Title: Manipulation Under Uncertainty or: Executing Planned Grasps Robustly
1Manipulation Under Uncertainty(or Executing
Planned Grasps Robustly)
- Kaijen Hsiao
- Tomás Lozano-Pérez
- Leslie Kaelbling
- Computer Science and
- Artificial Intelligence Lab, MIT
- NEMS 2008
2Manipulation Planning
- If you know all shapes and positions exactly, you
can generate a trajectory that will work
3Even Small Uncertainty Can Kill
4Moderate Uncertainty
(not groping blindly)
- Initial conditions (ultimately from vision)
- Object shape is roughly known (contacted vertices
should be within 1 cm of actual positions) - Object is on table and pose (x, y, rotation) is
roughly known (center of mass std 5 cm, 30 deg) - Online sensing
- robot proprioception
- tactile sensors on fingers/hand
- Planned/demonstrated trajectories (that would
work under zero uncertainty) given
5Model uncertainty explicitly
- Belief state probability distribution over
positions of object relative to robot - Use online sensing to update belief state
throughout manipulation (SE) - Select manipulation actions based on belief
state (p)
6State Estimation
- Transition Model how robot actions affect the
state - Do we move the object during the grasp execution?
(currently, any contact spreads out the belief
state somewhat) - Observation Model P(sensor input state)
- How consistent are various object positions with
the current sensory input (robot pose and touch)? - Bayes Rule
7Control Three approaches
- Formulate as a POMDP, solve for optimal policy
- Continuous, multi-dimensional state, action,
observation spaces - -gtWildly intractable
- Find most likely state, plan trajectory, execute
- Bad if rest of execution is open loop
- Maybe good if replanning is continuous, but too
slow for execution-time - Will not select actions to gain information
- Our approach define new robust primitives, use
information state to select plan, execute
8Robust Motion Primitive
- Move-until(goal, condition)
- Repeat until belief state condition is satisfied
- Assume object is in its most likely location
- Guarded move to object-relative goal
- If contact is made
- Undo last motion
- Update belief state
- Termination conditions
- Claims success robot believes, with high
probability, that it is near the object-relative
goal - Claims failure some number of attempts have not
achieved the belief condition
9Robust primitive
Most likely robot-relative position
Where it actually is
10Initial belief state (X, Y, theta)
11Summed over theta (easier to visualize)
12Tried to move down finger hit corner
13Probability of observation location
14Updated belief
15Re-centered around mean
16Trying again, with new belief
Back up
Try again
17Executing a trajectory
- Given a sequence of way-points in a trajectory
- Attempt to execute each one robustly using
move-until - So, now we can try to close the gripper on the
18Final state and observation
Observation probabilities
19Updated belief state Success!
Goal variance lt 1 cm x, 15 cm y, 6 deg theta
20What if Y coord of grasp matters?
21Need explicit information gathering
22Use variance of belief to select trajectory
If this is your start belief, just run grasp
23The Approach
Trajectories (grasp, poke, )
command generator
relative motion
current belief
robot commands
strategy selector
belief update
most likely state
sensor observations
24Strategy Selector
- Planner to automatically pick good strategies
based on start uncertainties and goals - Simulate all particles forward using selected
robot movements, including tipping probabilities
(tipping failure) - Group into qualitatively similar outcomes
- Use forward search to select trajectories/info-gat
hering actions - Currently use hand-written conditions on belief
25Grasping a Brita Pitcher
Target grasp Put one finger through the handle
and grasp
26Belief-Based Controller w/2 Info-Grasps
27Brita Results
Increasing uncertainty
28Related Work
- Grasp planning without regard to uncertainty (can
be used as input to this research) (Lozano-Perez
et al, 1992, Saxena et al, 2008) - Finding a fixed trajectory that is likely to
succeed under uncertainty (Alterovitz et al.
2007, Burns and Brock 2007, Melchior and Simmons
2007, Prentice and Roy 2007) - Visual servoing (tons of work)
- Using tactile sensors to precisely locate object
before grasping (Petrovskaya et al. 2006) - Regrasping to find stable grasp positions (Platt,
Fagg, Grupen, 2002) - POMDPs for grasping (Hsiao et al. 2007)
29Current Work
- Real robot results (7-DOF Barrett Arm/Hand and
Willow Garage PR2) - Automatic strategy selection
30Key Ideas
- Belief-based strategy
- Maintain a belief state (updated based on actions
and observations) - Express your actions relative to the current best
state estimate - Choose strategies based on higher-order
properties of your belief state (variance,
bimodality, etc).
- This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant No.
0712012. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science
32The End.
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36Box Results
- Goal 1 cm x, 1 cm y, 6 degrees theta
- Object uncertainty standard deviations of
5 cm x, 5 cm y, 30 degrees theta - Mean state controller with info-grasp
- 120/122, 98.4
37Cup Results
Goal 1 cm x, 1 cm y Uncertainty std Met Goal 1
cm, 30 deg 150/152 (98.7) 3 cm, 30 deg 62/66
(93.9) 5 cm, 30 deg 36/40 (90.0)
38Reactive Controller Pseudocode
- Forward actions are relative to the current mean
belief state, and backwards actions retrace
previous actions. All actions are
move-until-contact except for backtracing. - Go to the first keyframe
- While action count lt max action count
- If you are at a keyframe
- If you are at the goal according to your
most likely/mean state - If your belief variance is not within
your goal limits - Regrasp
- Else
- Stop (check if you are successful)
- Else
- Go to the next keyframe
- Else
- If you were trying to go forward a keyframe
and hit something unexpected - (optional close and open your fingers
to gather more contact information) - Do state estimation
- Try to go to the same keyframe you were
trying to reach - (based on the new belief state)
- If you were trying to go to the same
keyframe and hit something unexpected - Do state estimation
39Uses of forward search
- Will this trajectory get me there with high
probability if I just use a most likely state
controller? - Will I just bounce around forever with high
likelihood? - Will I knock over the object if it's not where I
think it is? - Which info-gathering action gets me the most
information? - Does it give me enough information that I can get
there with a most likely state controller? - What action/strategy/trajectory should I take for
a given belief state to succeed most often?
40Simple examples of needing search
- Pick up box without tilting (can use variance at
end to decide to back up and do info-grasp) - Pick up Brita pitcher by handle (contacts don't
tell you enough to get there if high uncertainty
need to do info-grasp of handle) - Put cup on prong--need to grasp by side or by lip
to get on prong - Let's say you can't reach side grasp
- If right-side-up grasp by lip to get on prong
- If upside-down grasp whole bottom to get on
prong - Doing right-side-up grasp will tell you whether
it's upside-down or not - Doing upside-down grasp won't tell you either way
(until you try to put it on the prong) - Forward search will tell you to try the
right-side-up grasp first - Or you can just tag MLS with strategies and bias
towards right-side-up - Easy-to-knock-over objects (plan info-gathering
actions that don't knock them over)