Title: Earth Observing Systems EOS and Emergency Management
1Earth Observing Systems (EOS) and Emergency
- Terry Egan, Ed.D.
- Emergency Management Division
- Washington Military Department
- What do State Emergency Managers Do?
- Challenges in using EOS data
- How is Washington involved in remote sensing?
3Themes (continued)
- A national protocol for data acquisition
- What data would Washington State use if it were
4What do State Emergency Managers do?
- Provide alert and warning
- Coordinate resources
- Assist with planning activities
- Assist with exercises
- Grant financial assistance
5Challenges in using EOS data
- Inadequate resources
- Lack of understanding
- Responsiveness Issues
- Few emergency managers possess remote sensing
6Challenges in using EOS data (continued)
- Cant define whats wanted or needed
- Perceived lack of value
7Difficulties in using EOS data (continued)
- On the other hand, remote sensing suppliers need
to - Communicate
- Tailor products
- Price appropriately
- Meet needs
- Source Allen Hodges, GDIN
8How is Washington involved in remote sensing?
- SPURS-EM - The EMD NASA-funded remote sensing
9How is Washington involved in remote sensing?
- SPURS-EM (Strategic and Practical Use of Remote
Sensing in Emergency Management) - NASA grant
- More emphasis on planning and mitigation
- Less emphasis on response and recovery
10Hazards Analysis Support System
How is Washington involved in remote sensing?
11SPURS-EM Team Photo
How is Washington involved in remote sensing?
12A national protocol for data acquisition
- Difficulties during TOPOFF2
- Discussions with FEMA
- Protocol still needed
13What data would Washington State use if it were
- Near-real-time
- High-resolution
- True-color
- Remote sensing applications
14What data would Washington State use if it were
available? (continued)
15Recommended Actions
- Emergency Managers need the help of remote
sensing experts - Make remote sensing products user friendly
- Provide Federal funding of emergency management
applications using remote sensing - Near-real-time high-resolution true-color
imagery of event location - Formalize a national protocol for data
- Terry Egan
- Manager, Mitigation, Analysis Plans Unit
- Emergency Management Division
- Washington Military Department
- Bldg 20
- Camp Murray, WA 98430-5122
- (253) 512-7041
- t.egan_at_emd.wa.gov