Chemistry Chapter 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemistry Chapter 4


Wave-Particle Duality. JJ Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the electron as a particle. ... not just a wave but also a particle (wave-particle duality) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chemistry Chapter 4

Chemistry Chapter 4
  • Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms

Wave-Particle Duality
JJ Thomson won the Nobel prize for describing the
electron as a particle.
His son, George Thomson won the Nobel prize for
describing the wave-like nature of the electron.
The electron is a particle!
The electron is an energy wave!
  • Properties of Light as a wave
  • Light is called electromagnetic radiation
  • Electromagnetic radiation form of energy which
    exhibits wave-like behavior as it goes through
  • Electromagnetic spectrum continuum of all of
    the forms of electromagnetic radiation
  • Light has the characteristics of waves
  • Wavelength distance between two crests or two
    troughs (symbol - ?, unit nm)
  • Frequency the numbers of waves which passes a
    certain point in a certain amount of time (symbol
    f, unit Hz (Hertz))
  • All electromagnetic radiation has the same
    velocity which is 3.0 X 108 m/s (speed of light
  • Therefore, c ? x f indirect relationship

Electromagnetic radiation moves through space as
a wave moving at the speed of light.
c ?f
C speed of light, a constant (3.00 x 108 m/s)
f frequency, in units of hertz (hz, waves/sec)
? wavelength, in nanometers (lambda)
As frequency increases, wavelength decreases and
vice versa.
Wavelength Table
Long Wavelength Low Frequency Low ENERGY
Short Wavelength High Frequency High ENERGY
Types of electromagnetic radiation
? Frequency increases
Wavelength increases ?
  • The Photoelectric Effect (Light as a Particle)
  • Certain interactions between light and matter
    could not be explained by the wave theory of
  • 1900, Max Planck performed experiments with the
    light coming off hot objects which showed us that
    light does not emit energy continuously as would
    be expected from a wave and proposed
  • E h x f (energy of a quantum of
    electromagnetic radiation)
  • (h Plancks constant 6.626 X 10-34 J-s)
  • Planck said that light emitted energy in small
    amounts called quanta
  • Quantum min. quantity of energy that can be
    lost or gained by an atom
  • 1905, Albert Einstein showed us that the
    Photoelectric Effect revealed that light was
    indeed not just a wave, but was a particle of
    energy with a particle frequency which determined
    the energy of that particle

(No Transcript)
  • Electromagnetic radiation was now not just a wave
    but also a particle (wave-particle duality)
  • Photon a particle of light (electromagnetic
    radiation) that has zero mass and the energy of a
  • Ephoton h x f (energy of a photon) same as a
  • Photons can only be absorbed in whole number
    ratios basically all or none
  • In order for an electron to be ejected from the
    surface of a metal, one photon alone must have
    the min. energy to knock the electron loose.

The energy (E ) of electromagnetic radiation is
directly proportional to the frequency (?) of the
E hf
E Energy, in units of Joules (kgm2/s2)
h Plancks constant (6.626 x 10-34 Js)
f frequency, in units of hertz (hz, waves/sec)
The high the frequency of light or EM radiation,
the greater the energy of the waves.
  • Hydrogen Atom Line-Emission Spectra
  • Ground state lowest energy state of an atom
  • Excited state energy level of higher potential
  • When electricity is passed through a gas at low
    pressure, the electrons in the atoms move to
    excited states. When they return to the ground
    state, the excess energy is given off a light
    (ER) in the form of a photon
  • When this light was sent through a prism, the
    scientists expected a continuous spectrum, but
    only got certain distinct wavelengths of light
    which made up the emitted light.
  • This revealed that the energy states of a
    hydrogen electron must be distinct energy levels
    (specific values for the hydrogen atom)

Spectroscopic analysis of the visible spectrum
white light produces all of the colors in a
continuous spectrum
Spectroscopic analysis of the hydrogen spectrum
produces a bright line spectrum or emission
Each line in bright line spectrum represents a
different transition of electrons from an excited
state to the ground state
Electron transitionsinvolve jumps of definite
amounts ofenergy.
This produces bands of light with
definite Wavelengths each bands represents a
different transition from a higher energy level
to n2 (photons are in the visible region)
The Bohr Model of the Atom
I pictured electrons orbiting the nucleus much
like planets orbiting the sun.
Niels Bohr
  • Bohr's Hydrogen atom has an electron which runs
    like a train on isolated circular tracks.
  • Photons are emitted or absorbed when the electron
    jumps from one track to another.

