Title: Flow Through Turbidity Treatment
1Flow Through Turbidity Treatment Using Alum
Pam At The Orlando International Airport Project
2Rim-ditch Dewatering Next To Active Runway
3Rim-ditch Discharges To Existing Stormwater
Detention Pond
4Influent Turbidity Ranged Between 800-1200 NTUs
5Existing Stormwater Pipe Used To Create Baffle
6Alum Drip Tank With Control Valve
7Alum Drip On Influent At 50 Gal/Day
PAM Floc Log Used To Bind Up Free Aluminum
8Sand Bags Used To Create Baffle Flow In Pipes
9Alum Floc Forming After 1st Baffle Turn
10Turbidity Decreased To 11 NTUs After 1st Baffle
11Outfall To Wetland
12Outfall To Wetland Clear Discharge
13Final Discharge 10-15 NTUs
14pH 6.5
15Resource Protected
16Any Questions?
17Treatment System Performance System Usage 90
Days Daily Volume 1,920,000 Gallons Total
Pumping Volume 173 Million Gallons Alum
Usage 50 Gal / Day (4500 Total) Treatment
System Size 600 x 16 Ft. (Existing
pipe) Turbidity Reduction (NTU) gt900 (Inflow) 15
(Outflow) Turbidity Reduction 98
Contractors System Cost lt 1,000 To Protect
(gt23 Million Project) Time Lost Due To
Non-Compliance NONE!
18Contractor Hubbard Construction Contact Jeff
Forsythe (407)560-0442