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236875 Visual Recognition. 12. Duality: First Property of SVMs ... Many interesting properties: 236875 Visual Recognition. 25. Mercer's Theorem ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Content


Linear Learning Machines and SVM The Perceptron
Algorithm revisited Functional and Geometric
Margin Novikoff theorem Dual Representation Learni
ng in the Feature Space Kernel-Induced Feature
Space Making Kernels The Generalization Problem
Probably Approximately Correct
Learning Structural Risk Minimization

Linear Learning Machines and SVM
  • Basic Notation
  • Input space
  • Output space for
  • for regression
  • Hypothesis
  • Training Set
  • Test error also R(a)
  • Dot product

The Perceptron Algorithm
  • Linear separation
  • of the input space
  • The algorithm requires that the input patterns
    are linearly separable,
  • which means that there exist linear discriminant
    function which has
  • zero training error. We assume that this is the

The Perceptron Algorithm (primal
  • initialize
  • repeat
  • error false
  • for i1..l
  • if
  • error true
  • end if
  • end for
  • until (errorfalse)
  • return k,(wk,bk) where k is the number of

The Perceptron Algorithm
  • The perceptron works by adding misclassified
    positive or subtracting misclassified negative
    examples to an arbitrary weight vector, which
    (without loss of generality) we assumed to be the
    zero vector. So the final weight vector is a
    linear combination of training points
  • where, since the sign of the coefficient of
    is given by label yi, the are
    positive values, proportional to the number of
    times, misclassification of has caused the
    weight to be updated. It is called the embedding
    strength of the pattern .

Functional and Geometric
  • The notion of margin of a data point w.r.t. a
    linear discriminant will turn out to be an
    important concept.
  • The functional margin of a linear discriminant
    (w,b) w.r.t. a labeled pattern
    is defined as
  • If the functional margin is negative, then the
    pattern is incorrectly classified, if it is
    positive then the classifier predicts the correct
  • The larger the further away xi is from
    the discriminant.
  • This is made more precise in the notion of the
    geometric margin

Functional and Geometric
Margin cont.

The geometric margin of The
margin of a training set two

Functional and Geometric
Margin cont.
  • which measures the Euclidean distance of a
    point from the decision boundary.
  • Finally, is called the
    (functional) margin of (w,b)
  • w.r.t. the data set S(xi,yi).
  • The margin of a training set S is the maximum
    geometric margin over all hyperplanes. A
    hyperplane realizing this maximum is a maximal
    margin hyperplane.
  • Maximal Margin

Novikoff theorem
  • Theorem
  • Suppose that there exists a vector
    and a bias term such that
    the margin on a (non-trivial) data set S is at
    least , i.e.
  • then the number of update steps in the
    perceptron algorithm is at most
  • where

Novikoff theorem
  • Comments
  • Novikoff theorem says that no matter how small
    the margin, if a data set is linearly separable,
    then the perceptron will find a solution that
    separates the two classes in a finite number of
  • More precisely, the number of update steps (and
    the runtime) will depend on the margin and is
    inverse proportional to the squared margin.
  • The bound is invariant under rescaling of the
  • The learning rate does not matter.

  • The decision function can be rewritten as
  • And also the update rule can be rewritten as
  • The learning rate only influences the overall
    scaling of the hyperplanes, it does no affect an
    algorithm with zero starting vector, so we can

Duality First Property of
  • DUALITY is the first feature of Support Vector
  • SVM are Linear Learning Machines represented in a
    dual fashion
  • Data appear only inside dot products (in the
  • function and in the training algorithm)
  • The matrix is
    called Gram matrix

Limitations of Linear
  • Linear Learning Machines (LLM) cannot deal with
  • Non-linearly separable data
  • Noisy data
  • This formulation only deals with vectorial data

Limitations of Linear
  • Neural networks solution multiple layers of
    thresholded linear functions multi-layer neural
    networks. Learning algorithms back-propagation.
  • SVM solution kernel representation.
  • Approximation-theoretic issues are independent
    of the learning-theoretic ones. Learning
    algorithms are decoupled from the specifics of
    the application area, which is encoded into
    design of kernel.