  • Bohr Model of the Atom
  • 1913, Niels Bohr proposed that the electrons of
    an hydrogen atom have distinct energy states
    called orbits
  • Electrons in these orbits have definite, fixed
  • Lowest energy level is closest to the nucleus
    lowest potential energy
  • Energy levels are like the rungs of a ladder
    you cannot stand in between the rungs
  • Each levels corresponds to a specific potential
  • Depending on the amount of energy absorbed by the
    atom, this would determine to what excited state
    that the electron would jump.
  • The difference between the higher state and the
    ground state determined the energy, and
    therefore, the frequency of the photons given
  • Bohrs Model did not explain the spectra for
    anything but hydrogen and did not explain the
    chemical behavior of atoms.

The Wave-like Electron
The electron moves through space as an energy
wave. To understand the atom, one must understand
the behavior of electromagnetic waves.
Louis deBroglie
The electron acts as a standing wave
  • Standing waves do not move through space
  • Standing waves are fixed at both ends like the
    strings on a guitar

Only certain sized orbits can contain the
electrons standing waves whole number energy
Wave-like Electrons
Electrons are confined to certain spaces in the
atom called orbitals Electrons travel around
these spaces in a wave-like pattern.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
One cannot simultaneously determine both the
position and momentum/velocity of an electron.
You can find out where the electron is, but not
where it is going.
You can find out where the electron is going, but
not where it is!
Werner Heisenberg
Schrodinger Wave Equation
  • Electrons exist in regions called orbitals 3D
    region around the nucleus that indicates the
    probable location of an electron
  • His equation only provide the probability of
    finding an electron in a certain area.

Erwin Schrodinger
  • Electrons as Waves
  • Two things contributed to electrons being
    compared to waves
  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Hydrogen Line-Emission Spectra
  • de Broglie said that other types of waves
    confined to a certain are like sound in an organ
    pipe have only certain frequencies - harmonics
  • We can consider the electron being confined to
    the area around the nucleus therefore,
    electrons can only exist in an atom at certain
    frequencies or energies by E h x f
  • de Broglie confirmed the atom a wave by showing
    the following characteristics in electrons
  • diffraction the bending of a wave around an
    object or field of energy
  • Interference the constructive and destructive
    combination of more than one wave pattern
    resulting in decreases of energy in some areas
    and increases in others.
  • Heisenberg (1927) involved in trying to detect
    the location of an electron at a certain point in
  • He discovered that it is impossible to determine
    both the position and the velocity of an electron
    or any other particle Heisenberg Uncertainty
  • Schrodinger (1926) developed an equation that
    explained the wave-particle behavior of the
    electron which led to what is now called Quantum
    Theory of the Atom
  • His equation provided only the probability of
    finding an electron in a certain area.
  • Electrons do not travel in neat orbits as Bohrs
    Model states instead they exist in regions
    called atomic orbitals
  • Orbital a 3D region around the nucleus that
    indicates the probable location of an electron

Quantum Numbers
Each electron in an atom has a unique set of 4
quantum numbers which describe its energy,
location, orientation, and spin in the atom.
  • Principal quantum number energy level
  • Angular momentum quantum number
  • location/type of orbital
  • Magnetic quantum number orientation
  • Spin quantum number type of spin
  • (/- ½)

Pauli Exclusion Principle
No two electrons in an atom can have the same
four quantum numbers.
Each electron has a unique combination of quantum
numbers describing its energy level, type of
orbital, orientation, and spin.
Wolfgang Pauli
Principal Quantum Number
Generally symbolized by n, it denotes the shell
(energy level) in which the electron is located.
Ex. n 1 , 1st energy level, lowest energy
Number of electrons that can fit in a shell
Number of orbitals that can fit in a shell
Principal Quantum Number
  • Principal Quantum Number (n) indicates the
    main energy level occupied by the electron (n
    1, represents the lowest energy level)
  • More than one electron can have the same n value
    they are said to be in the same electron shell
  • Total of orbitals in an energy level is equal
    to n2
  • 1st level 1 orbital
  • 2nd level 4 orbitals
  • 3rd level 9 orbitals

