Title: International%20Success%20Stories%20in%20Wastewater%20Treatment%20and%20Reuse
1International Success Stories in Wastewater
Treatment and Reuse
- Introduction Benefits and Domains of Wastewater
Reuse - Success Stories in Mediterranean Region
- Spain Vitoria and Tenerife Plants
- Greece Chalkis Island Plant
- Italy Catania Projects
- Palestine Dan Region Project
- Cyprus Larnaca Plant
- Other Examples
- Success Stories all over the World
- Australia Bolivar Project
- USA Monterey, California
- Best Practices and Success Stories in Wastewater
Treatment Systems are - Systems employing an effective treatment
technology leading to a good quality effluent - Systems with high contribution into the overall
increase of wastewater reuse in the relevant
country - Systems achieving sustainable wastewater
treatment and reuse practices
4Benefits of Wastewater Reuse
- Potential benefits of wastewater reuse are most
obvious for the arid areas but the general
increasing pressures on water resources all over
the world is also making wastewater reuse
attractive in other areas.
All these benefits contribute to the ultimate
objective of sustainable use of water resources
5Uses of Reclaimed Water
6Success StoriesMediterranean Region
7The Mediterranean Region The Need for
Wastewater Reuse
- It is characterised by the low level and
irregularity of water resources, through time
(summer drought, interannual droughts) and space
(dry in the South). -
- It includes 60 of the world population with
renewable natural resources of less than 1,000 m3
of water/inhabitant/year. - The strong growth in urbanisation, tourism,
irrigation and population can only increase
tensions on water demand.
8Spain Vitoria-Gasteiz North of Spain
9Objectives of the Reuse Scheme
- A Tertiary Treatment Station was added in 1995 to
the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant to
obtain a better effluent capable of - Increasing water supply to Vitoria and Bilbao
cities - Replacing ecological flows to the Zadorra dams
when they are deficient - Irrigating 10,000 ha of agricultural land
- Protecting the trout fish of the Zadorra River
10The Treatment Technology
- Secondary treatment (screening, sedimentation,
nitrification-denitrification) tertiary
treatment (coagulation-flocculation, sand
filters, chlorine disinfection)
11Settling Ponds
Flocculation Chambers
Sand Filter Filling up
Sand Filter Washing
Filtered Water
12Mixing Pumps
Chlorination Chamber
13Effluent Quality
Parameter Min Max
pH 6.9 7.6
Conductivity 700 1000
Turbidity (NTU) 0.3 1.7
S.S (mg/l) 1 2.5
BOD5 (mg/l O2) 1 8
COD (mg/l O2) 3 20
N-NH3 (mg/l N) 23 30
N-NO3 (mg/l N) 0.1 0.2
PO4 (mg/l PO4) 0.3 1.5
TC (ufc/100 ml) 0 0
FC (ufc/100 ml) 0 0
Dose NaClO (mg/l Cl2) 5 8
SDI (Silt Density Index) 25 to 0.4 60 to 1
Metals (mg/l) Level
Fe lt0.21
Al lt0.32
Zn lt0.25
Ni lt0.07
Cr 0.007
Co 0.009
Cd 0.002
Cu 0.008
Pb 0.0014
Mo 0.0026
Mn 0.076
14Effluent Reuse
- The Plant will generate 20,000,000 m3/year of
treated effluent - 8,000,000 m3/year will be used for irrigation
without cultivations restriction - 12,000,000 m3/year will be added to the Zadorra
River ecological flow - The effluent is suitable for drinking water
supply!! (illegal at present) - Cost 0.06 /m3
15Treated Effluent
Treated Effluent
16Spain Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife
17Plant General Characteristics
- Constructed between 1995 and 1997 to alleviate
the water shortage of the island of Tenerife - Designed for a flow of 90,000 m3/d
- Effluent is used to irrigate a crop area located
70 km away from the Plant
18The Wastewater Reuse System
61 km 0.6 km diameter Gravity Pipe completely
50,000 m³ 10 m deep
15.000 m3
6.7 km
457,000 m³ 20 m deep
250,000 m³ 15 m deep
Activated Sludge
19(No Transcript)
20Gravity Pipe
San Isidro Reservoir
El Saltadero Reservoir
San Lorenzo Reservoir
21San Lorenzo Reservoir
22San Lorenzo Reservoir
23San Lorenzo Reservoir
24Desalination Unit
25Sand Filtration Unit
27Effluent Quality (Influent to San Isidro
Parameter Winter Spring-Summer Winter-Spring
pH 7.74 7.98 7.91
EC (µS/cm) 1,288 1,659 1,585
S.S (mg/l) 8 5 11
COD (mg/l) 48 59 52
N-NH3 (mg/l) 26.3 42.3 23.5
N-NO2 (mg/l) 0.04 0.02 0.03
N-NO3 (mg/l) 0.06 0.46 0.31
PO43- (mg/l) 27 41 30
SO4 2- (mg/l) - 119 91
S2- (mg/l) 2.71 4 2.1
FC (log) 4.1 4.2 4.1
28Problem and Solution
- Anaerobic conditions build-up in the long pipe
that transports the effluent leading to sulphide
generation - Fresh water over-saturated with DO started to be
injected at 10 km from the pipe inlet ?
