gods and goddesses, can be
described as -cuneiform -polytheistic -patriarcha
l -theocracy
Answer polytheistic
8The Sumerians invented all of the following
technology EXCEPT -the wagon wheel -a math
system based on units of 60 -the sundial -the
Answer the watch
9The Egyptians developed an accurate 365-day
calendar by basing their year on -the movements
of the moon and the star Sirius -the sun and
moon -older Sumerian calculations of weather -the
Pharaohs worship of the sun god
Answer the movements of the moon and the star
10According to Jewish beliefs, there is only one
God called -Moses -Isaiah -Yahweh -Palestine
Answer Yahweh
11The Jews believed that God made a contract with
them called a(n) -prophet -law -alphabet -covenan
Answer covenant
12The priestly class of Indian society was
the -Vaisyas -Brahmans -Sudras -Kshatriyas
Answer Brahmans
13Reincarnation is the Hindu belief that the
individual soul -Is reborn in a different
form -Must follow the teachings of
Siddhartha -Must worship the leader as a god -Of
a woman is superior
Answer Is reborn in a different form
14In Hindu belief, karma is a force that -Comes
from the Buddha -Brings rains in the
summer -Determines how a person will be
reborn -Serves the god Vishnu
Answer Determines how a person will be reborn
15Siddhartha denied the reality of -The
Aryans -Bodhi, or wisdom -Nirvana, the end of
self -The material world
Answer The material world
16The Aryans developed a writing system called
Sanskrit to -Record their religious writings and
legends -Keep track of the monsoons -Suppress the
Untouchables -Maintain the rigid class structure
Answer Record their religious writings and
17The teachings of Homer included -the Phoenician
alphabet -agriculture and trade -sailing and
warfare -the values of courage, honor, and
Answer the values of courage, honor, and
18Homers Iliad and Odessey were -immense
paintings -epic poems -two immense ships -statues
of the gods
Answer epic poems
19Greeks used rituals to -Encourage the gods to be
generous -Find a route to China -Elect
kings -Show the power of humans
Answer Encourage the gods to be generous
20Greek tragedies examined all of these topics
EXCEPT -Good and evil -Individual rights -Human
nature -Criticism of intellectuals
Answer Criticism of intellectuals
21(No Transcript)
22Romes first code of laws was the -Law of
Nations -Council of the Plebs -Twelve
Tables -Tribune
Answer Twelve Tables
23The Pax Romana was a -period of peace and
prosperity beginning in A.D. 96 -leader of the
Senate -series of fortifications -program of
public works
Answer period of peace and prosperity beginning
in A.D. 96
24 Roman persecutions made Christianity all of the
following EXCEPT stronger weaker more
organized more committed
Answer weaker
25Christianity grew for all of these reasons
EXCEPT it was personal for individuals it held
familiar beliefs it provided care and support for
all it included the old Roman gods
Answer it included the old Roman gods
26Christianity was especially attractive to the
poor the powerful merchants Diocletian
Answer the poor
27Muhammads journey to Yathrib is called
the Hijrah Hajj Shariah Imam
Answer Hijrah
28Which of the following is one of the Five Pillars
of Islam? Wealth Alms Feasting Conquest
Answer Alms
29Those who practice Islam read holy scriptures
called The Makkah The Quran Khadaji The Kaaba
Answer The Quran
30All of the following were achievements of Islamic
civilization EXCEPT inventing Algebra improving
the astrolabe using zero inventing the abacus
Answer inventing the abacus
31A collection of folktales, fables, and romances
is The Arabian Nights The Forest of Trees The
Mosque Muqaddimah
Answer The Arabian Nights
32 The fleets of the desert were blacksmiths
of Ghana Saharan port cities Sahara winds Camel
Answer Camel caravans
33 The language family of farming peoples who
moved east was Bantu Swahili Kilwa Ghana
Answer Bantu