Title: District Improvement and Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan ACSIP
1District ImprovementandArkansas Comprehensive
School Improvement Plan(ACSIP)
- Greetings/Introductions
- District Improvement No Child Left Behind
Requirements - District Improvement Arkansas Comprehensive
School Improvement Plan (ACSIP) Requirements - Questions/Answers
3How are Districts Identified for Improvement?
- Same Subject, All Grade Spans
- A district shall be in Improvement when all
levels within a district fail to meet standards
for two consecutive years in the same subject.
(ADE Consolidated State Application
Accountability Plan, Amended February 15, 2007)
4(No Transcript)
- If a district is in improvement because of all
three grade spans in math (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) in
2007 and they meet standards for math for K-5 in
2008 and for math 6-8 in 2009 then they are
removed from improvement.
6No Child Left Behind Requirements
- Address improvements to academic programs with
scientifically based research strategies. - Identify activities having the greatest
likelihood of improving student achievement. - Set aside 10 percent of the districts Title I,
Part A funds for professional development.
7No Child Left Behind Requirements
- Develop Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
achievement goals for each of the groups of
students identified in the disaggregated data. - Address teaching and learning issues related to
reasons district failed to make AYP. - Incorporate activities outside normal school day
and calendar such as summer and extended-year
programs. - Include strategies to promote effective parental
involvement in the school.
8No Child Left Behind Requirements
- Identify all assistance, technical or otherwise
including - District resources
- Parents
- Local Educational Service Cooperative
- Outside consultants
- Higher Education
- Business or community groups
9Transferability of Funds
- Districts may transfer
- 1. Fifty percent (50) of the funds allocated
by formula but - 2. If the district is in improvement Year 1 or
Year 2, the transfer amount decreases to 30 of
the funds allocated by formula. - 3. A district identified as in need of
corrective action, Year 3 district improvement,
may not transfer any funds.
10Transferability of Funds
- A district that has been identified for
improvement may transfer up to 30 percent of
funds from other Federal programs into Title I,
Part A. - When a district is identified for improvement,
all transferred funds must be used for district
improvement activities.
11No Child Left Behind RequirementsTimeline
- 1116 (7) (A) Each local educational agency
identified for District Improvement shall, not
later than 3 months after being so identified,
develop or revise a local educational agency
plan, in consultation with parents, school staff,
and others. - Begin implementing this plan no later than the
beginning of the school year that follows the
school year during which the district was
identified for improvement. -
12No Child Left Behind RequirementsDistrict
Responsibilities to Schools
- Providing technical assistance to schools
- including data analysis,
- identification of the districts challenges in
implementing professional development
requirements, - the resulting need-related technical assistance
and professional development to effect changes in
instruction, and an analysis and revision of the
districts budget. -
13District Responsibilities
- Establish a District Steering Committeedesignate
the name and role of the person(s) to chair the
committee. - How will district personnel monitor and evaluate
the effectiveness of the interventions? - Is it clear what support the district will
provide to ensure the success of the plan?
14No Child Left Behind RequirementsDistrict
Responsibilities to Parents
- Explain to parents what the identification means.
- The reason for the district being identified for
improvement. - Explain to parents how they can become involved
in addressing the academic issues that led to the
15District Responsibilities to Parents
- Does your district regularly inform
parents/families, staff and community of student
and school progress using results from formative
assessments as well as data from state
16District Responsibilities to Parents
- Do the parent involvement strategies and
activities clearly align with the strategies and
activities for students? - Will these parent activities positively affect
the factors contributing to low achievement?
17District Plan Purpose
- 1116 (7) (A) Each local educational agency
identified for District Improvement shall, not
later than 3 months after being so identified,
develop or revise a local educational agency
plan, in consultation with parents, school staff,
and others. - The purpose of the district improvement plan is
to address the deficiencies in the district - that prevents students in its schools from
achieving proficiency in the core academic
subjects of reading and math.
18District Plan Purpose
- The improvement plan must analyze and address
district insufficiencies as they relate to
leadership for schools, governance, fiscal
infrastructures, and curriculum/instruction.