nitrification-denitrification process ? anoxic
conditions ? inhibition of sulphide generation ?
reduction in NH3-N ? less chlorine requirement
for disinfection
29Effluent Reuse
- Reuse of 7,000,000 m3/year of treated effluent
- Irrigation of 775 ha of banana mainly, plus
potatoes and tomatoes - Acceptable quality, and studies are ongoing for
its improvement using micro and ultra filtration - Cost 0.45 /m3
30Greece City of Chalkis
31Plant General Characteristics
- Constructed in 1994
- Reclamation of wastewater started in 1998
- Daily flow of 9,000 m3/day
32Treatment Technology
33Disinfection Process
- In 1998, ultraviolet disinfection using two types
of UV systems (closed and open type) and
chlorination was introduced - The first UV bank produced 55 mWs/cm2. After
test, it was decided to increase the total dose
of the UV lamps to 120 mWs/cm2
34Effluent Quality
Parameter Average Value
Temperature ºC 21.2
pH 7.14
Redox mV 60
Suspended Solids (SS) mg/l 12
COD mg/l 54
BOD mg/l 9
N-NH4 mg/l 6.6
N-NO3- mg/l 5.5
N-NO2- mg/l 0.3
Total Phosphorous mg/l 4.0
UV Transmission T 55.3
35Coliform Distribution Per Stage
36Effluent Reuse
- Reuse of 4000 m3/day of treated effluent for
landscape irrigation (280 ha with 100,000 trees
and bushes) and industrial use
37Italy Catania Caltagirone and Grammichelle
38Projects Characteristics
- Grammichelle
- Developed in 2001
- Flow 1,500 m3/d
- Activated Sludge Chlorine Contact Tank Tank
Storage - Quality BOD5 lt 10 mg/l COD lt 30 mg/l
- Reused for irrigating orange, olive trees, crops
for caning industry, and vegetables to be eaten
cooked - Cost 0.11 /m3
- Caltagirone
- Developed in 2001
- Flow 5,200 m3/d
- Activated Sludge Sand Filtration Reservoir
Storage - Quality BOD5 lt 10 mg/l COD lt 30 mg/l
- Reused for irrigating orange, olive trees, crops
for caning industry, and vegetables to be eaten
cooked - Cost 0.11 /m3
39PalestineDan Region ProjectTel Aviv
40Plant and Effluent Characteristics
- Constructed in 1991-1994
- Flow of 120,000,000 m3/yr
Parameter Value
BOD5 mg/l lt0.5
COD mg/l 7
FC/100 ml 1
TC/100 ml 1
TSS mg/l 1
TN mg/l 0.4
TP mg/l 0.08
41Treatment Technology
42Soil Aquifer Treatment Basins
43Effluent Reuse
- In 1993, 75 out of 87 Mm3 of treated wastewater
was recharged and about 100 Mm3 (together with
groundwater) was used for agricultural irrigation
in Negev of an area of 16,000 ha of field-crops
(cotton, cereals, sunflower, etc.), fruit
plantations, vegetables, and flowers aimed for
export - Cost 0,45 US/m3
44Cyprus Larnaca PlantMeneou Area
45Plant General Characteristics
- Located behind the International Airport of
Cyprus - Operation started in 1995, and reuse for
irrigation purposes in 2000 - Design capacity 8,500 m3/d In summer 5,500
m3/d and in winter 4,500 m3/d