Learning in the Feature
  • Map data into a feature space where they are
    linearly separable (i.e.
    attributes features)

Learning in the Feature Space
  • Example
  • Consider the target function
  • giving gravitational force between two
  • Observable quantities are masses m1, m2 and
    distance r. A linear machine could not represent
    it, but a change of coordinates
  • gives the representation

Learning in the Feature
Space cont.
  • The task of choosing the most suitable
    representation is known as feature selection.
  • The space X is referred to as the input space,
  • is
    called the feature space.
  • Frequently one seeks to find smallest possible
    set of features that still conveys essential
    information (dimensionality reduction

Problems with Feature Space
  • Working in high dimensional feature spaces solves
    the problem of expressing complex functions
  • BUT
  • There is a computational problem (working with
    very large vectors)
  • And a generalization theory problem (curse of
  • dimensionality)

Implicit Mapping to Feature Space
  • We will introduce Kernels
  • Solve the computational problem of working with
    many dimensions
  • Can make it possible to use infinite dimensions
  • Efficiently in time/space
  • Other advantages, both practical and conceptual

Kernel-Induced Feature Space
  • In order to learn non-linear relations we select
    non-linear features. Hence, the set of hypotheses
    we consider will be functions of type
  • where is a
    non-linear map from input space to feature space
  • In the dual representation, the data points only
    appear inside dot products

  • Kernel is a function that returns the value of
    the dot product between the images of the two
  • When using kernels, the dimensionality of space F
    not necessarily important. We may not even know
    the map
  • Given a function K, it is possible to verify that
    it is a kernel

Kernels cont.
  • One can use LLMs in a feature space by simply
    rewriting it in dual representation and replacing
    dot products with kernels

The Kernel Matrix (Gram Matrix)
  • K

The Kernel Matrix
  • The central structure in kernel machines
  • Information bottleneck contains all necessary
    information for the learning algorithm
  • Fuses information about the data AND the kernel
  • Many interesting properties

Mercers Theorem
  • The kernel matrix is Symmetric Positive Definite
  • Any symmetric positive definite matrix can be
    regarded as a kernel matrix, that is as an inner
    product matrix in some space
  • More formally, Mercers Theorem Every (semi)
    positive definite, symmetric function is a
    kernel i.e. there exists a mapping such
    that it is possible to write
  • Definition of Positive Definiteness

Mercers Theorem cont.
  • Eigenvalues expansion of Mercers Kernels
  • That is the eigenvalues act as features!

Examples of Kernels
  • Simple examples of kernels are
  • which is a polynomial of degree d
  • which is Gaussian RBF
  • two-layer sigmoidal neural network

Example Polynomial Kernels


Making Kernels
  • The set of kernels is closed under some
    operations. If
  • K,K are kernels, then
  • KK is a kernel
  • cK is a kernel, if cgt0
  • aKbK is a kernel, for a,bgt0
  • Etc
  • One can make complex kernels from simple ones

Second Property of SVMs
  • SVMs are Linear Learning Machines, that
  • Use a dual representation
  • Operate in a kernel induced feature space (that
  • is a linear function in the feature space
    implicitly defined by K)

A bad kernel
  • .. Would be a kernel whose kernel matrix is
    mostly diagonal all points orthogonal to each
    other, no clusters, no structure.

No Free Kernel
  • In mapping in a space with too many irrelevant
    features, kernel matrix becomes diagonal
  • Need some prior knowledge of target so choose a
    good kernel

The Generalization Problem
  • The curse of dimensionality easy to overfit in
    high dimensional spaces
  • (regularities could be found in the training
    set that are accidental, that is that would not
    be found again in a test set)
  • The SVM problem is ill posed (finding one
    hyperplane that separates the data many such
    hyperplanes exist)
  • Need principled way to choose the best possible

The Generalization Problem cont.
  • Capacity of the machine ability to learn any
    training set without error.
  • A machine with too much capacity is like a
    botanist with a photographic memory who, when
    presented with a new tree, concludes that it is
    not a tree because it has a different number of
    leaves from anything she has seen before a
    machine with too little capacity is like the
    botanists lazy brother, who declares that if
    its green, its a tree