Angular Momentum Quantum Number
The angular momentum quantum number, generally
symbolized by l, denotes the orbital (subshell or
sublevel) in which the electron is located.
Angular Momentum Quantum Number
  • Angular Momentum Quantum Number - (l)
    indicates the shape of each orbital called
    sublevels (0, 1, 2, 3, n-1)
  • l 0 s
  • 1 p
  • 2 d
  • 3 f

Magnetic Quantum Number (ml )
The magnetic quantum number, generally symbolized
by ml, denotes the orientation of the electrons
orbital with respect to the three axes in space.
(x, y, and z axes 3D coordinates)
Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
  • Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) indicates the
    orientation of the orbital around the nucleus
  • s m 0 (centered around nucleus)
  • p m -1, 0, 1 (3 orbitals)
  • d m -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 (5 orbitals)
  • f m -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 (7
  • Each orientation of each orbital type can hold
    two electrons so therefore
  • s 2 electrons
  • p 6 electrons (3 orientations)
  • d 10 electrons (5 orientations)
  • f 14 electrons (7 orientations)

Spin Quantum Number (ms)
Spin quantum number (ms) denotes the behavior
(direction of spin) of an electron within a
magnetic field.
Possibilities for electron spin
Assigning the Numbers
  • The first three quantum numbers (n, l, and m) are
  • The principal quantum number (n) cannot be zero
    n must be 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • The angular momentum quantum number (l) can be
    any integer between 0 and n - 1.
  • For n 3, l can be either 0, 1, or 2.
  • The magnetic quantum number (m) can be any
    integer between -l and l.
  • For l 2, m can be either -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.

Principle, angular momentum, and magnetic quantum
numbers n, l, and ml
s orbital shape
S orbital shape
The s orbital has a spherical shape centered
around the origin of the three axes in space.
Sizes of s orbitals
Orbitals of the same shape (s, for instance) grow
larger as n increases
Nodes are regions where electrons are not likely
to exist.
P orbital shapes
There are three dumbbell-shaped p orbitals in
each energy level except n1, each assigned to
its own axis or has its own orientation (x, y
and z) in space.
d orbital shapes
D orbital shapes
Things get a bit more complicated with the five d
orbitals that are found in the d sublevels
beginning with n 3. To remember the shapes,
think of double dumbbells and a dumbbell
with a donut!

F Orbital Shapes
Types of Electron Configuration Notation
  • Electron Configuration Notation
  • Ex. F 1s2 2s2 2p5
  • Coefficient represents the energy level
  • Letter type of orbital
  • Superscript - of electrons in that orbital
  • Orbital Notation
  • Ex. F ?? ?? ?? ?? ? .
  • 1s 2s 2px2py2pz
  • Noble Gas Notation
  • Ex. F He 2s2 2p5
  • In brackets, show the Noble Gas from the row
    above your element
  • Then, show only the notation for the period in
    which the element is located only the valence
  • Valence electrons electrons in the outside
    energy level

Rules in Writing Electron Configurations
  • Aufbau Principle an electron occupies the
    lowest energy orbital that can receive it.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle no two electrons have
    the same set of quantum s
  • Each orbital can hold 2 electrons (one of each
  • Hunds Rule Orbitals of equal energy are each
    occupied by one electron before any orbital is
    occupied by a second electron, and all electrons
    in orbitals with one electron must have the same
  • Ex. ? ? ? ? ? ??
    ? ? .
  • 2p 2p

Rules in Writing Electron Configurations
  • What is the Atomic of the element?
  • Ex. N 7 electrons
  • Fill the orbitals in order following the rules
    noted previously.
  • Ex. N - 1s2 2s2 3p3
  • Count to make sure you have used all the

Orbital filling table
In the 4th period, you can see that the 4s
orbital is filled before the 3d. D orbitals are
higher in energy than the s orbitals. D orbitals
are always filled one period below (3d in 4th
Noble gases have a full outside energy level (no
empty of half full orbitals)
The of valence electrons is the same as the
Group of the element (Transition Elements all
have 2 valence electrons)
Electron configuration of the elements of the
first three series
Irregular confirmations of Cr and Cu
Chromium steals a 4s electron to half fill its 3d
Copper steals a 4s electron to FILL its 3d
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