Title: The Angel Group Landscape in North America
1- The Angel Group Landscape in North America
- Marianne Hudson
- November 20, 2007
2Potential Angels in the United States
U.S. Millionaires
3 study Estimates of Informal Investors
Center for Venture Research - Active Angels (est.)
Investors in angel groups
3Growth in North American Angel Organizations
Sources Center for Venture Research (pre 03
data) and Kauffman Foundation/ACEF (04-07 data)
4Summary of ACA Membership October, 2007
- Full Members 124
- Provisional Members 13
- Investors in Operating Groups
6,000 - States Provinces 45
- Affiliate Organizations 16
- International Partners 2
5Members and Affiliates August, 2007
Full Members
Provisional Members
62006 Group Investment Data
- 72 co-invested with venture capital firms
- 29 had distributions to investors
- Investment up 23 from 2005
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
7Average Size Investment Per Round
Percent of Groups
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
8Investment Preference by Industry
Percent of Groups
Source ACA Conf Survey and Membership
applications - 86 groups reporting (2006-2007)
9Preferred Investment/Company Stage
Percent of Groups
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
10Geography Where do Groups Invest?
Percent of Groups
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
11Co-Investment/ Follow-On Preferences
Percent of Groups
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
12Deal Flow Average Deals Presented Per Year
Percent of Groups
Source 2007 ACA Angel Group Confidence Survey
13Investors Per Group
Average 44 Median 38
Percent of Groups
Source ACA Conf survey and membership
applications - 116 groups reporting (2006-2007)
14ACA Membership Networks and Funds
99 12 17
Angel Networks
Networks w/Sidecar Funds
Angel Funds
May 2007 Source Membership Applications,
15Years in Operation
Average 4.6 Median 4
Source ACA Conf survey and membership
applications - 110 groups reporting (2006-2007)
16Revenue Sources for Group Operation
Percent of Groups
Ec Dev Group receives money from state or local
government In-Kind Group receives support from
parent entity Other Half supported by
management fees for funds
Source ACA Conf survey and membership
applications 105 groups reporting (2006-2007)
17Angel Capital Association
- Annual Summit professional development
- Regional Meetings (co-investment, networking)
- 2007 Angel Group Confidence Report (semi-annual)
- SEC accreditation proposal feedback
- Weekly PR, speaking engagements
- Discounts on Power of Angel Investing programs
- Branding, membership directory, recruit
recommendations - Members Only Web site
- www.angelcapitalassociation.org
18Angel Capital Education Foundation
- Full day seminars
- Angel Investing Overview
- Starting an Angel Organization
- Half day workshops
- Term Sheets
- Due Diligence
- Valuation and Portfolio Strategy
- Post-Investment Relationship
- Research and data
- Financial performance of angels connected to
angel groups - Investment best practices
- Quarterly data on angel group investments
- Group demographics
19Angel Group Financial Performance Research
- Angel Capital Education Foundation, paid by
Kauffman Foundation - Rob Wiltbank (Willamette University) and Warren
Boeker (University of Washington) - First opportunity to understand the ROI of angels
connected to angel groups and drivers behind
returns - Release scheduled for November, 2007
- Responses
- 538 angels (accredited investors)
- 3,097 investments
- 1,137 exits and closures
20Profile of Angels - Median
- Years investing 9
- Number of investments 10
- Total exits/ closures 2
- Years as entrepreneur 14.5
- Number ventures founded 2.7
- Age 57
- Percent of wealth in angel investing 10
- Education Masters degree
21Group-Affiliated Angel Investments
- Heavily Concentrated in EARLY investments
- 34 seed stage, 39 startup, 18 early growth
- 45 had no revenues when the initial investment
was made - Invested Returned
- Dollars per deal 50K 40K median
- 191K 486K mean
22Distribution of Returns by Venture Investment
3 yr
Overall Multiple 2.6X
35 - 0X
Avg Holding Period 3.5 years
Average IRR 27
3.3 yr
4.6 yr
4.9 yr
6 yr
23Impact of Time in Due Diligence
Median 20 hours 26 involved over 40 hours
Overall Multiple for High Diligence 5.9X
Overall Multiple for Low Diligence 1.1X (3.4
2450 of deals were not related. When related,
they typically had 14 years of experience
Relationship to Industry Expertise
High 3.7X (4.0 years)
Low 1.3X (3.6 years)
25Impact of ParticipationMentoring, Board,
Financial Monitoring
High 1 or 2 times per month Low 1 or 2 times
per year
High 3.7X (4.0 years)
Low 1.3X (3.6 years)
26Relationship with Follow On Investment (Same
30 of deals had follow on investments
No 3.6X (3.3 years)
Yes 1.4X (3.9 years)
27Venture Capital Involvement Effects
35 of deals took on VC investment at some point
28Need More Information?
Marianne Hudson Angel Capital Education
Foundation Angel Capital Association 8527
Bluejacket St Suite 216 Lenexa, KS
66214 913-894-4703 mhudson_at_angelcapitalassociation
.org www.angelcapitaleducation.org www.angelcapita