46Treatment Technology
47Sand Filtration Unit
Irrigation Pumping Station
Sludge Drying Beds
Filter Press
48Effluent Quality
Parameter Value Removal Efficiency
pH 7.5 -
Total EC/100 ml 5 -
Intes. EC/100 ml 0 -
S.S (mg/l) 1.7 99.46
BOD5 (mg/l) 2.6 99.37
COD (mg/l) 56 93.1
N-NH3 (mg/l) 2.4 96.76
N-NO3 (mg/l) 6.9 -
Total N 8.5 90.22
Conductivity mS/cm 3.4 -
Parameter Value Removal Efficiency
Cl 555 2.97
B 0.8 -
P 0.6 92.04
Cd lt0.01 -
Cu 0.01 -
Ni 0.06 -
Pb 1.87 -
Zn 0.35 -
Cr III lt0.01 -
Residual Cl 0.2 -
49Effluent Reuse
- Irrigation of 150 ha of corn and alfalfa at
Dromolaxia Village these started to grow
noticeably fast - Irrigation, during the summer season, of gardens,
parks and fields owned by hotels, the
International Airport and Larnaca Municipality - Cost 0.5 /m3
50Other Success StoriesMediterranean Region
51Country Name of the Plant Capacity m3/day Treatment Technology Reuse Application Cost
Jordan Al Samra 150,000 3 trains of ponds 2 anaerobic, 4 facultative, 4 maturation Irrigation of 500 ha of olive trees, forest area, fodder crops and non-restricted vegetables for experiments NA
Morocco City of Drargua 600 Primary treatment (aerobic basins), secondary treatment (sand filters), tertiary treatment Irrigation of 6 ha of alfalfa, tomatoes, zucchini, corn and grass NA
Tunisia Cebela 100,000 NA Irrigation of 3,200 ha of cereals (wheat, barley, triticale and hay), golf courses, green belts, hotel gardens, orchards 0.003 /m3
Turkey Gaziantep 200,000 Primary treatment, secondary treatment (Activated Sludge) Irrigation of 8,000 ha of edible crops, vegetables and nearby fields NA
52Success StoriesNon-Mediterranean Region
53AustraliaBolivar Project
54Plant Characteristics
- Developed in 1999-2002
- Flow 150,000 m3/day
- Treats urban and industrial wastewater
- Serves Adelaide and Gawler-Elizabeth-Salisbury
regions in South Australia
Tanks and Lagoons
Tertiary Treatment Plant
55Treatment Technology
Screening and Grit Removal
Pre-Aeration Tanks
Primary Sedimentation
Activated Sludge
Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration
Settlement Tanks
Oxidation Ponds
Chlorine Disinfection
Aquifer Storage Recovery
Sludge Stabilization Ponds
Pre-Aeration Tanks
56Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
57Effluent Quality
Bolivar WWTP Effluent Bolivar WWTP Effluent
Parameter Value
pH 6.9
Temperature C 18.3
EC/100 ml -
DO (mg/l) 6
TSS (mg/l) -
TN (mg/l) 7.8
TP (mg/l) 2.3
TOC (mg/l) 20.1
Conductivity (µS/cm) 1,975
ASR System Effluent ASR System Effluent
Parameter Value
pH 7.06
Temperature C 22.7
EC/100 ml 0
DO (mg/l) 0
TSS (mg/l) 1
TN (mg/l) 15.6
TP (mg/l) 0.24
TOC (mg/l) 10.6
Conductivity (µS/cm) 2,470
Achievement of quality required for
non-restricted irrigation!