19District Plan Purpose
- The plan writing process should result in a
determination of why the districts previous
efforts to improve were ineffective and a
framework of detailed action steps to improve on
those efforts.
20District ACSIP
- Has the district developed a District Steering
Committee to include a cross section of teachers,
experts, parents, and other stakeholders to
develop a plan on behalf of students that best
effect necessary changes?
21District ACSIP
- The following must be included in the district
plan - A new priority to address district improvement in
literacy and/or math with data, goals,
benchmarks, research, interventions and actions. - This does not prohibit including actions
throughout the plan addressing the districts
- Include an analysis of the data deemed relevant
by the district that leads to an action plan that
will have the greatest likelihood of ensuring
that all groups will make AYP.
- Formative and summative data
- Professional development
- Parental involvement
- Report card (graduation rate/attendance)
- Student discipline
- Local assessment data
- Have the areas of low achievement been clearly
identified? - After identifying the academic needs that caused
you to get in improvement, how will these needs
be addressed? - Does the analysis provide clear direction for the
selection of the goals, interventions and
- What grade level patterns are present across the
district? - What are the school level patterns that may
reveal needs within particular schools in the
district? - How will the analysis of your data drive your
professional development?
25Goal Statement
- After data disaggregation, provide a conclusion
of the needs assessment for the grade spans and
subpopulations that serves to narrow the focus of
the priority by addressing the specific
weaknesses from the data statements. - This statement should address the specific
reasons, relative to student performance, that
caused the district to fail to meet AYP.
26Benchmark Statement
- Provide a statement that reflects the current
district AYP status relative to the expected
student achievement standards established by the
State. - Refer to the ADE Consolidated State Application
Accountability Plan amended February 15, 2007. - ( where you are vs. where you need to be)
27Interventions Research
- The plan must include intervention (s) to
address - student achievement
- professional development
- effective parental involvement, supported by
research to ensure the greatest likelihood of
improving student performance.
- Each intervention will be task analyzed with
multiple, sequential steps of sufficient detail
to implement and maintain the intervention. These
actions must address the teaching and learning
issues or activities necessary to the
implementation of the intervention.
- These actions may include as appropriate
- Before and after school programs
- Summer programs
- Parental involvement
- Extended school year
30Professional Development
- Professional development strategies and
activities should support and directly address
the academic achievement problems that caused the
district to be identified in improvement. - Provide sufficient details to guide those
implementing this plan.
31Professional Development
- This professional training should focus on
- the teaching and learning process, such as
- Increasing content knowledge, using
- scientifically based instructional strategies,
- and aligning classroom activities with
- academic content standards and
- assessment.
32Professional Development
- When a district is identified for improvement, it
must reserve not less that 10 of its Title I,
Part A funds for high-quality professional
development for instructional staff that is
specifically designed to improve classroom
33Professional Development
- Districts may include in this 10 total the Title
I, Part A funds that schools within the LEA
reserve for professional development when they
are in improvement status.
34Professional Development
- The District may not include in the total any
part of the funds designated to help teachers who
are not highly qualified become highly qualified
as specified in No Child Left Behind.
35ACT 807 of 2007ACSIP Monitoring
- Purposes
- To provide for a comprehensive review of the
implementation of educational strategies,
assessment, academic accountability and resources
documented in ACSIP. - To monitor the use of instructional facilitators.
- To ensure compliance with state and federal law
and State Board policy. - To provide technical assistance for program
36Possible criteria for monitoring
- Fiscal distress
- Audit findings
- History of lapsed funds
- School improvement
- District improvement
- USDE Policy Guidance and No Child Left Behind
Statute http//www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/edpicks
.jhtml?srcfp - Title I, Part A http//www.ed.gov/programs/titleip
arta/legislation.html - NORMES http//normes.uark.edu/
- School Report Card
- School Improvement Reports
- ADE Website http//arkansased.org/
- Consolidated State Application Accountability
Plan - ACSIP Handbook
- Arkansas IDEAS
- Scholastic Audit
- Rules Governing the Monitoring of Arkansas
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (ACSIP)
- Area ACSIP Supervisor
- School Improvement Section (501)682-4393
- ACSIP Unit (501)682-4231