Title: Quantitative Stock Selection
1Quantitative Stock Selection
Global Asset Allocation and Stock Selection
- Campbell R. Harvey
- Duke University
- National Bureau of Economic Research
2Quantitative Stock Selection 1. Introduction
- Research coauthored with
- Dana Achour
- Greg Hopkins
- Clive Lang
3Quantitative Stock Selection 1. Introduction
- Issue
- Two decisions are important
- Asset Allocation (country picks)
- Asset Selection (equity picks)
4Quantitative Stock Selection 1. Introduction
- Issue
- Considerable research on the asset allocation
side - Research has paid off in that many models avoided
overvalued Asian markets in mid-1990s - Many models began overweighing after the onset of
the Asia Crisis
5Quantitative Stock Selection 1. Introduction
- Issue
- Little research on the stock selection side. Why?
- Sparse data on individual stocks
- Information asymmetries among local and global
investors - Extremely high transactions costs
6Quantitative Stock Selection 1. Introduction
- With recent plummet in emerging markets,
- stock selection is important.
- If market is deemed cheap, (as many
- asset allocation models would now suggest),
- which stocks do we select?
7Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Ingredients for success
- Identify stable relationships
- Attempt to model unstable relationships
- Use predictor variables that reflect the future,
not necessarily the past - Do not overfit
- Validate in up-markets as well as down
- Tailor to country characteristics in emerging
8Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Methodologies
- Cross-sectional regression
- Sorting
- Hybrids
9Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Cross-sectional regression
- For country j, estimate
- where
- i denotes firm i
- A is a firm specific attribute (could be
multiple) - g are common regression coefficients
10Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Cross-sectional regression
- Used in developed market stock selection
- Problem with unstable coefficients
- Bigger problem given noisy emerging market
11Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Sorting
- Used in developed market stock selection
- Potentially similar in stability problems
- Can be cast in regression framework
- (a regression on ranks, or a multinomial probit
regression) - Rank regression may have advantages given the
high variance (high noise) in emerging equity
12Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Sorting
- Simple methodology that provides a good starting
point to investigate stock selection
13Quantitative Stock Selection 2. Stock Selection
- Hybrid
- Create portfolios based on stocks sorted by
attributes - Use regression or optimization to weight
portfolios - Produces a flexible, highly nonlinear way to
select stocks
14Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Focus on three emerging markets
- Malaysia (representative of Asia)
- Mexico (indicative of Latin America)
- South Africa (unique situation)
15Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Specify exhaustive list of firm specific factors
- Includes many traditional factors
- Extra emphasis on expectations factors
- Specific a number of diagnostic variables
- Includes factors that reflect the type of firm we
are selecting
16Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Identify the best stocks and the worst stocks
- Do not impose the constraints of a tracking error
methodology - Tracking error can be dealt with at a later
stage of the analysis
17Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Steps
- 1. Specify list of factors
- 2. Univariate screens (in sample)
- 3. Bivariate diagnostic screens
- 4. Battery of additional diagnostics emphasizing
- performance through time
- 5. Bivariate selection screens
18Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Steps
- 6. Optimize to form scoring screen (in sample)
- 7. Run scoring screen on out-of-sample period
- 8. Diagnostics on scoring screen
- 9. Form buy list and sell lists
- 10. Purge buy list of stocks that are
identified by predetermined set of knock out
19Quantitative Stock Selection 3. Our methodology
- Steps
- 11. Investigate turnover of portfolio
- various holding periods analyzed
20Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Past research
- Very few papers
- Rouwenhorst (JF) looks at IFC data
- Claessens, Dasgupta and Glen (EMQ) look at IFC
data - Fama and French (JF) look at IFC data
- Achour, Harvey, Hopkins, Lang (1998, 1999, 2000)
21Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Past research
- What we offer
- No one has merged IFC, MSCI, Worldscope, and IBES
data - First paper to look at comprehensive list of firm
attributes - First paper to look at expectational attributes
22Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Factors
- Fundamental factors
- Dividend yield
- Earnings yield
- Book to price ratio
- Cash earnings to price yield
- Change in return on equity
- Revenue growth
- Rate of re-investment
- Return on equity
23Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Factors
- Expectational
- Change in consensus FY1 estimate - last 3 or 6
months - Consensus FY2 to FY1 estimate change
- Consensus forecast earnings estimate revision
ratio - 12 months prospective earnings growth rate
