- Project Assessment Summary
- Spring 2005
2Each student who attends an RRP program
completes a seven question assessment form.The
following are the summary results from the first
1233 students who attended programs during the
first eight weeks of the Spring 2005 semester.
3Background of participants(1233 students -
Spring 2005)
4When I heard about the Race Relations Project
program, I looked forward to attending.
- Predictably few students looked forward to
attending. - Many neutral responses are likely to be
disagreesbut students may not admit this.
5Overall, the conversation was worthwhile.
- 85.1 percent agree with this statement.
- A positive response of 50 percent for diversity
program-ming initiatives is generally accepted as
6The facilitators made me feel as though I could
express my views.
- We carefully select and coach the facilitators.
This is the foundation of the Race Relations
Project. - These results are noteworthy because RRP
conversations are challenging and often
7The conversation gave me some new insights on
race relations.
- This is a positive by-product of our primary
goalto allow the students to express their
views. - Fostering new insight is the foundation of every
educational endeavor.
8If I had the opportunity, I would consider
continuing this conversation further.
- Compared to the 32.9 percent who looked forward
to the conversation, 71.4 percent wanted to
9I would recommend a conversation with the Race
Relations Project to my peers.
- Only 6.4 percent stated that they would not
recommend the RRP to their peers. - Recall that most of these students left the
comfort of their apartments/dorms to attend this
night program.