Title: Large scale validation of SCIAMACHY nadir reflectance
1Large scale validation of SCIAMACHY nadir
- Gijs van Soest, L. Gijs Tilstra, Juan Acarreta,
Piet Stammes
- Reflectance validation
- Known issues
- Method and data
- Large data set validation
- New key data an improvement?
3Reflectance and irradiance validation
- Errors in reflectance cause errors in geophysical
parameters retrieved from it - Spot and characterize possible problems in
SCIAMACHY level 1 data - Instrument, calibration data, algorithms
- Approach compare measured and calibrated UV
spectra with radiative transfer calculations - Single states careful, detailed characterization
- Large data sets spot drifts, possible
geographical seasonal trends
4UV reflectance spectrum
5Known issues of UV reflectance
- Radiometric calibration reflectance is 20 too
small - Also in other channels
- Showstopper for non-DOAS retrievals (O3 profile)
- Spectral feature associated with polarization
- Near 350 nm BrO and CHOH retrieval affected
- Improved in recent (V5.0x) data
- Spectral stray light, memory effect
6Large scale validation method data
- Comparison of SCIA nadir reflectance spectra with
RTM LIDORT - Data from Sep Dec 2003, Apr Aug 2004,
decontaminations excluded - 4 substates per state East, East-C, West-C,
West - Wavelength range 250 400 nm or 270 340 nm
- NRT SCIA L1B data (SCI_NL__1PN)
- Processor version 4.0x in 2003, 5.0x in 2004
- L1C using SciaL1C tool, all calibrations on
7Large scale validation method data
- Inputs for RTM
- Cloud mask based on FRESCO
- GOME ground albedo data base
- O3 profiles
- IFE limb retrieval (FTP server)
- TOMS v8 climatology using TOSOMI O3 columns
- Temperature and geopotential height from ECMWF
- 1100 states between 09/2003 and 12/2003
- 9400 states between 04/2004 and 08/2004
8Histograms of SCIA/RTM-1 (2004)
Ozone TOMS v8 climatology
9Map of ltSCIA/RTM-1gt 320-340 nm
10Map of ltSCIA/RTM-1gt 270-290 nm
11w/ IFE limb O3 profiles 270-290 nm
12Difference map 2003 270-290 nm
13Effect of decontamination 270-290 nm
decontamination orbits 12031-12208
Signal for ? lt 300 nm is so small that reliable
calibration is a real problem
14New radiometric key data set
- Based on measurements from the PI period, IFE
have calculated new radiometric key data - Two sets Spectralon and NASA sphere
- Irradiance now more or less OK (w/in 5 from
reference in UV/Vis/NIR) - Assess quality of reflectance with new KD
15Reflectance comparison with MERIS
Spectral averaging of SCIA, spatial averaging of
MERIS. Orbits 2509/2510
several versions of new
16Reflectance comparison with RTM DAK
Sahara state from orbit 2509 KNMI polarization
correction Rest as in other SCIA/RTM study
17Regular key data (SCIA/5.00) NASA sphere
key data
? strong unphysical spectral features
18Regular key data (SCIA/5.00) Spectralon
key data
? offset smaller, but unphysical spectral
features remain
19Channel 3
2509 Sahara state Channel 3 Spectralon NASA
sphere V5.00
20Conclusion (1)
- Large scale comparison between SCIA and RTM
suited for finding geographical/slowly varying
features in data - Flexible tool, possible to include several data
sources - No temporal trends found technique may be used
for degradation monitoring - Ch 1 extremely sensitive to calibration (low
signal) - Dont use ESRIN NRT Ch1 data before 03/2004!!!
21Conclusion (2)
- New IFE Key Data investigated
- Irradiance looks reasonable
- Reflectance offset improved
- Many spectral features introduced
- Reflectance is sometimes very noisy
- Alternative use current key data and correct the
reflectance with a smooth function based on
validation result