Stock Market Efficiency: Alternative Views - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stock Market Efficiency: Alternative Views


Stock Market Efficiency: Alternative Views Corporate Finance 27 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Stock Market Efficiency: Alternative Views

Stock Market Efficiency Alternative Views
  • Corporate Finance 27

Stock market efficiency alternative views
  • Views of professional investors
  • Whether stock markets appear to absorb all
    relevant (public or private) information
    (strong-form efficiency)
  • The behavioural-based arguments leading to a
    belief in inefficiencies
  • The implications of the evidence for efficiency
    for investors and corporate management

Comment on the semi-strong efficiency evidence
  • Despite the evidence of some work showing
    departures from semi-strong efficiency, for
    most investors most of the time the market may
    be regarded as efficient
  • The evidence for semi-strong efficiency is
    significant but not so overwhelming that there
    is no hope of outperformance for the able and
  • Publication bias
  • Hundreds of researchers examining the data
  • A lot of evidence of inefficiency that remains
  • Paradox in order for the market to remain
    efficient there has to be a large body of
    investors who believe it to be inefficient

The views of some successful investors
  • Peter Lynch
  • Quantitative analysis taught me that the things I
    saw happening at Fidelity couldnt really be
    happening. I also found it difficult to integrate
    the efficient market hypothesis It also was
    obvious that the Wharton professors who believed
    in quantum analysis and random walk werent doing
    nearly as well as my new colleagues at Fidelity
  • John Neff
  • Always on the lookout for out-of-favour,
    overlooked or misunderstood stocks
  • He believes that the market tends to allow itself
    to be swept along with fads, fashions and
    flavours of the month. This leads to
    overvaluation of those stocks regarded as
    shooting stars, and to the undervaluation of
    those which prevailing wisdom deems unexciting,
    but which are fundamentally good stocks

The views of some successful investors
  • Benjamin Graham
  • The prices of common stock are not carefully
    thought out computations,but the resultants of a
    welter of human reactions. The stock market is a
    voting machine rather than a weighing machine
  • The processes by which the securities market
    arrives at its appraisals are frequently
    illogical and erroneous. These processes . . .
    are not automatic or mechanical, but
    psychological for they go on in the minds of
    people who buy and sell. The mistakes of the
    market are thus the mistakes of groups of masses
    of individuals. Most of them can be traced to one
    or more of three basic causes exaggeration,
    oversimplification, or neglect

The views of some successful investors
  • Warren Buffett and Charles Munger
  • Im convinced that there is much inefficiency in
    the market . . . When the price of a stock can be
    influenced by a herd on Wall Street with prices
    set at the margin by the most emotional person,
    or the greediest person, or the most depressed
    person, it is hard to argue that the market
    always prices rationally. In fact, market prices
    are frequently nonsensical . . . There seems to
    be some perverse human characteristic that likes
    to make easy things difficult. The academic
    world, if anything, has actually backed away from
    the teaching of value investing over the last 30
    years. Its likely to continue that way. Ships
    will sail around the world but the Flat Earth
    Society will flourish

Strong-form tests
  • It is possible to trade shares on the basis of
    information not in the public domain and make
    abnormal profits
  • Trading on inside knowledge is thought to be a
    bad thing
  • Insider dealing is considered to be, besides
    dealing for oneself either counselling or
    procuring another individual to deal in the
    securities or communicating knowledge to any
    other person, while being aware that he or she
    (or someone else) will deal in those securities
  • The term insider covers anyone with sensitive
    information, not just a company director or
  • Raise the level of information disclosure
  • Prohibit certain individuals from dealing in the
    companys shares for crucial time periods

Behavioural finance
  • Behavioural finance proponents argue that
    investors frequently make systematic errors
    and these errors can push the prices of shares
    away from fundamental value for
    considerable periods
  • Behavioural finance models offer plausible
    reasoning for the phenomena we observe in the
    pattern of share prices
  • They offer persuasive explanations for the
    outperformance of low PER,high dividend yield
    and low book-to-market ratio shares as well
    as the poor performance of glamourshares
  • They also shed light on both return reversal and
    momentum effects, stock market bubbles and
    irrational pessimism

The three lines of defence for EMH
1 Investors are rational and hence value
securities rationally 2 Even if some investors
are not rational, their irrationally
inspired trades of securities are random and
therefore the effects of their irrational
actions cancel each other out without
moving prices away from their efficient level 3
If the majority of investors are irrational in
similar ways and therefore have a tendency
to push security values away from the
efficient level this will be countered by
rational arbitrageurs who eliminate the
influence of the irrational traders on
  • Arbitrage is the act of exploiting price
    differences on the same security or similar
    securities by simultaneously selling the
    overpriced security and buying the
    underpriced security
  • Perfect arbitrage a profit without any risk at
    all (and even without money)
  • To be effective the arbitrageur needs to be able
    to purchase or sell a close-substitute
  • For example you discover that Unilevers shares
    are undervalued
  • The risk of other fundamental factors influencing
    the shares of Unilever and PG
  • The risk that the irrational investors push
    irrationality to new heights
  • Risk arbitrage and risk-free arbitrage

Some cognitive errors made by investors
  • The combination of limited arbitrage and investor
    sentiment pushing the market leads to
    inefficient pricing
  • Both elements are necessary
  • Overconfidence
  • Representativenes
  • Conservatism
  • Narrow framing
  • Ambiguity aversion

Some cognitive errors made by investors
  • Positive feedback and extrapolative expectations
  • Regret
  • Confirmation bias
  • Cognitive dissonance
  • Availability bias
  • Miscalculation of probabilities
  • Anchoring

Misconceptions about the efficient market
1 Any share portfolio will perform as well as or
better than a special trading rule
designed to outperform the market 2 There
should be fewer price fluctuations 3 Only a
minority of investors are actively trading, most
are passive, therefore efficiency cannot be
Implications of the EMH for investors
1 For the vast majority of people public
information cannot be used to earn abnormal
returns 2 Investors need to press for a greater
volume of timely information 3 The perception
of a fair game market could be improved by
more constraints and deterrents placed on
insider dealers
Implications of the EMH for companies
1 Focus on substance, not on short-term
appearance 2 The timing of security issues does
not have to be fine- tuned 3 Large
quantities of new shares can be sold without
moving the price 4 Signals from price
movements should be taken seriously
Concluding comments
  • Sophisticated stock markets are substantially
  • Question the assumption that all investors
    respond in a similar manner to the same risk
    and return factors and that these can be
    easily identified
  • One way of outperforming the market might be to
    select shares the attributes of which you
    dislike less than the other investors
  • Another way is through luck
  • Possessing superior analytical skills
  • Through the discovery of a trading rule which
  • To be quicker than anyone else
  • To become an insider

Lecture review
  • Strong-form efficiency
  • Insider dealing
  • Behavioural finance studies
  • Implications of the EMH for investors
  • Implications of the EMH for companies
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