Title: Supporting ModelBased Validation at Runtime
1Supporting Model-Based Validation at Run-time
- Insup Lee and Oleg Sokolsky
- Department of Computer and Information Science
- University of Pennsylvania
2Software Development Process
- Requirements capture and analysis
- Informal to formal
- Consistency and completeness
- Assumptions and interfaces between system
components - Application-specific properties
- Design specifications and analysis
- Formal modeling notations
- Analysis techniques (simulation, model checking,
equivalence checking, testing, etc.) - Abstractions
- Implementation
- Manual/automatic code generation (refinement)
- Validation
- Testing
- Model extraction and verification
- Run-time monitoring and checking
Design specification
3Model-based validation at run-time
- Run-time verification is to assure the compliance
of an execution of a system with its formal
requirements. - This is achieved by monitoring the current
execution and checking properties. - The monitoring and checking (MaC) system can
- detect incorrect execution of an application
- predict error and steer computation
- collect statistics of actual execution (e.g., QoS
4MaC Methodology
System Spec
Requirements Spec
Formal verification
5The MaC Languages
- Meta Event Definition Language(MEDL)
- Describes the safety requirements of the system,
in terms of conditions that must always be true,
and alarms (events) that must never be raised. - Target program implementation independent.
- Primitive Event Definition Language (PEDL)
- Maps the low-level state information of the
system to high-level events. - Provides primitives to refer to values of
variables and to certain points in the execution
of the program. - PEDL is defined so that events can be recognized
in time linear to the size of the PEDL
specification - Depends on target program implementation
- Run-time state
- control locations
- object state
- local variables
- Abstract state
- events
- conditions
- auxiliary variables
6Design of the MaC Languages
position 100
- Must be able to reason about both time instants
and information that holds for a duration of time
in a program execution. - Events and conditions are a natural division,
which is also found in other formalisms such as
SCR. - Conditions, which are true or false for a finite
duration of time (e.g., is variable x gt5?) - Events, which are either present or absent at
some instant of time (e.g., is control right now
at the end of method f?). - Need temporal operators combining events and
conditions in order to reason about traces.
7Logical Foundation
- Conditions interpreted over 3 values true,
false and undefined. - ., .) pairs a couple of events to define an
interval. - start and end define the events corresponding to
the instant when conditions change their value.
8Meta Event Definition Language (MEDL)
ReqSpec ltspec_namegt / Import section /
import event ltegt import condition ltcgt
/Auxiliary variable / var int ltaux_vgt
/Event and condition / event ltegt ...
condition ltcgt ... /Property and violation
/ property ltcgt ... alarm ltegt ...
/Auxiliary variable update/ ltegt -gt
ltaux_v'gt ... End
- Expresses requirements using the events and
conditions, sent by event recognizer. - Expresses the subset of safety properties.
- Describes the safety requirements of the system,
in terms of conditions that must always be true,
and alarms (events) that must never be raised. - property safeRRC IC -gt GD
- alarm violation start (!safeRRC)
- Auxilliary variables may be used to store
history. - endIC-gt num_train_pass
9Property checking
- A MEDL specification can be seen as an automaton
with auxiliary store running on a stream of
events provided by the event recognizer
aux. variables
10PEDL for Java
MonScr ltspec_namegt / Export section /
export event ltegt export condition ltcgt /
Overhead reduction / timestamp
valueabstract deltaabstract
multithread / Monitored entities /
monobj ltvargt monmeth ltmethgt / Event and
condition/ event ltegt ... condition ltcgt
... End
- The language maps the low-level state information
of the system to high-level events and conditions
used in describing the requirements. - Provides primitives to refer to
- primitive variables
- beginnings/endings of methods
- Primitive conditions are constructed from
- boolean-valued expressions over the monitored
variables - Ex condition IC (position 100)
- Primitive events are constructed from
- update(x)
- startM(f)/endM(f)
- Ex event raiseGate startM(Gate.gu())
11Java-MaC Prototype
Requirement Specification
Program (Java source code)
Requirements (MEDL)
Monitoring Script (PEDL)
Program (Java byte code)
MEDL Compiler
PEDL Compiler
Instrumentation Information
Filter Generator (JTREK)
Static Phase
Instrumented Target program
(Compiled PEDL) Event Recognizer
(Compiled MEDL) Run-time Checker
Dynamic Phase
12PEDL for Java (cont.)