  • C. Burges

Probably Approximately Correct Learning
  • Assumptions and Definitions
  • Suppose
  • We are given l observations
  • Train and test points drawn randomly (i.i.d) from
    some unknown probability distribution D(x,y)
  • The machine learns the mapping
    and outputs a hypothesis . A
    particular choice of
  • generates trained machine.
  • The expectation of the test error or expected
    risk is

A Bound on the Generalization Performance
  • The empirical risk is
  • Choose some such that . With
    probability the following bound holds
  • where is called VC dimension is a
    measure of capacity of machine.
  • R.h.s. of (3) is called the risk bound of
    h(x,a) in distribution D.

A Bound on the Generalization Performance
  • The second term in the right-hand side is called
    VC confidence.
  • Three key points about the actual risk bound
  • It is independent of D(x,y)
  • It is usually not possible to compute the left
    hand side.
  • If we know d, we can compute the right hand side.
  • This gives a possibility to compare learning

The VC Dimension
  • Definition the VC dimension of a set of
  • is d if and only if there
    exists a set of points such that these
    points can be labeled in all 2d possible
    configurations, and for each labeling, a member
    of set H can be found which correctly assigns
    those labels, but that no set exists
    where qgtd satisfying this property.

The VC Dimension
  • Saying another wayVC dimension is size of
    largest subset of X shattered by H (every
    dichotomy implemented). VC dimension measures the
    capacity of a set H of functions.
  • If for any number N, it is possible to find N
  • that can be separated in
    all the 2N possible ways, we will say that the
    VC-dimension of the set is infinite

The VC Dimension Example
  • Suppose that the data live in space, and the
  • consists of oriented straight lines, (linear
    discriminants). While it is possible to find
    three points that can be shattered by this set of
    functions, it is not possible to find four. Thus
    the VC dimension of the set of linear
    discriminants in is three.

The VC Dimension cont.
  • Theorem 1 Consider some set of m points in
    . Choose any one of the points as origin. Then
    the m points can be shattered by oriented
    hyperplanes if and only if the position vectors
    of the remaining points are linearly independent.
  • Corollary The VC dimension of the set of
    oriented hyperplanes in is n1, since we
    can always choose n1 points, and then choose one
    of the points as origin, such that the position
    vectors of the remaining points are linearly
    independent, but can never choose n2 points

The VC Dimension cont.
  • VC dimension can be infinite even when the number
    of parameters of the set of
    hypothesis functions is low.
  • Example
  • For any integer l with any labels
  • we can find l points and
    parameter a such that those points can be
    shattered by
  • Those points are
  • and parameter a is

Minimizing the Bound by Minimizing d

Minimizing the Bound by Minimizing d
  • VC confidence (second term in (3)) dependence on
    d/l given 95 confidence level (
    ) and assuming training sample of size 10000.
  • One should choose that learning machine whose set
    of functions has minimal d
  • For d/lgt0.37 (for and
    l10000) VC confidence gt1. Thus for higher d/l
    the bound is not tight.

  • Question. What is VC dimension and empirical
    risk of the nearest neighbor classifier?
  • Any number of points, labeled arbitrarily, will
    be successfully learned, thus and
    empirical risk 0 .
  • So the bound provide no information in this

Structural Risk Minimization
  • Finding a learning machine with the minimum upper
    bound on the actual risk leads us to a method of
    choosing an optimal machine for a given task.
    This is the essential idea of the structural risk
    minimization (SRM).
  • Let be a
    sequence of nested subsets of hypotheses whose VC
    dimensions satisfy
  • d1 lt d2 lt d3 lt SRM then consists of
    finding that subset of functions which minimizes
    the upper bound on the actual risk. This can be
    done by training a series of machines, one for
    each subset, where for a given subset the goal of
    training is to minimize the empirical risk. One
    then takes that trained machine in the series
    whose sum of empirical risk and VC confidence is
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