Title: Quantitative Stock Selection Strategies Based on Momentum
1Quantitative Stock Selection Strategies Based on
- Presented by
- Krista Deitemeyer Scott Dieckhaus Ian Enverga
Jeremy Hamblin
February 27, 2006
- Strategy Overview
- Factor Analysis
- Conclusion
3Strategy OverviewWhy Momentum?
- Momentum strategy can help satisfy many client
and portfolio objectives - Determine which securities to overweight and
underweight in an existing benchmark - Use it for a long-short strategy
- Many people in the industry dispute the validity
of such strategies - Test those pundits
4Strategy OverviewUniverse Definition
- US common stock
- Market capitalization between 500 million and 1
billion (scaled for time)
These firms may have greater price inefficiencies
than those that have a larger market
5Factor AnalysisFactors Examined
- Factor 1 (1m avg volume 1m price change) /
3m avg volume - Factor 2 Price / 3m avg price
- Factor 3 Price / 1m avg price
- Factor 4 1m avg price / 1y avg price
- Factor 5 1m avg price / 3m avg price
- Factor 6 1m avg price / 6m avg price
- Factor 7 3m avg price / 6m avg price
- Factor 8 12m net sales / Year ago 12m net
sales - Factor 9 (Price - 1m avg price) / 1m avg price
6Factor AnalysisAverage Monthly Returns
- A look a the average returns of the top and
bottom fractiles of each factor shows that four
of the factors are the most promising
7Factor AnalysisBenchmark Outperformance
- Two factors had performed well when analyzing
of benchmark outperformance
8Factor AnalysisCumulative Returns In Sample
- The cumulative returns for a long/short strategy
show that Factor 4 outperforms the rest
Factor 4
9Factor AnalysisFactor 4 Average Fractile
- Factor 4 1m average price / 1y average price
- Average In-Sample monthly returns for each
fractile shows strong linear relationship
10Factor AnalysisFactor 4 - Yearly Returns Heat
- Heat map indicates a long/short strategy would be
profitable every year, except the first out of
sample year
11Factor AnalysisFactor 4 Cumulative Returns
- In-sample returns show a huge return in 1999
- Out-of-sample returns are somewhat inconclusive
Out of Sample
In Sample
12ConclusionFactor 4
- Pros
- Profitable strategy both in-sample and
out-of-sample - Cons
- Monthly turnover of around 80 means trading
costs are very high - Significant outperformance during 1999 skews
- Recommendation
- Improve on Strategy before implementation
13ConclusionMomentum Strategies
- Profitable opportunities do exist but trading
cost issues need to be overcome - Further Exploration
- Layer a predictive model for up or down markets,
then implement the strategies that would perform
the best based on the prediction - Look at different universes (e.g. Large cap, all
stocks, emerging markets) - Optimize fractile size and rebalancing periods