Title: Early Humans
1Early Humans
265 Million Years Ago
Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
The first human-like hominids did not appear
until around 3 million years ago.
Thus, no matter what you may have seen in the
movies, early man did not live during the same
period in history as dinosaurs!
3Very Early Humans
It was during this time that the higher primates,
including apes and early man, first appeared.
There was a difference between apes and man.
Early human-like hominids could stand upright.
Apes could not.
Their hands were different, too. Ape hands were
made for climbing and clinging. Mans hands were
jointed differently, which allowed them to make
and use tools.
- Appeared in Africa about 4-5 million years ago
- Stood upright and walked on two legs (also known
as Bipedal) - Lucy about 36
- Brain 1/3 size of humans
6Homo habilis
- Name means handy man
- Appeared in Africa about 2.4 million years ago
- Brain was about 1/2 the size of modern humans
7Homo Habilis
- Used stone tools for chipping
- Used tools for scraping
- The Chopper
8Homo Erectus
- Name means upright man
- Appeared in Africa about 1.5-2 million years ago
9Homo Erectus
- Used early stone tools like the hand ax
- Learned to control fire
- Migrated out of Africa to Asia Europe
10Homo Sapiens
- Modern day humans (you are a Homo sapien)
- Name means wise man
- Appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago
- Migrated around the world
- Last continent reached South America
11Homo Sapiens
- Same species as modern human beings
- Learned to create fire and use a variety of tools
- Art! (Cave art is not from other hominids)
12Homo Sapiens
- Fully Developed Language
- Other hominids had basic language
- The Ouch Theory
- The Bow-Wow Theory
- The Yo-heave-Ho Theory
- The La-La Theory
- The goo-goo Theory
- The Mama-Dada Theory
- Hunting?
- Manufacturing Tools
13And finally.