- Events can have two attributes - time and value
- time(e) gives the time of the last occurrence of
event e - used for expressing temporal properties
- value(e,i) gives the ith value in the tuple of
values of e - value of update(var) a tuple containing the
current value of var - value of startM(f) a tuple containing
parameters of the method f - value of endM(f) a tuple containing parameters
and a return value of the method f
13Specifications for Stock Clients
MonScr StockClient export event startPgm,
periodStart, conFail,
queryResend, oldDataUsed monmeth void
Client.main(String) monmeth void
Client.run() monmeth void Client.failConnecti
on(ConnectTry) monmeth Object
Client.retryGetData(int) monmeth Object
Client.processOldData() event startPgm
startM(Client.main(String)) event
periodStart startM(Client.run()) event
conFail startM(Client.failConnection(ConnectTry)
) event queryResend startM(Client.retryGetD
ata(int)) event oldDataUsed
startM(Client.processOldData()) End
ReqSpec StockClient import event startPgm,
periodStart, conFail,
queryResend, oldDataUsed var long
periodTime var long lastPeriodStart var
int numRetried var int numConFail
alarm violatedPeriod end((perioidTime gt 900)
(periodTime lt 1100)) alarm
wrongFT oldDataUsed when (
(numRetries lt 4) (numConFail lt 3))
startPgm -gt periodTime 1000
lastPeriodStart time(startPgm) -1000
numRetries 0 numConFail 0
periodStart -gt numREtries 0
numConFail 0 periodTime
lastPeriodStart time(periodStart) ... End
14Extensions for Embedded Systems
- MaC based on hybrid system models
- Distributed MaC
- Steering-based adaptation
- Model-based profiling
15Monitoring of hybrid systems
- Embedded systems often contain continuously
evolving as well as discrete components - Monitoring of continuous entities introduces
additional challenges - Monitoring of discrete systems is event-driven,
which is not enough for continuous changes - Continuous monitoring, in practice, involves
sampling - Sampling rates for each continuous entity can be
obtained from a hybrid model of the embedded
system - Deriving properties of embedded systems
- Use a hybrid model as an oracle, driven by the
16Distributed MaC
- Run-time monitoring and checking of distributed
systems - Local monitors and checkers
- How to decompose a global property into locally
checkable properties, i.e., - Given the set of nodes, N1,, Nm and a global
property Pg, find locally checkable properties,
P1 ,, Pm such that if Ni detects the violation
of Pi, then Pg is violated. - Tradeoff between amount and frequency of
communication and timely detection of property
17Steering-based Adaptation
18Steering-based adaptation
- Steering provides feedback from the monitor to
the system - When can a system be effectively steered?
- the system is designed for run-time adjustments
- e.g., Simplex architecture
- the system naturally offers a degree of tolerance
- e.g., routing protocols flush buffers when
performance decreases - Need timing guarantee over feedback loop
- Real-time Java
19Model-based Profiling
- Collect statistics during monitored executions
- Over multiple runs, such statistics will provide
dependability and performance measures - Possible uses
- Collect coverage
- Successful runs serve as tests
- Enhance synthetic test suites
- Infer dynamic interfaces (e.g. interface
automata) - Record input and output patterns of successful
executions - Helps in reusing the component in different
- The MaC architecture provides a lightweight
formal methodology for assuring of the correct
execution of a target program at run-time - Rigorous analysis, Flexible, Automatic
- Identified several possible extensions to MaC
- Reduction of monitoring overhead
- Port the MaC architecture to platforms other than
Java - http//www.cis.upenn.edu/rtg/mac
21Q A