- 3 year prospective earnings growth rate
- 12 month prospective earnings yield
24Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Factors
- Momentum
- One month/ 1 year price momentum
- One year historical earnings growth/momentum
- Three year historical earnings growth rate
25Quantitative Stock Selection 4. Factors
- Diagnostic
- Market capitalization
- Debt to common equity ratio
26Quantitative Stock Selection 5. Diagnostics
- Average return
- Average excess return
- Standard deviation
- T-stat (hypothesis that excess return0)
- Beta (against benchmark index)
- Alpha
- R2
27Quantitative Stock Selection 5. Diagnostics
- Average capitalization
- periods gt market index (hit rate)
- periods gt market index in up markets
- periods gt market index in down markets
- Max number of consecutive benchmark
28Quantitative Stock Selection 5. Diagnostics
- Max observed excess return
- Min observed excess return
- Max number of consecutive negative returns
- Max number of consecutive positive returns
- Year by year returns
29Quantitative Stock Selection 5. Diagnostics
- Factor average for constructed portfolio
- Factor median
- Factor standard deviation
30 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Summary
Statistics Malaysia Benchmark
87 drop
Data through January 2001
31 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Summary
Statistics Mexico Benchmark
68 drop
Data through January 2001
32 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Summary
Statistics South Africa Benchmark
55 drop
Data through January 2001
33 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia Factor
34 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico Factor
35 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Factor returns
36 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Periods Benchmark Outperformance
37 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico
Periods Benchmark Outperformance
38 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Periods Benchmark Outperformance
39 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Dividend Yield Screen Index100 each year
40 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico
Historical Earnings Momentum Screen
Index100 each year
41 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Change in Consensus FY1-3 mo. Screen
Index100 each year
42 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Book to Price
Low-High Spread
43 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. IBES Revision
Ratio Low-High Spread
44 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. IBES 12-month
Prospective Earnings Yield L-H Spread
45 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. One-year
Momentum Low-High Spread
46 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Size Effect
Low-High Spread
47 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Scoring Screen Various Holding Periods
48 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico Scoring
Screen Various Holding Periods
49 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Scoring Screen Various Holding Periods
50 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Scoring Screen Periods
Benchmark Outperformance
51 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico Scoring
Screen Periods Benchmark
52 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Scoring Screen Periods
Benchmark Outperformance
53 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Scoring Screen Index100 each year
54 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico Scoring
Screen Index100 each year
55 Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Scoring Screen Index100 each year
56Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Malaysia
Scoring Screen
57Quantitative Stock Selection 6. Mexico Scoring
58Quantitative Stock Selection 6. South Africa
Scoring Screen
59Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 1) Comparison of regression method and
multivariate screening process - Panel multinomial probit models
- How do we reduce the noise in emerging market
equity returns?
60Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 2) What are the characteristics of countries that
make some factors work and other not work? - Stage of market integration process
- Industrial mix
- Openness of economy
- Microstructure factors
61Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 3) What causes the shifting importance of factors
through time, e.g. value versus growth? - Can the cross-section of many stock returns help
us identify when a factor is likely to work?
62Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 4) Can the country selection process be merged
with the stock selection exercise? - Should buy portfolios be used in top-down
optimizations? - Does country-specific tracking error really
matter in global asset allocation?
63Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 5) Stability and migration tracking
- Should we consider the behavior of the stock
moving from fractile to fractile?
64Quantitative Stock Selection 7. Research
- 6) Should we expand our view of risk in both the
stock selection and country selection exercises? - Mean, variance, skewness?
- What are the driving forces of changing variance?
- What are the determinants of skewness?