58Effluent Reuse
- Irrigation of 3,500 ha of vegetables across the
Northern Adelaide Plains through Virginia
Pipeline Scheme (see Green area on photo) - Watering of plant lawns and gardens
- Cleaning and flushing of equipment inside the
plant - Cost Construction 53 Million AU and Operation
0.12 AU/m3
59USA California
60Wastewater Reuse in California
- Wastewater reuse has been practiced since 1890
- Historically, agricultural reuse has been
practiced - Over the last decade landscape irrigation in
urban areas and groundwater recharge have been
increasingly practiced
61Major Wastewater Reclamation Systems
Wastewater Treatment Plant Name Reclaimed Water Delivery m3/d
San Jose Creek 67,101
City of Bakersfield 56,875
Whittier Narrows 53,648
City of Modesto 48,630
Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area Facilities 46,284
Pamona 32,435
Laguna 31,560
Michelson 29,536
City of Bakersfield 26,447
City of Tulare 21,114
Lancaster 18,539
South Tahoe 17,184
Total 449,355
62Types of Crops Irrigated
Food Crops Food Crops Non-Food Crops
Apples Grapes Alfalfa
Asparagus Lettuce Christmas trees
Avocados Maize Clover
Barley Peaches Cotton
Beans Peppers Eucalyptus trees
Broccoli Pistachios Flower seeds
Cabbage Plums Hay
Cauliflower Squash Maize
Celery Sugarbeets Sod
Citrus Wheat Vegetable seeds
Other trees
63Monterey Wastewater Reclamation Study for
Agriculture (1980)
- A pilot tertiary reclamation plant (employing two
parallel tertiary treatment units) was added to
Castroville 1500 m3/day-WWTP - Dechlorination of final effluent was practiced
till 1983 and was stopped afterwards -
- The objective is to study full-scale farm
practices using reclaimed municipal wastewater
64Pilot Study Details
- Two 5-ha experimental plots were used in the
lower Salinas Valley - On one plot, artichokes were grown
- On the other, a succession of broccoli,
cauliflower, lettuce and celery - The plots were intended to provide data on crop
response to two variables - Irrigation water type (T22 effluent, FE effluent,
well water) - Fertilization rate (33, 66, 100)
65Pilot Study Results Treated Effluent Quality
- Salinity in the reclaimed effluents was a bit
high, but not so high as to cause soil
permeability problems - Coliform levels of reclaimed effluents met the
most stringent of the California Wastewater
Reclamation Criteria - The reclaimed effluents had levels of heavy
metals an order of magnitude lower than the metal
input from impurities in commercial fertilizers
66Pilot Study Results Plant Tissues
- Analysis of plant edible tissues showed that
there was no difference, between plants irrigated
with reclaimed effluents and plants irrigated
with well water, in the level of - Heavy metals
- Total and Faecal Coliforms
67Pilot Study Results Crop Yield
- Celery and broccoli crops gave higher yield with
the reclaimed effluent irrigation - Yields of lettuce and celery showed interaction
of water type and fertilization reclaimed
wastewater irrigation improved yields in
unfertilized plots but had little effect on plots
receiving fertilizers - Artichoke yields were similar with all three
irrigation water types - Reductions of up to 33 of fertilizer application
were possible when reclaimed wastewater is used
68Other Pilot Study Results
- No leaf damage due to residual chlorine (thats
why dechlorination practice was stopped in 1983) - No difference in plant appearance for all 3 types
of irrigation water - Cold storage tests showed no unexpected
deterioration of produce - The shelf life of produce irrigated with
reclaimed wastewater was sometimes superior to
that irrigated with well water - No adverse impacts in terms of soil or
groundwater quality degradation - No health problems with project personnel
69Monterey Regional Wastewater Treatment and
Recycling Plant
- In 1992-1997, Monterey Regional Water Pollution
Agency and Monterey County Water Resources Agency
developed two projects - A Water Recycling Facility at the Regional
Treatment Plant - A distribution system including 45 miles of
pipeline and 22 supplemental wells - The Plant employs the Title 22 (T22) treatment
70Effluent Reuse
- The project produced 8,000 m3/day of reclaimed
wastewater distributed to farmlands in the
Northern Salinas Valley for food crops irrigation - Technicians perform frequent water quality tests
to monitor the system - During rainy season, excess water is safely
discharged 2 miles away in the Monterey Bay
71(No Transcript)